It's been half a month since Liuguang left hospital.

During this period, he gave two classes to the Shangguan. Each time, he gave her his medical knowledge about the brain without reservation.

After all, she is a brain surgeon. In the future, she has more experience in this field. Teaching her this will be more useful for her future work.

Just this noon, the superior officer suddenly called Liuguang and said, "master, I'm going to ask for leave this weekend. I can't come to class."

Liuguang asked with a smile, "do you want to travel?"

The superior officer was silent for a while and said, "no, I'm going to get married. Take wedding photos. "

The newly married husband of Shangguan is the man whose surname is Xu. It's not because she likes it more, but because life has reached the bottleneck period. It's no fun to drag it on. As she said, if the man she likes doesn't want her, she can't die for this man.

So the superior officer decided to compromise with fate.

Wedding photos are scheduled to be taken next week. After shooting, we need to try on wedding dresses and book hotels. The wedding is initially scheduled to be two months later, that is, the 10th day of the new year.

Streamer original mood is not high, because the Shangguan this phone, is not high mood.

He wants to say: do not like, why should marry?

I'm afraid that she asked: I don't marry, do you marry me?

The bitterness in my heart has become beads, which evaporate in my eyes.

She was afraid of his embarrassment and jokingly said to him, "master, you will teach me medicine after I get married, right?"

Well, he deserves a low voice.

She said, "master, you are a royal family. I will not send you invitations when I get married, so as not to scare my family."

He made another hum, which was lower than before.

The sky is dark blue, and the lights everywhere are dazzling. The strong goshawk spreads its wings and falls on the branch opposite a window unconsciously.

Shangguan lives with his parents at present.

The parents live in the old house divided by the previous unit and a small yard. Because the place is partial, the surrounding roads have not been divided into demolition areas for several times.

However, it's a good thing for the Shangguan family, because living in the tube tower is far less than living in a small yard like this: basking in the quilt, the sun, all kinds of flowers and plants, and the life is easy and comfortable.

The eagle's eyes, even in the night, are as sharp as ever.

It saw the superior officer sitting on the table in front of the window, holding a pen and writing something one by one.

Let go of the light, let go of the spirit.

He saw that what she wrote was an invitation to get married. It was delicate with lavender lace.

It has the date and address of the wedding and the name of the bride and groom.

Liuguang didn't know why she got married so quickly, but he could imagine the pressure she faced that he didn't understand, and he was distressed to see her pale and haggard face.

However, the writer wrote that Xu Bin, the column of the bridegroom, suddenly became Luo Liuguang.

Streamer eyes, can not believe to look at.

What about her?

Still writing, I wrote five or six pieces of them before I woke up like a dream. A girl looked at her mistakes, petrified.

The streamer stares at her.

He was worried about her mood.

I want to say to her, if the relationship has not been sorted out, I will wait until it is completely put down before I get married. Don't abuse myself so much.

But what qualification does he have to speak?

In the name of master?

Shangguan looked at the name of Luo Liuguang on the invitation card. His tears fell down, and suddenly he wrinkled his face and cried.

The streamer trembled!

She raised her hands to cover her small face, shaking her shoulders, crying and not making a sound, because her family was outside.

After a long time, she tore up the wrong invitations one by one and threw them all into the garbage can.

She thought she had sorted out her thoughts and picked up her pen to write again.

In the column of the bridegroom, she spelled out the word "Xu" with all her strength. She was relieved, but she was surprised to find that what she wrote was "Xu Liuguang".

She was like fighting with herself, tearing the invitation apart in tears!

She smashed the pen on the floor!

She pushed all the invitations aside, got up, jumped back to bed, covered her head with a quilt, and cried again.

Streamer is like a sculpture, lying quietly on the branch, with two thin rivers flowing on the fluffy little face.

After a while, someone knocked at the door.

Shangguan was stiff in the bed. His mother sent her a fruit tray and asked, "have you finished the invitation? Your aunt always laughs that you are too educated to marry. Now you can marry so soon. You really give us a breath! Woman, I will get married long ago. Xu Bin is more important to you than anything else! "

She put down the fruit tray, looked at the invitation on the table, and looked at the Shangguan in the quilt, and said: "mom went out first, you are very tired in the hospital, have a good rest, and write again tomorrow if you can't finish writing."

After Shangguan's mother went out, Shangguan's figure trembled again in the quilt.

Streamer looks like this.

Unprecedented heartbreak!

I was probably too tired to cry. After half an hour or so, the superior officer did not move in the quilt.

Streamer eyes squint, spread wings to sweep past, phantom across the wall.

He fell on the floor in the shape of an adult, quietly on the wall, the shadow of his eagle.

Go up to help her pull the quilt open, show her dirty face after sleeping, streamer to see, help her pull the quilt fingers are shaking.

A little cleaning skill, to help her clean up, and give her a comfortable position.

He glanced quietly at the invitation on the table, and once again crossed the wall, spreading his wings.

Dinner in taiwomb is over.

Liuguang sits on the edge of the roof, holding a large crape myrtle mash brewed by Tangqu poetry and drinking it one mouthful at a time.

Light wine mixed with the idea of crape myrtle, long and intoxicating.

Linglie wants to talk to Qingmu. Qingmu says it's better to go to the sky to see the stars.

As soon as father and son came up, they saw the back of lonely and drunk, so heartbroken in the night.

Linglie is going forward.

He was attracted by his admiration and said in a small voice: "he knows more than us, but he can't pass the level of his own heart. It's useless to say anything. What he lacks is not truth, not comfort from his relatives, but courage to take a step forward. "

Admiring and smelling the fragrance of wine, thinking of the ending of Qing Yu's book on the moon in the ancient north, he said heartily: "father, son also wants to drink."

Linglie is slightly shocked.

He looked at the young man under the moon, just about to open his mouth, he heard Liuguang saying: "come on, your father and son. I'll leave the position and rice wine for you. I'll go back to sleep."

He stumbled to his feet and smiled, "if you don't get drunk, everyone will get drunk. When will Ashi make such a strong wine?"

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