"The message is absolutely blocked. Whether it's the lake's own soldiers or special team members, they dare not say a word. If anyone asks, I will say that, in the absence of his majesty today, with his Majesty's permission, the members of the special forces cooperated with their own soldiers to complete a battle drill against the attack in the palace. "

"Drill?" Linglie's contract broke into a gleam of brilliance and he asked sharply.

"Yes, exercise." Qiao Xin envied and replied earnestly: "always protect the safety of the palace and improve the combat ability of the family soldiers in the palace, yes..."

"Why not before? Why haven't you practiced in the past years? These private soldiers are all selected by Qiao Yekang. They will be finished if they go to the dormitory? Do you have regular training? Have you had regular exercises? Take the salary and eat the royal food and become cowards one by one! "

Linglie didn't seem to envy Qiao Xin.

Words and sentences show many loopholes that Qiao Xin envies, and also show Qiao Yekang's dereliction of duty due to lack of experience!

Some things, for the sake of relatives, can't wait to open one eye and close the other.

In some cases, if you make a mistake, you must apologize. If you are beaten, you must be upright.

Qiao Xin envied and was silent for two seconds. He felt that linglie was not killed by his original intention. Then he sighed: "Your Majesty, do we have to talk like this?"

They are all descendants of general Ling Yu. They should have been close.

Linglie put down her overlapping legs and smiled enchanting.

The elbows of both hands are safely placed on the knees and said, "let's talk about the marriage between blue and elegant."

Qiao Xin envy: "..."

He really hasn't seen such a shameless emperor. He took advantage of the fire repeatedly!

Think of what cool night said: tilt blue still need exercise, obviously they are in love, the future things will say.

Qiao Xin is envious to tangle a way: "Your Majesty, two Highness's affair belong to private affair, but allow later discuss.". Let's talk about the attack on the palace. "

Linglie looked at the curtain which was not far away, and answered: "well, I want Kangkang to go to the military security office to determine the responsibility first, and then balance the need to go to the military court. Now, let's talk about it later. Oh, yes, it's attacked. Let's talk about it. "

Qiao Xin envy: "..."


The threat of red fruit!

It's said that the marriage certificate of the prince and Miss Shen was issued unilaterally by rojeb, but they didn't inform the Shen family!

There is also a big royal highness and Ji family think, that is also a marriage letter said to do, to now a son's bride price and bride price have not been out!

The royal family depends on banditry to marry their daughter-in-law!

(cough) ~

"Your Majesty, there must be an adulterer in the bedroom this time. Just now when you left Yueya Bay, I went in to investigate and asked zhuoran. According to zhuoran, the entrance to the cave was made in the palace bedroom opposite the kitchen on the first floor. And the person who lived in the dormitory before was the granddaughter of Lord li of the house of Lords, Li Ting. "

Qiao Xinxian's voice just dropped. Linglie snorted coldly. He raised his chin and said to the doorplate, "do you hear me! Some women are like vipers. It's right not to choose them! "

Outside the door, the voice of Yunxuan immediately came in: "yes, please obey your Majesty's instruction!"

Qiao Xin envy tiny Leng, Ling lie then lightly explained a sentence: "Li Ting chases Doudou to be rejected, was driven out."

Thinking about Yunxuan's identity and Li Ting's family background, Qiao Xin quickly thought out: "it's so!"

He immediately told the team members: "immediately surround Lord Li's residence in the house of Lords! Control all the members in it! I'll be there in person in a moment! "

The Minister of national defense of a country gives such an order in person, but also in person. This must be highly valued by his army, and its efficiency is also conceivable.

Qiao Xin envied the end of the phone call, still thinking about why the Li adults have such a move?

It is reported that Li Ting's father has opened the door to politics. As long as he follows the regular promotion route, the talented and practical second generation of officials will always have a wider path than those without background.

Is it Li Ting's personal act? A little girl, can't she?

Linglie looked at Qiao Xin with a calm face: "I'm afraid it's not enough to control. According to Tiantian, when the terrorists caught her, they asked her if she was her highness Qingya. "

In other words, these people have dug holes from Li Ting's room, and they are also Yundan people!

This has reached the most taboo treason of the scholar above the court!

Qiao Xinxian immediately stood up: "I will catch it myself!"

Who knows, Ling lie actually pulled his military Dress Cape, way: "little uncle sits first. Kangkang's pilot license was taken at the age of 20, right

"How did your majesty think of this?" Qiao Xin envied not to be careful.

Linglie's eyes, which were as deep as an ice spring, fell on Qiao Xin's envy with a chill: "in my opinion, this flight license is just a cover. You Kangkang can fly without a plane. Kangkang knows lightness skill. What do you want to do if you don't report it to qiaojiami? "

"Your majesty! This is nothing! "

"Look at the little uncle so hard to forget, I would like to believe that this is Kangkang himself secret not to report, and little uncle has nothing to do with!"


"Then, in dealing with the issue of Kangkang, please let my uncle avoid suspicion. I will send someone else to examine and verify it carefully."


Today, linglie seems to have opened and hung. For the first time in his life, he was so indifferent to Qiao Xin's envy.

Naturally, he knew the great achievements left by Qiao family in the Luo Dynasty, but after experiencing the ups and downs of children's love, linglie's view of heartache!

What about being a king?

Still can't change jade Yan grass to save his life!

So now for linglie, whoever can get happiness for his children, no matter what the means are, even by any means, is good. As a father, he wants his children to be happy.

Qiao Xin envied and finally broke the deadlock: "Your Majesty, my Qiao family is in a high position, and my wife's commercial position in Ningguo is still prominent. If your majesty suspects Kangkang at this time, then, without assigning blame, all the guns and arrows will come towards the Qiao family!"! The Qiao family is likely to be doomed for a small matter! "

"My little uncle said a lot. How could the descendants of general linglie fall into the situation of eternal disaster? "

Looking at Qiao Xin's dignified face, he knew the killing power of the combination of "want to add sin without hesitation" and "you have to die when you want to die"!

Yapi smiled, and linglie's face was poetic and picturesque: "now, can you talk about the marriage between Qinglan and Qingya?"

Qiao Xin envied a bit: "can!"

Linglie chuckled, "don't go back to give your princess a note to play, please approve?"

Qiao Xin, standing up, and earnestly speaking to Lingli, said: "I hope your majesty will be relieved," has the final say. "

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