"In the three headed snake's nest of Yuwei peak, there is a small marrow washing pool, which can help people to be reborn. However, you may experience some unbearable pain. After washing the marrow, being a teacher can make sure that your constitution is free from the kidney disease inherited by your family. Would you like to have a try? "

The words of the venerable, with a heavy heart and a long heart, pass Ji Xuehao's ear.

In fact, he was worried.

When eating in Yueya Bay, he knew that the queen didn't want her daughter to be with him. Later, linglie emperor persuaded the queen.

Liuguang has also seen him, but only to ensure that he will not have physical problems in the next ten or twenty years, but what's the use of ten or twenty years?

What he needs is a completely healthy body that can completely get rid of the worries of disease, so as to accompany him for a long time.

Almost without hesitation, the boy agreed, "OK!"

The venerable man nodded his head, returned to his desk solemnly and wrote down a prescription, then handed it to Qing Yu and said, "go to get the medicine, pack up some clothes, let's go to Yuwei peak!"

Tilt feather to nod hard, take prescription to run!

After thinking about it, the venerable thought that it would be more secure to take a few more caterpillar fungus life extending pills. He opened the study door and walked out. At the same time, he told the drug slave, "keep the study!"

Not far away -

Jinzhu has been waiting for Ji Xuehao's news.

She is nervous and expectant, for fear that things will change, and constantly comfort herself that they will not, will not.

Seeing that tilt feather ran out of the study quickly, she was very happy and thought that it must be that tilt feather couldn't accept it, so she ran away.

Looking at Ji Xuehao, she is even more happy when she doesn't catch up with Qing Yu.

After a while, the venerable also came out in a hurry. Jinzhu looked and thought that Ji Xuehao should be left alone in the hut.

Drooping eyes tidied up the clothes, raised her hand and put on the top cap again. She went to the study with full confidence.

When Jin Zhu passed by, just about to approach, a drug slave came over and stopped him and said, "princess, the venerable's study, no one is allowed to enter."

"I am the wife and daughter-in-law of the great apprentice of the venerable. Naturally, I am not an outsider. Since you know I'm a princess, how dare you stop me, a little drug slave? Where do you live? Have both parents and brothers lived enough? "

As soon as the threatening words came out, the drug slaves were afraid to speak.

Jin Zhu reached out and pushed hard, then pushed the drug slave to one side.

Reach out and open the simple wooden door with the fragrance of herbs. The mood of golden bead has never been sunny.

However, what surprised Jin Zhu even more was that Ji Xuehao was lying on the couch with his eyes closed, his broad flowing cloud sleeves were placed on the edge of the bed smoothly, his clothes were open, and his white but strong chest was exposed. He wore silver needles on his chest, and looked down his chest. The beautiful scenery extended all the way to his waist, and then was covered by his pants waist.

Ancient ethics was so heavy that Jinzhu saw the body of a man for the first time.

Even if she didn't see the key parts, her heart would jump out nervously.

She walked to Ji Xuehao step by step. She did not dare to wake him up. She was afraid that when he woke up, the beautiful scenery in front of her would never be seen again.

Sitting quietly beside the couch, the Golden Pearl's cheeks are getting redder and redder.

She took Ji Xuehao's hand and held it to her fingers.

But Ji Xuehao frowned with his eyes closed: "tilt feather?"

What he said is Ningyu, which Jinzhu naturally doesn't understand.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond and the atmosphere was strange, Ji Xuehao tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't move at all.

He wanted to draw back, but he couldn't move at all.

Only the frown gets tighter and tighter, and the bad feeling in my heart gradually increases: "who are you? Jin Zhu? Don't touch me! "

The boy's voice is weak.

To be too weak becomes the gentleness of a drowning man.

Jinzhu was a little sad at first, but looking at him like this, she felt that even if he could blame her after free movement, she was also worth: "husband, how are you here alone? Are you uncomfortable?"

Sure enough!

It's a golden pearl!

Ji Xuehao pressed his lips tightly for fear that he would misunderstand when he came back.

Jin Zhu raised her hand and gently helped Ji Xuehao wipe off the sweat on her forehead. She said with concern, "husband, how can you sweat?"

This is snow mountain. The temperature is very low. He opened his coat again. It's naturally cold.

"Don't touch me!" Ji said, almost gnashing his teeth

This woman's hand touched his forehead. It's really Sick of him!

The golden bead doesn't care. She laughs: "my husband, before the big marriage, my nurse taught me how to practice. I know how to make you happy even if you don't become a man or a woman. If you and I don't have the reality of husband and wife, it doesn't mean that you and I have broken your boy body, right?"

"Go away!" Ji Xuehao's patience has reached the limit!

Feeling that Jinzhu's little hand was removing his belt, he had to drink angrily again: "roll!"

Who knows this moment, anger attack heart, Ji Xuehao a blood directly spray, spray on the face of the gold bead, also fall on his own face, chest.

Jin Zhu was frightened. She hurriedly took back her hand and rushed to the door of the study and shouted desperately, "come on! Help! Come! "

The drug slave came to have a look and hurriedly went to the backyard to ask for a medicine doctor.

And tilt feather to fly to come very quickly, she is holding two baggage in hand, one face is staring at Jin Zhu!

At one moment, Jinzhu was frightened by her momentum, and even a little cowered. But soon she calmed down and said, "help my husband!"

Qingyu rushes into the study, puts the package aside, and painfully wipes the blood stains on Ji Xuehao's body: "Xuehao, Ji Xuehao? How are you doing? "

Ji Xuehao heard her voice, and her heart was at peace. Before she fell into a coma, she said in a pleading and coquetting voice, "don't leave me, hold me, and don't let go."

The next second, his neck tilted and he fainted.

Qing Yu has been probing his pulse, knowing that he is in a coma, but still carefully guarding him.

But Jinzhu looks at her dominating Ji Xuehao's body all the time, and gets angry from it: "my husband likes you in ordinary days, and I let you alone. Now my husband is seriously injured, and it should be my wife..."

Voice did not fall, an invisible hand came out of the sky, and directly beat the golden bead out of the window!

As soon as her body took off, there were also wooden planks on the windows.

The venerable man came in with a cold face and looked at the two disciples on the couch. His heart was heavy.

"Master, let's go to Yuwei peak," said Qianyu


When the venerable one feeds a pill to Ji Xuehao's mouth, Ji Xuehao is forced by luck to swallow it in a coma.

In fear of trouble from the northern moon king, Qing Yu said, "master, is Jinzhu going to be ok?"

"I can't die!" His study, is not a cat and a dog can come in?

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