In the snowy cave on the top of the mountain, just after people left because of the attack on the dormitory, there was a crystal clear thing in the corner of the eyes of the sleeping boy.

No one knows if it's tears of admiration.

Because no one knows whether admiration is conscious or what it is.

In the process of the attack on the bedchamber, the mink used the spirit to summon the fleeting light, but the fleeting light didn't know where it had gone.

Too womb -

listen to linglie's heart to heart talk. Following years of tacit understanding between husband and wife, Mu Tianxing understands his painstaking efforts.

Without waiting for linglie to call Qinglan up again, she has dialed Qinglan's mobile phone to let him up.

At the same time, Mu Tianxing went out.

She felt clearly that it was not easy for linglie to be a king and father.

Tilt blue heart also has a little pain for father's hard work, after entering the performance of extra clever, first to show a handsome head, a smile towards the linglie in the door.

Light sprinkled on the back of the tilt blue, because of the backlight, the color of his eyes is not very clear.

Linglie looked at him for a moment, and was shocked. He thought he saw adoration and grinned at him like this.


As soon as Qinglan opens her mouth, linglie quickly returns to reality.

Patting the seat on his side, he looked at his child and said, "come here."

"The father is well rested?" He went over and sat down beside Ling lie.

When I was a child, I still had the memory of riding on my father's back. Even in junior high school, I still had the memory of my father holding his hand to climb the mountain. However, from senior high school, they had such intimate time with each other, which seemed rare.

It's not just him, it's even adoration.

At that time, qinglantian really thought that the father was not busy at all, but now he is busy.

But just now when he saw linglie sleeping on the sofa, he realized that father was always busy.

It's just that when their brothers were young, he took out his rest time to accompany them as much as possible, or to find the plumage.

Now, when they grow up and have new growth paths and troubles, their father will also grow up with new worries and troubles for them.

No wonder lojeb would say in private: children, or not born, to be born, do not want to live.

Linglie looks at the faint halo in the blue pupil, and tells him seriously: "why don't you agree with Qingya in the cool night?"

"Tilt blue carefully replied:" my performance and two brothers some gap

Said, he looked up at Ling lie: "father, am I humiliating you again?"

In fact, linglie also loves Qinglan. Qinglan started a little late, but she was sensible overnight.

"No. The nine sons of the dragon are different, not to mention the ordinary people. Besides, your brothers are triplets, but they are growing up from small seeds to beautiful flowers, which is the result of their efforts. We can't blame you for your seed's delay in blooming. Because, maybe one day, you will grow into a towering tree. "

Tilt blue a Leng, the heart some trance.

Linglie smiled to him gently: "no flower, no fragrance or beauty, maybe you are not the material for flower. But, you can grow into trees, tall and luxuriant branches and leaves can let you leave a shade for people, people will remember you as well. "

Teardrop was in her eyes, and the emotion of shame and emotion encouraged her to accumulate more and more uncontrollably.

Linglie sighed, leaned over and held his second son in his arms, lent him his shoulder to lean on, whether it was crying or resting, he was also the towering tree of the children.

"Qinglan, it's hard for you to grow up between Qingrong and adoration after so many years. But as you can see, Qingrong has been at odds with you since he was a child, but he always protects you when it's critical. It's needless to say that admiration is intimate to you. So Qinglan, the father wants to tell you today that liangye doesn't agree with you and Qingya very much. That's because there is a northern moon country behind Qingya. No one knows what the future situation will be like. Liangye is walking and watching. She wants to be her brother Sinan (son of Nalan court, Qingya father) and yunqingxi (Yundan XI) at the most appropriate time in the future My sister, the mother of elegance) keep a mountain and river! Also help Qingya find the most suitable man to be husband and Emperor husband! "

"Emperor Fu?"

"Yes. Emperor Fu. That is, the place where Yundan Xi wants to sit most! The emperor's husband of Beiyue has political status and state power, but all these must be supported by the empress. "

Linglie said, adding: "the feelings of cool night and Qingya's parents, we have not participated in, have not witnessed, we do not understand, but we must know how to respect. Her starting point of thinking is naturally different from our starting point of thinking. And Qinglan, have you ever thought that cool night loves Qingya like a natural daughter? Has she ever said these things to Qingya? "

Tilt blue:

Linglie saw that he heard it, and said again with a long heart: "she must have said it, and said only a lot more! But Qingya insists on being with you, that is, she wants to be with you in order to give up the inheritance right of the queen of Beiyue! She would rather give up the world than you, this is a small age but accommodate full of deep feelings! Adoration can be seen, but you still want to break up with her because of your bad mood at that time. You say, can you not let adoration worry? Bella told me that day, she adored and knew that you were going to break up with Qingya. She would stay in the hospital all day without eating or drinking! "

Tilt blue:

When Qingya was with him, he never mentioned these things in front of him. Beiyue, Huangfu, he never thought about them.

He naively thought that he would live with her in crape myrtle palace for the rest of his life.

She's his landlady, that's all.

But now through linglie's breaking, Qinglan realizes that Qingya doesn't want him to be erudite, versatile, or have any ability to make cool night overcome.

She wants him.

When you like someone and want to be with him, but don't attach any conditions, this love is too pure.

Tilt blue suddenly cried.

He is very glad to meet such a girl in this life, to give him such pure and flawless love.

Linglie felt that it was time to reason with him.

He helped his son wipe away his tears with his own hands. Holding his blue face, he said, "if you don't want to disappoint her, what should you do for her?"

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