No one expected the muyize couple to come.

Even so, linglie stood up as the first one, went forward and hugged Jiang Xin and mu Yize with a warm smile: "Mom and Dad! Welcome! "

All the people on the sofa got up and looked at them with a smile.

Mu Tianxing also came to hold Jiang Xin's shoulder: "Mom, did you have dinner? Why didn't you say a word before you came? "

Quickly took Jiang Xin's suitcase and handed it to Yunxuan on one side: "take it up."

Not waiting for Jiang Xin's answer, Luo jiebu shook hands with mu Yize and said, "my family, I know you both don't like plane meals. Ha ha, let Ashi prepare them for you?"

For a while, the atmosphere seemed very good, showing the joy and warmth of reunion.

But as soon as mu Yize spoke, Shen Dichen was not happy.

Moyize said: "OK, OK, we just have to endure it for the sake of the skill of Ashi! We remember the dinner time in the bedroom very clearly. Ha ha ha, Xiao lie, let's have dinner! "

As soon as Zhuo ran heard this, he went into the kitchen and told Qu Shiwen to prepare the meal.

And Shen's mind inevitably has an idea: linglie is the emperor, and then the father-in-law, it should be called your majesty.

In all the constitutional monarchies in history, no matter how many women the emperor married, who of those elders dared to call the emperor by his first name?

Think about the Qiao family again. The Qiao family and the Luo family belong to the descendants of general Ling Yu. Even their uncles don't call their names directly to the princes, but they know how to call the grand highness, the second highness and the third highness in a courteous way. That's all.

In the future, if his son-in-law adores his superiors, will moyize still call his name directly?

With a meaningful smile on his lips, Shen took his wife to shake hands with mu Yize and his wife.

He seemed to show nothing when talking and laughing, but in his heart he had a new idea for the muyize couple: the couple, who are just muddleheaded, never put their positions clearly!

Mu Tianxing explained with a smile that she had eaten in advance tonight, so let's talk in the living room now. She accompanied them to have dinner in the dining room.

And just after Mu Tianxing left with his parents in his right hand and left hand, Shen Dichen said with teasing humor: "I think it's better not to wake up, third highness."

People were shocked, and Shen immediately reminded: "his so-called Qing Junxi, in the first batch, there should be people who call him by his name! At that time, the queen will be upset. "

In fact, the lojeb and his wife have their own opinions on the matter that the muyize and his wife call linglie by his first name.

In private, the dormitories are closed for calling. That's all. But in many court banquets, when Mr. and Mrs. muyize are invited to come, they are so straightforward in front of the ministers and relatives of the emperor.

The soldiers who live and die for the country dare not, the ministers who work hard for the people day and night dare not, the elders who are Ling lie of the Luo clan dare not, but the Yize couple dare not!

They think the couple's name is linglie Xiaolie, so can they.

They didn't really think about where the lojebs had retreated from and what kind of aura they had, and where could they compete?

Shen Di Chen's words, or do not think, think carefully afraid of deep!

After a little discussion, we decided not to tell Mr. and Mrs. muyize what happened recently.

If they come for the blue wedding, let them go to Qiao's house to meet a nail. If they can break Qiao's mouth, it's a good thing. If they can't break it, they will lose money. If they are bored, they will leave naturally.

The next day.

When mu Yize and his wife came down from the upstairs in full dress and jubilation, people were shocked to find something wrong.

After they sat down, Bella waited for a while, and then dinner began.

Moyize sits at the table, the delicate tableware in front of him are all luxury products of a European royal private brand. Even a knife, spoon and stirring stick look like works of art.

He didn't know where the superiority came from. Anyway, he said confidently: "Xiaolie, I brought some gifts, all of which were carefully selected, but I'm afraid it's not enough. You ask Tianxing to take out some more in your safe. Anyway, it's also for Qingya's family. It's also a field of fat water that doesn't flow to outsiders. "

Linglie smiled: "well, after breakfast, let Xiaogui see what presents her parents have prepared. If there is anything missing, let Xiaogui make up for it!"

Mu Tianxing also smiled: "Dad, it's not enough to talk about marriage now. You don't have to be so extravagant. Today you go, that is to say, to visit. The gift is the first one to go to Qiao's house. Naturally, it can't be given as the next employee did. "

Mu Yize is not happy: "when we visit for the first time, they will know how much we value elegance and have a better impression on us. Besides, isn't today Saturday? Why hasn't Qinglan come back? Heaven star, you'd better let someone connect the tilt blue. We'll take the tilt blue with us. "

The lojebs don't speak.

Because they can't talk. If they do, they will make their son and daughter-in-law embarrassed.

It's Mrs. Shen. Suddenly she looks at mu Yize in a surprised and half joking way: "eh, Mr. mu, you didn't express your admiration for the next appointment. Today it's the turn of Qinglan. You have offered not to count it, and you need your majesty and queen to add more points. Mr. mu, grandson of triplets, your bowl of water is not flat enough. "

With that, she looked at Shen Dichen innocently with another face: "Mr. Mu has sent us something?"

Shen Di Chen shook his head. "No."

She asked Ni Xiyue again, "did you send something to Ji Jia?"

Ni Xiyue is embarrassed: "no, no!"

Mrs. Shen looked at Jiang Xin as if she was suddenly enlightened. "Oh, so you only sent it to Qiao's family?"

Mr. and Mrs. muyize were suddenly said by Mrs. Shen. Both old faces were a little hung up. They were red and white all of a sudden!

Just to find a way to explain, Mrs. Shen added: "it seems that not only hasn't been sent to us, but also hasn't been employed for such a small amount of shares. So, our Shen family is very short of money recently. There are some problems in several factories in New York. There are several branches, and they haven't paid wages for months. In fact, we don't want to admit that we are very difficult recently. After all, people need face. But in case, in case the conditions of Qiao's opening are too rich, if we can't help, we'd better say it in advance, but also save you misunderstanding that we didn't give it on purpose. After all, we are all family members. We need to understand each other. "

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