Yunxuan was shocked by Sweet's words, and his cell phone almost didn't catch it.

Hurriedly looked up at her, and quickly avoided, handsome cheeks suddenly burst red.

Don't wait for Yunxuan to think clearly, suddenly, bursts of water from the roof pouring down, and to Yunxuan surprised.

He quickly opened the door and went down, looking at his wet car, looking at the breeze with a big basin on the balcony: "what are you doing?"

"Dawdling! Watch out for your cooked duck! Confession! Hand in hand after confession! Window shopping! Buy a couple ring! Couples Necklace! Send roses! Watch movie! Hold her when watching horror movies! I said, "are you a pig?"

Xiao Feng is really worried. He just stands on the balcony when he comes back.

As a result, Yunxuan's car stopped there and didn't leave!

This fool!

Xiaofeng felt that the emperor was not in a hurry to die as a eunuch: "little girl is very beautiful. If you don't do it, please give it to me!"

This sentence, at last, is to excite Yunxuan!

Yunxuan almost didn't jump up: "OK! All right! I'm gone! "

Back in the car, Yunxuan wiped all the water drops on the windshield with a wiper with a cold face.

Then take a deep breath and try to remember what my brother told him.

He looked at Tian Tian and asked carefully: "Tian Tian, I am 7 years older than you. Would you like to be with me? My condition is just like this. You have seen and understood my parents, family and occupation. Sweet, if you promise to be with me, my father is kind to my mother, I will be better to you. "

Tiantian looks at him, his hands clinging to the steering wheel, his eyes cleaning up the tense waves, the waves are silent, but they make her intoxicated.

The girl grinned and said, "are we considered as early love?"

Yunxuan shook his head: "I'm not early. If it's too early for you, I can wait for you. "

"What are you waiting for me?" She chuckled.

"When you grow up, I will fall in love with you." He said solemnly.

Sweet: "

Looking closely at the flame in his eyes, she knew that he was not hard to get or lying. He was a man who could do what he said.

Can really wait until a few years later to fall in love, cauliflower are cold!

She won't forget how many little girls in the dorm stick to him every day!

She frowned and asked directly, "do you like me?"

Yunxuan sips her lips, wants to kiss her, and expresses it with action.

Because some words he never said in his life, he felt strange before he said them.

But when I think of her, she is only 15 years old, and I feel that I can't kiss her anymore. It's too much of a beast.

So, he tried to adjust his breathing, or stretched out his hand, gently took her hand, put it in his palm, and looked at her: "sweet, I like you. I love it. "

It's the first time to say such a pretentious sentence, but after opening up, Yunxuan finds that it's not so hard to show her heart to the girl she likes.

So he gazed at her beautiful eyes and confessed softly: "I didn't know I liked you until you left last time. I want to get along with you again and again, and finally understand that maybe because of my afterknowledge, I hurt you inadvertently. Sweet, I am afraid that you will not come back, standing in front of the prince 's ward with red eyes, I feel sad. When his royal highness saw you, he told me that he would surely let the emperor bring you back. "

Sweet heard his words, shy face involuntarily dyed with a peach blossom, and smiled.

In fact, she didn't plan to come back that time.

When he took him to the airport, he explained the previous things. She thought about Yunxuan's character.

But, like is like, is a very delicate feeling, the first love she can not resist, also can not completely arbitrary to control.

After returning to the bamboo villa, the luojiebu couple said a lot of good things about Yunxuan in front of her. Ni Xiyue even talked to her specifically and explained Doudou's simple kindness.

So this time she came back with the rojebs.



Whoa, whoa!

Three pots of water poured directly from upstairs!

Yunxuan and Tiantian are sitting in the car. They are confused!

Yunxuan quickly takes out his mobile phone to call Xiaofeng. As soon as the other party answers, he clenches his teeth and shouts, "stop pouring! I have already confessed! "

The voice is very loud, the sweet side of the cry chuckles, and then this smile is like the swaying mountain flowers in the mountain stream, which keeps smiling brilliantly.

After shouting, Yunxuan realized that he was out of shape and closed his eyes!

In my heart, the teeth of hate are itchy!

This meddler!

Xiaofeng paused at the end of the phone for two seconds, then the voice showed a trace of guilt, saying: "Oh, you have confessed? I thought you were stuttering and dawdling after you stopped so long! "

"You're stuttering! When did I stutter from childhood? "

"Then go quickly! What do you stop there for? Waste a good time! "

"It's about to go!"

"Ah, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm finished now. Let me go to the street with you to have a breath! Wait for me, I'm coming down! "

"Sorry, I don't need a 1200 watt glow around me!"

After the call, Yunxuan immediately drove away and took Tiantian away.

Xiaofeng stood on the balcony, looking at his brother's car going away, smiled: "silly, come on!"

Yunxuan originally wanted to take Tiantian to the city for a date. As a result, when the car was about to drive to the city, Zhuo ran back by phone and said, "the doctor said that the mink was injured when he was practicing on the snow mountain today. Your Highness has already hurried to the Shen family. You can also go there and have a look. If you need anything, you can serve at any time. "

"OK." Yunxuan immediately took the line, turned the car around and told Tiantian the story.

Tiantian is also nervous: "is it serious? If you get hurt on the snow mountain, will it be a fall? "

"When the mink cultivates, the medicine doctor must be on the side, and the fall injury must be more than that. Maybe it's another injury. I'll see it in the past. " Yunxuan said, finding that Tiantian's voice was tense, he knew that she was a warm-hearted girl, and said, "don't worry, if it's serious, she won't stay at home, and she will be sent to the hospital early."

In a moment -

when Yunxuan arrived at the Shen family, so did Qingrong.

When you drop the door, you rush in!

Ji Qingchen and his wife are not at home, only the housekeeper is at home. They asked about the situation, but the housekeeper didn't know three things.

Qing Rong rushed upstairs and went to the room he thought about.

As a result, as soon as the door opened, he saw a 14-5-year-old girl, dressed in a long white dress, standing in front of the floor window and looking at him.

Her face looks like a shooting star, which makes her look amazing.

The sunlight outside the window, plating her long silver white hair with a layer of natural crystal film, makes her whole person feel crystal clear, like the white moonlight in autumn.

She saw the appearance that tilt to allow completely silly, smiled: "suddenly change body, streamer is afraid that I change back in a while, bring me back quickly, so that you can see me."

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