Young white fingertips, gently touch the root at the bottom of the snow lotus, the moment to pull up, he clearly felt a snake letter tightly wrapped around his waist!

Ji Xuehao was born with the calm temperament of Tai Mountain collapsing in front of him.

He still slowly pulled off the snow lotus, although his heart is also nervous, I do not know the next second, waiting for his life or death.

All of a sudden, a snake's head screams wildly in his left and right ears!

The young man's body was lifted into the air by snake Xinzi, and then he was severely thrown into the abyss on the edge of the cliff!

Ji Xuehao took a deep breath of regret and felt the effect of gravity drooping. He firmly grasped the snow lotus in his hand and said, "tilt feather, goodbye."

Goodbye, I hope his soul will be converted and he can see his relatives in the modern society after a hundred years.

"This flower is so beautiful. Send it to me!"

The girl's clear and sweet voice suddenly rang in her ear. Ji Xuehao only felt that his descending speed slowed down, and his right arm was tightly held in his arms.

When he opened his eyes, he saw his holy little face facing the light and looking at the top of the cliff. She used the raised stone at her feet and the dagger stained with blood in her hands to use the lightness skill to take him gradually towards the safety zone.

When Qianyu finally arrived at the foot of the mountain with him safely, the figure of two people snuggling together was covered with golden sunset, full of joy.

Ji Xuehao calmed his breath for a while, then pulled over her body and kissed her red lips. The feeling of the afterlife was filled with this deep and hot kiss, which swept the reason of Qianyu like a sea roar.

The dagger in his hand fell on the ground, stained with the blood of the tail of three snakes, dyed a small piece of white snow red, and sacrificed the dead who had been devoured by three snakes in the past years!

Ji Xuehao hugs her dearly, letting time go by little, but he doesn't want to let her go anyway.

And in the air, suddenly a sad female voice swept up: "husband!"

Ji Xuehao suddenly leaned over his head to protect his arms.

Looking around, the golden bead stood in the snow, on the stone road a hundred meters away.

Behind her was a splendid carriage with many servants.

Her eyes were glued to Ji Xuehao, and she even stared at the little man in his arms with spitting jealousy: "husband!"

Open legs, she strides toward their direction to run past!

Qingyu is sad. She hates to hear someone call her favorite young husband. As soon as her temper comes up, she bites her teeth and mentions Ji Xuehao's arm, which is swept away in front of Jinzhu.

"She came to you!" "I'd rather marry you with a rooster, a widow, or a woman. I'd rather venture into the snow mountain and find you. How infatuated!"

Ji Xuehao smiled helplessly.

When she and he fell on a big Bluestone behind the three snakes, they looked around and saw that the tail of the three snakes was seven inches, which was cut off by the tilting feather!

It shivers and shivers in pain on the ground. The black blood is like all kinds of evil, pouring out from its body. Even the holy snow can't purify it!

"It's not dead." Ji Xuehao thought that he almost died here before, but he said in a cold voice: "it seems that in the legend, it's not enough to beat a snake seven inches. What about the medicine? "

"I'll take whatever is buried around."

As she said, she rose in the air and took out the hidden snake repellent herbs and snake killing herbs, as well as some poisons, Ma boiling powder and other herbs that could be used. When the three headed snake was seriously injured and couldn't get up, she opened a bag of them and threw them accurately into its blood pot and wound again!

After several twists and turns, she found that the three headed snake closed its eyes completely and did not wake up.

Chui Yu summoned up his courage and raised his dagger to stab one of the three snakes in the head!

Ji Xuehao finds out her intention and hurries to stop: "wait!"

Tilt feather air beautiful spin a body, steady fly back, fell in front of Ji Xuehao: "what's the matter? It's getting dark. Let's kill it and take it back! "

Ji Xuehao pulled her, took the dagger from her hand, and wiped the sweat on her forehead: "Master said, give us 12 hours in total. What's the hurry. It has three heads, and even if you can't move it now, you always have the strength to open your mouth and swallow it. I'm not afraid of anything else. I'm afraid of its cunning. What if it pretends to die and waits for you? "

"Then, we are waiting like this?" he said

"Well." Ji Xuehao smiled: "make a fire and keep it here. After tomorrow's dawn, if it still sleeps here like this, it means it's really dead."

Leaning on Ji Xuehao '.

Although cold and desolate, she was content with him.

All the creatures on this Yuwei peak have been eaten up by the three headed snakes. Ji Xuehao leads Qianyu to find a hole not far away to hide the wind. Here, the fire will not be extinguished. You can gather some heat, and you can see all the three headed snakes' bodies in the night from afar.

Ji Xuehao found some dry food in his arms and ate it separately with Qianyu. When they were thirsty, they grabbed a clean white snow plug and imported it.

He looked at Qing Yu and thought that she and Bella had never experienced such a bad environment when they were wandering in China, right?

Now, she can rely on him. They talk and laugh.

The moon in the sky is big and round. Ji Xuehao thinks of his relatives in the distance: "I don't know if the literature at this time can be spread to modern times. Here comes the golden bead. If I asked the golden bead to record the Bloodstone as an antidote in the history of gubeiyue, would our modern relatives see it? Will that save your brother? "

"Tilt feather is silent, sigh again lightly:" who knows. However, Jinzhu likes you so much. If you coax her, she will do everything for you. "

Ji Xuehao is shocked.

He glanced sideways at the jealous little face of Qing Yu, and suddenly realized that she was fresh and lovely: "little fool! I'll go back with you sooner or later. Jinzhu, to me, nothing! "

Tilt feather smiled, she saw the three snakes not far away again, way: "you don't say, that streamer medicine doctor likes to eat snakes? Shall we take the three headed snake back to it? Anyway, it's icy and snowy. Snake meat is dug three feet down. It's still fresh when walking! This snake has lived for hundreds of years, and it was killed by us hundreds of years ago. When it comes back to Liuguang's mouth, it's more than a thousand years of snake meat! "

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