The night was bleak and the wind was cold.

In ancient times, the moon was very big, the light was very bright, and the sky was very clear. Even at night, you can see the clouds in the sky.

In the broad and gorgeous carriage, the tilting feather was shaken, and the stomach was uncomfortable.

There is a small orange lamp hanging on the top of the carriage. The light and shadow are mottled, which clearly outlines her sad expression.

She lifted up the curtain and looked at her eyes. The driver was the coachman of the general's mansion and the cook who was on the way. They were all sitting outside with thick cotton hats and coats.

From the expression of their whispering and laughing, Qing Yu knew that they seemed to be in a good mood.

She took two deep breaths. The air outside the car was fresh, but her pink cheeks couldn't stand the pain of the cold wind like a knife.

Put down the curtain, she sat back and said, "sure enough, the ancients are different from the people today. The ancients can resist bumping. I feel like I'm going to throw up."

The venerable smiled and found a delicate porcelain vase in his arms. He handed it over: "take one."

Tilt feather took the small bottle, white hands just opened the cork, the car immediately overflowed with a light smell of fragrance, refreshing, clear senses.

She quickly poured out a pill and put it into her mouth. Before she had time for the fine product, the pill had turned into a spring and flowed to her throat.

"Master, what is this?"

"Snow lotus in Tianshan mountain can detoxify hundreds of poisons, dredge the spleen and stomach, clear the liver and clear the eyes. It's used to cure your little carsickness. Although it's a big deal, it's also used to make my lover smile again. "

"Qing Yu smiled:" thank you, master

She knows that in these days, all the treasures in Xueshan medicine factory and what she needs are in her stomach.

After seeing Ji Xuehao, she asked, "would you like to have one too? Carsick? "

Ji Xuehao has a good body and a good foundation. He learned Taiji Boxing since he was a child, which is better than tilting feather: "he doesn't get carsick. However, I haven't tasted the elixir of Tianshan snow lotus...... "

Just as he was about to stretch out his hand, the venerable man snatched the small bottle back and put it into his arms and said, "this pill is also mixed with some rare and wonderful medicine which is helpful for internal skill. You can't take it!"

Ji Xuehao was stunned and puzzled.

The most excellent gene of his parents is perfectly inherited by the youth '.

"Master, you have always been generous. How can you not give up a pill now?"

"Little fool!" The venerable looked at his innocent little apprentice helplessly, and said in front of Ji Xuehao: "you have mastered lightness skill now, but he can't. And his martial arts cultivation is from childhood. You can't compare with him. If I can help you catch up with him, I will help you catch up with him. If you want to stand beside him, you can't be too weak. You can't be too far away from him, but you can't be bullied in the future! "

"Ha ha" ~ "

the hot spring water on the snow mountain is slowly rippling, and the warm smile of the youth is instantly rendered in this world.

Not only was he not angry at the words of the venerable, but he was in a good mood and bent his mouth.

Because of his smile, Qing Yu's eyes brightened up with crystal, and he also got the intoxicating smile.

The venerable turned his back, as if he didn't want his little apprentice to be so easy to be dealt with by Ji Xuehao. Suddenly he took the little apprentice's hand and said, "go, now it's the best time to practice lightness skills. Let's go back to the medicine shop first!"


Tilt feather has not yet reflected, the person has been taken out of the carriage easily by the venerable.

Ji Xuehao hurriedly lifted the curtain and saw two figures of floating dust removal disappear in the sky.

In the air, only the coachman tut Tut's praise: "it's worthy of being a snow mountain master. Flying skill is really amazing!"

Ji Xuehao clenched his fists and watched Qianyu disappear. His heart suddenly emptied and his panic was boundless!

He found that, because of the separation of the two people after the crossing, he was already scared and could not let the beloved girl out of his sight!

-- he wanted to learn lightness skills, online and so on, but he was anxious --

Bela just spent two weeks fooling around like this.

She found on the Internet that the earliest measurement time of pregnancy test paper was 14 days.

Therefore, she had been clean in the morning, and dressed herself beautifully. When she went down from the room to have breakfast, the lojebs, linglie and Shen Dichen all felt happy!

Is it possible that the child has figured it out and passed the low tide?

That's right. It's only when she's good, good to eat, good to drink and good to live a good life. She's white and fat. When she wakes up, she'll feel at ease!

Bella was in a very good mood to say hello to the elders one by one: "Grandpa Huang, grandma Huang early!"! Father, emperor and mother! Good morning, daddy and Mommy! "

Qu Shiwen is also happy to see her. She quickly pulls back her chair. She smiles and sits down quietly: "shiyizao!"

"Ha ha, you are early."

"Eat, Bella. Look, today's shrimp crystal dumpling made by your Shiyi is very delicious!"

"Yes, Bella, you have more."

Everyone greeted her and put the best food on her plate.

Before that, they all ate at the bottom, and qushiwen carried them up.

Now, while eating, she said with a smile, "let's eat together. The atmosphere is good!"

Mrs. Shen is almost crying. To be honest, she almost thought her daughter was going to be abandoned: "darling, you like it. We will accompany you to eat like this every day!"

Bella nodded, glanced around with some guilt, and said, "I'm sorry that I've worried you all these days. I will live a positive and sunny life in the future, wait patiently and quietly for admiration, and I will not be so depressed again. "

Moreover, as long as after a while pregnancy test confirmed that she was pregnant with the adored baby, she believed that she would be the happiest girl in the world!

Bella's pupils twinkled with excited tears. Thinking of her and her adored baby, she quickly opened her mouth and stuffed a lot of food into it!

The hearts of the elders are all down to earth!

Mu Tianxing said to Shen and his wife, "Bella, please don't go to New York, just follow me to deal with government affairs, just like my mother took me. Let's invite the tutor to study in the dormitories. Next summer, let her take part in the college entrance examination and have a try! "

Shen Dichen and his wife nodded their heads. At this time, they couldn't bring Bella back to New York.

Bella, on the other hand, suddenly thought of something and said, "Oh, by the way, I suddenly want to go shopping! You don't have to accompany me. I'm like a stroller! "

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