"You fool! No wonder Leng ye said that you have intelligence, but you are not good enough! "

Mu Yize's face was iron and green, and he said, "can you compare with Qing Rong and Qing mu? They are emperor and general. What do you have? You are a Lingyun international! Lingyun international sounds big, but what's the use? Better than Ni? Biedergie? Better than Shen? "

"Grandpa!" Tilt blue is broken.

Mu Yize went on to educate: "it's not the world's number one or two business tycoons. As early as several generations go back, Ling Xunhe still has a good reputation, but later generations are not as good as one! If I had not worked hard for so many years to control and develop, could I have the scale now? You don't know how hard I worked with your grandmother! "

"Yes!" Jiang Xin also followed: "we have worked hard for you to lay down this foundation, which is yours! It's all for your service! How can I love you? Someone else is throwing a lot of gold to help me! What about you? Who else can think for you besides us? "


Tilt blue clenched fist, angrily in the car and the open space between the lake back and forth three times, the speed is particularly fast!

He suddenly turned around and stared at Mr. and Mrs. muyize. He said, "what you said sounds like a way to stir up a quarrel! I am also the son of my father and mother! It's also the grandson of Grandpa and grandma! If there's anything wrong with me, they will worry about me as anxious as big brother and adoration! I'm different not because I'm really different, but because you have to look at me differently from them! We are triplets. What's the difference? You are self righteous to me, self righteous to impose things on me, I think you are the world's most love me, so I should listen to you the most, or you will be unbalanced! But, Grandpa and grandma, true love is unrequited. I have never asked you to be different from me. You impose yourself on me and force me to comply with the results you want! I am a human! It's not the kittens and dogs you raise, or the robots you set up in advance to be obedient! "

Tilt blue hair crazy red eyes, to Mu Yize couple a roar!

After roaring, he saw the moyize couple froze there without any reaction. He had a kind of heartfelt sense of powerlessness.

Cloud Xuan stood on one side, looking at the same side face as Qinglan and adoration, and suddenly felt good about him.

And tilt blue to have a turn suddenly, Mao sufficient strength rushed into the house.

He suddenly had a feeling that he wanted to escape from the world where there was no muyize couple.

After looking at tilt blue to leave, Jiang Xin suddenly spoke: "this child, still small, do not understand, teach slowly."

Mu Yize also nodded. He put the gift box into Yunxuan's arms, took his wife's bag in one hand, and also put it into Yunxuan's arms: "when he grows up, he will know how powerful he is when he is used to the world's climate. As I said, the brothers of the same father and mother will grow up and become their own families in the future, with an annual salary of one million yuan and only tens of thousands a year; a villa and a tube house; will the rich brother give the poor brother any financial help? If you give me a note, I will not give my brother's villa! This is my brother. He knows how to settle accounts, but he doesn't understand! "

Mu Yize took his wife's hand and blew a blow by the lake. Then he went to the gate of the palace side by side.

However, a voice suddenly came from behind: "if one day, I live better than my brother, no matter whether I am married or not, no matter whether I have children or not, whatever I can help, no matter how strong or how much money I have, I can help without borrowing. It was not taught me by others, but by his royal highness. "

Yun Xuan finished, carrying the gift box upstairs, and put all the gift boxes back into the room of the muyize couple.

Mr. and Mrs. muyize shook their heads and sighed: "this silly child is also adored and brainwashed. I adore that kid. He's a thief! "

Bella is alone and half lying on the sofa in the hall watching TV. Sweetness is waiting on her side. On the tea table in front of her, there are half a bowl of delicious blood swallow that hasn't been finished. In several small cups, there are also rare tropical fruits, all of which are warm and rich in vitamins.

There are some fruits that Mr. and Mrs. muyize haven't seen.

As soon as they approached, Bella quickly smiled and took up her blanket and gave it to Tiantian. Then she sat down in a proper way: "Grandpa and grandma!"

Mr. and Mrs. muyize smiled: "good children, good children, we Bela are more and more beautiful."

Up to now, Jiang Xin feels that Bella is the most beautiful one. It's a pity that she admires the little fox.

In private, she also complained with mu Yize. Fortunately, she later sent them elegant photos. The real appearance of Qingya is beautiful, and their hearts are slightly balanced.

Looking at several kinds of food in front of Bella, Jiang Xin felt that he had never enjoyed such treatment since he had been to the dormitory for so many years.

Then he frowned: "Bella, are you recovering from a serious illness? If you don't, you'll eat so much money for a casual snack by yourself! "

Mu Yize suddenly thought of something, looked at Bella in shock, and said, "when we came back last night, everyone was talking about what's pregnant or not, isn't it you?"

Bella's face was pale without a trace of blood!

And Jiang Xin was also surprised and immediately stood up: "Yeah, adoration should be in foreign language college now, and you should also be in New York. How did you come back? Is it safe? "

"Me, me I don't know what they said about pregnancy, but it's definitely not me! "

Bella seldom lies. She is an honest person in her heart, so when she deceives people, she makes the 15-year-old sweetheart feel anxious for her.

A grain of sweat on the forehead seeped out, tongue tied, unreasonable, angry, and pale face is nothing to replace!

Jiang Xin, like finding the new world, raised her finger to Bella and was about to say something. Tian Tian was in a hurry and shouted, "that's my pregnancy! I have a baby with Doudou! "

Yunxuan just put the gift box upstairs, and heard Tiantian shouting!

He was so scared that he couldn't get back to his senses. Then he saw Tiantian running nervously, grabbed Yunxuan's hand and said: "it's not the princess who is pregnant, it's me! Don't get me wrong! "

Yun Xuan immediately understood what was going on, and he clenched sweet hands on his back: "well, it's like this."

Next second, all is quiet!

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