Listening to Yunxuan, who is tall and seven years older than herself, saying such words to herself, Sweet's heart suddenly derived a touch.

He'll admit in front of himself that he's afraid.

"Brother Doudou." She buried her head quietly in his chest and felt full of strength: "you are willing to be honest for me, and I am willing to be brave for you once."

Her voice was a little small, with a touch of pleasure in her coyness.

His hands clung to the sides of his suit, let go a little bit, and swam to his chest.

The girl plucked up her courage to be brave for her beloved man once. She slightly pushed herself up and tried to stand up. She remembered that her mobile phone was on the bedside table on the other side. Turning on the function of flashlight could light up the world.

As for the ghosts and gods, she told herself not to think.

This must be a broken line, it must be!

However, as soon as her arms were up, Yunxuan pressed her back.

Because her weight is all on her body, Yunxuan has the illusion that she is really alive. He doesn't want to ask how he has survived for so many years, but at this moment, he clearly hears his heartbeat.


Because of what she said just now, Yunxuan's heart has a depressed sense of guilt.

He was not honest with her, but she was willing to be brave for him.

Mingming was so scared when she was frightened and screamed. He would never forget the speed and strength she tried to drill into her arms, which made him so excited.

He turned over and pressed her under the bed, then leaned up and said, "wait, I'll see."

At that moment, however, the lights in the room all lit up.

The TV screen also lights up, but it stops on the web channel selection page instead of continuing to play the unfinished film.

The sound frequency is followed by elegant piano chords, which can soothe people's hearts.

Cloud Xuan is pressing sweet like this. When all lights up, both of them are embarrassed and dare not move.

As his arms slightly propped up, so that the head and sweet opened a little distance, so that he can more clearly see the girl's shy and bewildered face.

Sweet also looked at him and said foolishly, "it's dawn."

Cloud Xuan swallowed saliva, some do not understand why now in the 15 year old girl has been able to develop so well, some women should have some mature characteristics, she has all.

He quickly turned sideways and got up. His face was also flushed: "cough, I don't want to watch the movie. You have an early rest. "

Tiantian, who was empty, sat up in embarrassment and said, "well. But if I'm afraid at night, can I call you? "


He looked at the half open window, stepped forward, closed it and drew the curtains.

He knew that everything in the bedroom had electronic control and far-infrared control, so he thought it was necessary to have a good talk with his mother.

Turning around, he put his hands in the pocket of his trousers and smiled politely at her gentleman, "good night!"

"Good night!" Tian Tian raises her little paw and shakes it at him. She can't hide her loss.

She is so small that Yunxuan wants to kiss her.

But she's only fifteen. He can't.

Resolutely turned around, he left the sweet room, and light and thoughtful to help her close the door.

Yunxuan kills zhuoran suite directly.

When I went in, I saw my mother leaning on my father's shoulder innocently, watching TV and eating fruits, as if everything just happened had nothing to do with her.

Seeing him come in, Qu Shiwen was even a little surprised: "have you finished watching the movie?"

Yunxuan picked up his eyebrows, and Yizheng said: "Tiantian is only 15 years old. You play those tricks and scare me out of my heart attack! Dad, please be rational and take care of your wife! "

With that, he walked away without looking back.

Zhuo ran touched his nose and looked at qushiwen: "my son is ungrateful."

Qu Shiwen put the fruit tray on the table and said, "I just can't see the progress! If there's any real progress, he'll come in and thank me, not get angry with me! "

Zhuo ran also convinced her: "Tian Tian is only 15 years old. What substantive progress do you want them to make?"

"At least we need to officially confirm the relationship between men and women? Kiss and hug, doesn't it matter? I didn't say that I had to do that. You're still true. You're really a whore. You see whores and wise men see wisdom! "

"How do you know they're not making progress?"

"How do you know they're making progress?"

"Doudou's suit is wrinkled!"


After being reminded by Zhuo ran, the thief laughed: "Hey, it seems that my smile is still useful! The revolution has not yet been successful. We need to work hard! "

And Tian Tian takes a bath in her room, blows her hair dry and lies on the bed, tossing and turning around.

Open your eyes and close your eyes. It's full of pictures just getting along with Yunxuan.

All of a sudden, she thought that time could go back once, so that she could feel brother Doudou's broad and warm embrace again.

She came to the door on tiptoe. When she opened the door, she found that under the door of Yunxuan room, there was a bright light.

He hasn't slept yet.

The little girl closed the door and rushed to her big bed. She took her mobile phone and texted Yunxuan: "are you thinking about me?"

Over there, after waiting for a long time, I came back with one: "mmm."

Thinking of Yunxuan's words like gold, Tiantian had mixed feelings in her heart, and sent another: "when I came, my family said that when they met more men than they said, they were worth marrying."

This time, Yunxuan dare not give her a word back.

If he doesn't speak, will he make her feel worthy of marriage?

Tiantian waits for a long time, but when she sees him, she keeps silent and asks, "sleeping?"

He quickly recovered: "No."

Tiantian is stunned, and then wants to understand the same chuckle, and sends a sentence to him: "want me to marry you?"

Yunxuan paused for two seconds, and returned, "well."

"What can I do? I have insomnia. You are all running around in my mind. Can you have a rest? I'm sleepy and want to sleep, but I can't sleep because of you. "

She made a series of complaints.

Wait, wait. I never see Yunxuan's reply.

Just when she tooted her mouth and was not happy, the door suddenly rang twice.

She was shocked for a moment, ran to open the door and saw Yunxuan standing in front of him in the blue and coffee Plaid pajamas of cotton long sleeved trousers.

Sweet little face a red, looked back at the clock on the eye wall, already fast: "you?"

It's so late. He's a big man standing at her door in his pajamas. What's the matter?

Although, she really wants to miss him, and he looks gentle in his pajamas!

Yunxuan looks at her, with a comfortable smile on the corner of her mouth: "I will not run around, just stay by your bed and watch you sleep. I'll go when you're asleep. "

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