Originally, everyone was immersed in the atmosphere of sadness and emotion.

But because of Bella's voice of crying and laughing, people were all amused. A wave of laughter was like an irresistible beautiful movement.

"Ha ha, ha ha ~"

"ha ha!"


Everyone laughed, and even Bella later stopped her tears and laughed.

Mu Tianxing tightens her hand and says: "I adored the accident before. My uncle comforted me and said that our Luo family has worked for the country and the people for so many years without any credit. God would not do this to us. Every time he said that, every time the situation of admiration was worse, and later I was desperate, and felt that this was the soul soup he cooked for me. But now, Bella, you are the noble of our Luo family, the gospel, the angel from heaven. All the beautiful words in the world can be used for you. Really, Bella, thank you very much! "

On the other side, Tian Tian put her hands together on her chest and blushed with emotion.

Suddenly something warm caressed her cheek and wiped away the crystal tears.

She stared at Yunxuan's bright eyes, thinking of what he had just said to the palace man, and suddenly felt very happy: "no wonder the ancestors always said in my ear, chaimi oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar tea is the basis of life, the most ordinary day is the happiest."

Yunxuan smiled and whispered to her, "I am a normal person, so I can't bring you a great love. His royal highness is the crown prince. If you want to wear his crown, you must bear its weight. He is destined to be an extraordinary person, and will naturally have an extraordinary love and life. Sweet, what I can give you is my parents' love. It's dull and busy. It's simple, but it's a long stream. "

Sweet smile at him: "I just like your plain busy, simple, but long flowing."

Zhuo ran stood aside and was very happy to hear Tiantian's words. He thought that it was a great blessing for his ancestors to teach a good child to his family Doudou. He was more proud to hear Doudou's words. His life with Qu Shiwen was his son's yearning. He was his son's idol!

Tilt blue from upstairs.

Looking at the mess below, he was shocked and rushed to everyone in front of him. Then he looked at Mu Tianxing pulling Bella's clothes and said, "this dress looks good. I'll go shopping with you today when my mother has time. Let's buy more maternity products and baby products!"

The blue head exploded!

He listened to Mrs. Shen again and said with a smile, "I'll go too! What color do we Beira wear? I know! "

Linglie said immediately: "look what you are talking about! We Bela look good in all colors! "

"Yes, yes, it is!" Shen burst into laughter

Tilt blue to cover mouth, can't believe to ask loudly: "Bella is pregnant?"

In a word, the noisy hall was suddenly silent!

Bella stares at tilt blue nervously. Maybe it's because of the relationship of missing and admiring. She looks at tilt Blue's face, but she can't move her eyes.

Even she began to fantasize about how she would react if she was still here and knew the news.

Linglie was afraid to say anything bad to Qinglan, and vigilantly said: "yes, we are very happy that Bella has the children she adores."

Tilt blue to think a little bit, thought of Qing Ya in private to their initiative, and how righteous they are to refuse!

He suddenly understood how Bella was conceived!

What a tough girl!

He excitedly raised his legs in place and jumped for a while, then rushed up to hold Bella, picked her up and put her down!

Everyone's freaked out!

"Tilt blue!"

"Your Highness!"

"Be light!"

"Slow down!"

Tilt blue to put Bella back on the ground, hands as if tied by a hedgehog immediately open, brilliant face even if a little embarrassed, but still can't restrain the excitement and excitement: "I'm so happy, ha ha, forget you are pregnant, ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Bella, you are a mine! Oh no, no, you're a rocket! Oh no, no, you are my idol! Really! "

Bella chuckled and looked at the blue.

Suddenly, she said, "can you close your eyes?"

Tilt blue Leng for a while.

Everyone followed for a moment.

He obediently closed his eyes, Bella took out her mobile phone, went to the side of tilt blue, and suddenly with a smile, she took a photo with tilt blue who closed her eyes.

With the sound of "click", everyone's heart began to ache.

She has adored the baby, most want to tell people, is Adoration?

She can't see the admiration, can't find the admiration, so she uses the blue to express her missing, right?

Tilt blue close eyes, tears have fallen: "Bella, I'm sorry."

If he didn't go to Beiyue to save Qingya, his admiration would not come here, so Qinglan suddenly didn't know how to deal with Bella, filled with guilt.

Instead, Bella raised her hand and thumped him on the shoulder: "open your eyes! I'm done. Stop it. I'm sorry. Before you because of guilt, want to break up with Qingya, adore all sad for a long time, lying in the hospital all day do not eat. So don't break up! "

Tilt blue continuously nods, but still can't restrain to fall tears: "good, don't break up."

Linglie is afraid of Bella's starvation, so she quickly says, "go, eat!"

"Good! I'm hungry. "

"I'm hungry, Bella. Let's eat more."

"Why, what about Grandpa and grandma?"

"Qinglan, they went back to m City, and I'll tell you later."

"Well, eat first."

"Wait for grandpa and grandma?"

"No, they didn't go to bed until late last night. When they are old, let them make up for it."

There is peace in the palace.

It seems that no matter what kind of wind and rain they have experienced, they can't bend the straight back of Luo's family.

And Bella also in the concern of all people, a little bit put down the pressure, eyes of tears gradually convergence, the corner of the rainbow slowly up.

Looking at his daughter's happy appearance, Shen Di Chen felt uneasy in silence.

Can't he see that the little girl takes great pains to have a baby?

She probably wanted to wait for her admiration to disappear. She died for love, but left a baby, so that he and his wife would not despair of life completely.

But ah, Shen said quietly in his heart: silly Bella, the daughter is the daughter, this kind of flesh and blood relationship, the pain of loss, they have tasted it once, how can she bear to let them taste it again?

Shen sees his daughter's intention, but he dare not tell his wife.

Mr. and Mrs. rojeb slept late last night. He also went to see them together with linglie, said his worries, and then we worked together.

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