Liuguang said, then he went out with the mink in his arms.

It's full of aura. He needs to help mink speed up his cultivation.

And the people in the room, all of them are obsessed with admiring, unwilling to leave for a long time.

Until tilt blue, suddenly hoarse ask: "this, this is hibernation?"? Ten months' sleep? "

This one broke the strange silence, and the bursts of crying rose again.

Linglie clenched her fist and checked the layout with Qiao Yekang.

Next door, there are four beds with upper, middle and lower bunks. All the bedding is ready. That is to say, it can accommodate 12 people to have a rest at the same time.

In the living room, there are simple cooking utensils and seasonings, as well as solar energy pressure cooker and high-pressure electronic kettle. Because the altitude of this place is too high, the general food is not cooked.

Bags of rice, fruits and vegetables, and meat are all placed on the shelves next to them.

Qiao Yekang went to linglie and said, "keep the food fresh as much as possible. We will come up every three days to provide ingredients."

"After all, it's a place with high altitude. Pay attention to the soldiers' bodies. If you find any discomfort, take it back." Linglie looks at the soldiers at the door. They are only eighteen or nine years old. The biggest one is similar to Yunxuan.

Thinking of his admiration for the accident, he could easily take into account the parents of these children and worry about their fear at home.

When the soldiers heard linglie's words, all the tiger bodies shook: "I will be loyal to your majesty! Make sure you finish the task! "

Qiao Yekang looked at the time and said carefully: "Your Majesty, it's time to go back. This is not a place to stay. "

Linglie looks at the small cave that they have set up as solid as gold, and he has nothing else to do to stay, but out of the cave, he is the king of a country, holding a hair and moving his whole body!

Immediately nodded a head, he looked at the direction of admiring the room, said: "father and mother, little darling, we should go back."

"So fast?" Bella's hands are on the transparent wall of the border, and her beautiful face is full of tears.

Linglie looked at it and went up to it tenderly and said: "Bella, come back to the palace with us, and let your Shiyi give you a good conditioning. You see, you're thin again. When Qingmu wakes up, it will hurt to see you thin. "

Bella is biting her lips, looking at the adoration in deep sleep, a heart is almost cut into many small pieces, so painful!

She subconsciously thought of steak, and suddenly cried, "I don't want steak! Wuwu ~ I don't want to eat steak any more! "

All the people looked at her inexplicably and did not understand what she said.

And linglie and Ni Xiyue appease her repeatedly: "good, no steak, no steak! No steak in Yueya bay! "

With that, linglie hugs Mu Tianxing and Ni Xiyue hugs Luo jiebu.

Deep eyes swept the children, linglie promised: "every month in the future, we come here to watch and admire."

Bella looked at her admiring quietly. She didn't know whether she could bear the baby after these four days' efforts. She just hoped that God would not be too cruel to her. She had not lived a few days since she was born.

Even though we were reluctant to part with each other, we finally got on the plane.

When she came, Bella was sitting on the edge of adoration's small bed. When she went back, she went directly to that small bed, with her watch with adoration couple on her wrist. She closed her eyes and tried not to cry again.

Admiration, no matter life or death, I will give you happiness.

But Yunxuan also asked to stay with the soldiers, but linglie didn't agree.

We waited for about ten minutes on the plane. Liuguang came back with the mink. As soon as he entered the cabin, the mink jumped into his arms. After occupying his arms, he was willing to make a pillow for wiping tears for him.

Liuguang looked at linglie and said, "don't worry, your majesty. I come here every morning when I come out to practice with mink."

Linglie nodded and motioned for Liuguang to sit down: "it's hard for you."

As a result, the plane soon flew into the blue sky, and also flew to the dream of admiration.

The proud man of heaven, lying alone in his stone bedroom, is waiting for his future.

Bella went back to the bedroom with rojeb and them.

And Qing Lan said goodbye to Qingya, and asked Qiao Yekang to send her back to Qiao's house, and he himself went back to school.

Qing Rong also returned to the military academy. Before he left, he sent the mink back to Ji's home.

Everything seems to have returned to peace.

But the day without admiration is the most difficult day for Luo family.

First of all, Bella went back to the bedroom and lay on the bed of adoration. In addition to the basic physiological needs of human beings, she was lying like this, motionless.

This reminds Mu Tianxing of waiting for his uncle like this when he was young.

They think of many ways to make Bella cheerful, but they have no effect.

Finally, the next evening, Shen and his wife arrived at the palace.

When they see their daughter lying in bed, she will only be dazed. They are both distressed and worried. They can't even imagine whether their only child will follow the adoration if the adoration can't be kept in the end.

Mrs. Ji dare not cry in front of her daughter for fear that she will be more stimulated.

She could only cry in her husband's arms in the bedroom for her and her husband.

Shen and his wife stayed in the dormitory for two days, and then began to persuade Bella to go to New York with them, but Bella never wanted to.

Later, if anyone asked her to leave, she would raise her hand to cover her ears and not scream.

The luojiebu couple and linglie couple are very distressed. At last, luojiebu directly sends the spleen airway: "your family of three will live in the dormitory safely! This is my granddaughter-in-law. She doesn't live in the royal family. She lives in her mother's house. Is that right

He loved Bella so much that he fell in love with Bella.

In particular, lojeb could not forget the words he promised to adore: he would love Bella as adore.

And all of them don't know, Bella's just waiting.

She wanted to know if she was pregnant.

I've heard that the first three months are the most important. If you don't pay attention to it, you will have a miscarriage.

So, in addition to eating and drinking Lhasa, she lies on the bed, which is the most safe way to have a baby; secondly, sleeping in the room where adore grew up and looking at the pictures of her childhood on the ceiling, she always has the feeling that adore never left her.

Over time, Bella has developed the habit of talking to herself in the daytime --

"adoration, where do you sleep, cold or not? Shall I see you next month? "

"Adore, will our baby be twins, one for your parents, one for my parents..."

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