Gold beads stand at the entrance of the cave, with delicate make-up painted on their bright faces, waiting to meet their beloved man all the time.

The clothes on her body are also brand-new. They are all elaborately made by the best embroiderer. They are colorful and set off her gorgeous age.

There is no comparison between the two. She looks at the style and is very beautiful. With the help of the two, her style seems to be a little dusty.

See the venerable come out, she tiptoe toward the hole to look, but a black paint, she can't see anything.

Remembering the words of the venerable in her heart, she hurriedly replied, "yu'er? I didn't see her! "

The venerable narrowed his eyes, glanced at his followers who were shaking with fear behind the golden bead.

Don't you see?

Who are you kidding!

When he died, he didn't want to come out. He used his palms to send out the cave. If there was no accident, even if there was a knife in the sky, he would be guarding Ji Xuehao in the cave!

He immediately seized the wind and overturned the most powerful of them: "say! Tell me quickly, where is yu'er? "

In the eyes of the followers, the most powerful staff slaves are not the opponents of the venerable!

As expected, the martial arts of the venerable are immeasurable. Both those who offend the venerable and those who offend Jinzhu are dead, but the way of death is different from sooner or later!

Two people fell on their knees and begged for mercy: "yes, Princess Jinzhu asked us to push Miss Baiyu off the cliff. We didn't dare. Then, he gave Miss Baiyu a stick and beat her off the cliff!"

The venerable directly threw the staff slave down the cliff!

"Shut up!" Jinzhu watched, almost scared out of her wits!

At that time, she scolded him fiercely and looked at the venerable one meekly. Jin Zhu said, "master, it's not like this. This retinue has a feud with me! She said nothing! "

"Go away!"

The venerable one roars, turns around and enters the cave!

As soon as the stone gate fell, all the attendants except the staff and slaves hurriedly ran away from the snow and did not dare to stay beside the gold bead.

In the door -

the venerable man anxiously went to Ji Xuehao.

At this moment, Ji Xuehao seemed to open his eyes with all his strength and try to keep a smile: "tilt..."

The voice came to an abrupt end!

He didn't see the feathers that bound the venerable to come in.

That's all. The venerable's face is still angry. What's the matter?

"Master, what's the matter with Qing Yu?"

Ji Xuehao's skin has just faded, and his new skin is as tender as a baby, which highlights his temperament.

The young man's eyebrows were filled with worries about his lover. Looking at the master's wordless tone, he sat up from the pool in a hurry!


The young man's heartrending cry came, frightening the venerable to hold him down!

"You don't want to die! The first seven days and the second seven days, now you dare to try again! Your bone structure is changing. You can't move it at will. Be careful if you are half paralyzed or not dead. You've got it! "

The words of the venerable are not alarmist.

He helped Ji Xuehao to lie down slowly. He fumbled for one side on a row of vertebrae behind him and said with a little relief, "lie still!"

However, Ji Xuehao held tightly to his clothes: "master! How is Qianyu? "

The venerable man sipped his lips and looked at his eyes: "wait for me to have a look first."

When he was an apprentice, he took the tip of his tongue blood with a silver needle and injected it into the jade card with jade soul when he was unconscious. When a person is in the jade, he will die. If a person is injured, the jade will be chapped to varying degrees according to the degree of injury.

Under the light of Yingying candle, the jade brand of Qianyu is bright and glossy. The jade is delicate and moist, and no crack can be found.

The venerable can't help but relax, turn around and look at Ji Xuehao, and say, "lie down, I'll talk about it."

Ji Xuehao nodded his head, endured the pain in the deep bone, and said, "OK!"

The venerable said again uneasily, "first of all, I want to tell you that yu'er is OK. She is very good, so don't get excited."

Ji Xuehao is confused, and the venerable goes on: "just now I didn't see yu'er outside, but saw Jin Zhu. I asked her servant, and then I knew that yu'er had been beaten off the cliff by Jin Zhu!"

Ji Xuehao's heart sank suddenly!

If it wasn't for the venerable who just told him that tilt Yu was very good, he estimated that when he heard the news, he would not be able to live any longer!

There were tears in his eyes. He was hiding thousands of apologies. He didn't tell her that he didn't take good care of her. He caused her to shed so many tears. He nearly separated her from herself. He caused her to forget their past. He also caused her to be hit off the cliff by the golden bead

"Qing, Shifu? She... "

"If I didn't guess wrong, she should have been lucky and hit Kyle."

"Well? Senior brother? "

"It's like this. I sent moye's eyes and ears to find out that the place where red Qi was imprisoned is Yuwei peak, where..."

The venerable said to Ji Xuehao carefully. Finally, he said: "so, you should settle down and become immortal after you leave the pass. You can save Qi'er and yu'er without fear of the poisonous gas in the yuweifeng lake."

Back to the candlestick, he poured all the precious new herbs on Ji Xuehao, like a salt bath.

"My dear disciple, take good care of your breath, keep your energy up, and don't think of anything else. If you really worry about yu'er, you should work hard and strive for a successful exit. "

The venerable was surprised to find that Ji Xuehao's hair, eyebrows and even long and thin eyelashes were all shining with strange brilliance under the light of candle light.

I didn't expect that the hair quality and color had changed.

The venerable continued to apply medicine to him in silence. When he applied it to his neck, he heard the young man say in a worried tone, "does senior brother Hongqi like to lean on feather? He hasn't been in love, has he? There's no one you like, right? "

The venerable suddenly remembered the joke he had played with red Qi many years ago and frowned: "he was brought here by mistake when I escorted him this evening. He was still in his infancy. Later, Kangkang came and told us all the modern things. When Kangkang went back, he originally wanted Qi'er to go back with him, but something unexpected happened. However, Qi'er's parents must know now that their son has grown up and is outstanding. They will wait for Qi'er to go back. "


"Well, the name of Beiyue kingdom is Jin. What's the surname of the kingdom? Kangkang's sweetheart, surname he, is Jinxi. She is the Royal sister of Beiyue king and the princess Jinyao of Beiyue."

"What about her? When we go back, together! "

"People are long gone. You go back to Kangkang and tell him that there are three kinds of filial piety in his eyes Make a home! "

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