
Shen did not understand.

Linglie immediately separated the mobile phone and explained to him, "it's the English name of Qinglan."

He hurriedly told Zhuoshi at the other end of the mobile phone: "after the acquisition, you and Xiaofeng first secretly stare at all the operations of the group, let Xiaofeng practice more, turn around, and let Xiaofeng follow Qinglan to do things."

"Yes." Zhuoshi immediately agreed, and said: "Lingyun international shares, small retail investors are the majority, I will start from here, but may need to start treasury funds."

Linglie smiles.

A constitutional monarchy has this advantage. The Treasury belongs to his majesty. He can use it as he wants.

"Good." Linglie agrees.

After the call, he reluctantly took the mobile phone back to his pocket, and his innocent face was harmless with a smile, saying: "after so many years of accession to the throne, I was the first time to use the treasury funds for power and personal gain."

Looking at Shen's playful eyes, he said: "brother Shen is satisfied with this way of handling?"

Shen Di Chen squints, and the smart brain moves quickly.

Where is he giving Bella a breath?

He's clearly adding to the blue!

"Even if Lingyun international acquired, the shares held by Mr. and Mrs. muyize will turn into cash sooner or later. You use your own Treasury money to quietly fill in the value of the shares held by Mr. and Mrs. muyize, which means that you have made a big circle and finally exchanged the money for the shares held by Mr. and Mrs. muyize. And the muyize couple worked hard all their lives, took the money and retired. Even if they were not balanced in their hearts, their resentment disappeared once they checked that the purchaser was in the name of the second highness. Even if they don't have their own children, they will regard the second highness as their grandchildren. Even if they have money in their hands, they will give it to the second highness in the future. "

Shen Di Chen said, and came to a conclusion: "you let them fight for you for more than ten years, and then hand over to the second highness with no regrets. At last, he took a large amount of money and was reluctant to eat or spend, and gave it to the second highness again! Your majesty is worthy of your majesty. It is willing to work for your majesty, and the final benefit is that the fertile water will not flow into the fields! "

"Cough." Linglie coughs awkwardly.

Pulling the hand of Mu Tianxing, he looked at Shen Dichen and said: "brother Shen doesn't want to say such a red fruit. My father-in-law and mother-in-law have worked hard for so many years, and they have no credit or hard work. It's not appropriate for me as a son-in-law to ask them to leave. In this way, it's more tactful. Moreover, when purchasing, they will certainly convert their money into cash and give it to them. They won't get nothing out of nothing! "

Shen didn't want to talk.

Who can be an emperor is not a schemer?

How can I manage all the big and small things in the world?

However, it is also a happy thing to let linglie step down the muyize couple in advance: "OK!"

That night, Mrs. Shen finally came out of Bella's room.

Seeing her husband and linglie's husband sitting on the sofa in the hall, she followed them down and said, "Bella is sleeping. All those supplements have been eaten. "

Said, she thought some strange, then asked: "but the medicine is very strange, I don't seem to have seen."

"It's the medicine doctor who ordered us to add it today, as if it's the medicine doctor who picked it from the snow mountain," explains qushiwen's party records

In this way, everyone is relieved.

Before saying anything else, mu Yize and Jiang Xin suddenly came down from upstairs with big suitcases.

Mu Tianxing's heart is empty. He quickly stands up and says, "what's wrong with you, mom and dad?"

Ling lie, the founder of the figurine, also stood up, but he was silent. Shen's eyes were quiet, and people could not see any emotions.

Mu Yize came down and said anxiously, "I asked my secretary to make a flight back to m city at night! There's something wrong with Lingyun's share price. We suspect that someone intentionally wants to buy! "

Jiang Xin also said hurriedly: "Oh, no, we have to go quickly!"

"Yes, send!"

Linglie ordered to go down, Zhuo ran immediately pulled their suitcases and sent them out.

Looking at the way their parents left in a hurry, their eyes were red.

Linglie patted her shoulder and said, "this is the best ending."

Shen Di Chen nodded and said, "Your Majesty, you really love the queen!"

He took his wife's hand and went upstairs to rest. Just after the door was closed, his wife asked, "why did you say that your majesty loves the queen so much? Isn't that what everyone knows? "

Shen Di Chen smiles.

He explained earnestly with a face: "because if we wait any longer, our admiration may clear the monarch's side. At that time, the muyize couple will have nothing, or even worse. The heart of adoration is originally cruel. If you can break through this life and death pass, I'm afraid it will be more cruel than before! His majesty is also for fear of the future. When she adores the fight, the queen is sad and sad, so she will fight for it. "

Mrs. Shen was surprised: "Your Majesty has started?"

Shen Dichen nodded: "Your Majesty really impressed me today. More than one arrow, you can play with ease! "

On the street -

Yunxuan takes Doudou to the cinema.

They used to have dinner at Shen's house, but his majesty said that only when he asked them to go out for a while could they have time to date.

After listening to Xiaofeng's words, she chose a horror film "the immortal complains". As a result, Tiantian was not afraid at all. The more she saw it, the more excited she became. On the contrary, Yunxuan had several scenes that scared her eyes off, and she dared not watch more.

Come out from the cinema, what when she is afraid to hold her, such welfare, cloud Xuan has never experienced!

He was holding the box of the unfinished popcorn bucket gloomily. When it was over, he went out with Tiantian.

Tiantian suddenly takes off all the things in his hand, runs to throw them into the garbage can, and comes back and says to him: "brother Doudou, let's go back! I suddenly remembered that we can watch horror movies with computers in our rooms! "

Looking at the little girl with Venus in her eyes, Yunxuan suddenly felt that he didn't like ordinary girls.

As soon as he patted his forehead, he thought gloomily: there is no mechanism in the world that the girl can't solve. She hasn't been to any gloomy and horrible place. I'm afraid that she has practiced in the tomb. He took her to see horror movies. Isn't it white blind?

It's him, pathetic, who hasn't had a chance to see a movie in his life.

Once in a while, I followed zhuoran and his wife out to have a look. They also printed some European and American blockbusters. I chose the midnight scene where his majesty all fell asleep.

So, he hasn't seen such a scary horror movie!

Looking around, he felt chilly all around him!

And sweet see him this pair of cautious appearance, smile more happy!

She felt that God was helping her!

If it wasn't for today, she didn't know that Doudou, who looked fearless, would be afraid of this?

Step forward, she held his arms and shook them: "brother Doudou, are you ok? Go back and watch two more with me! "

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