Linglie knew that if his little son could make such a request, he would surely think of all the consequences.

But he helped his little son to analyze it carefully again.

As a father, he was full of love when he told: "adoration, you have to think clearly. If something goes wrong in this matter, it's not whether the father is willing to help you, but whether the father can protect you. "

If admiring gives up at this time, then they can think of many other ways to save Qianyu.

He took linglie's glass, which had just spilled a drop, and sent it to his lips. He asked, "father, what did you think when Grandpa asked you to recover Citigroup?"

"Then?" Linglie looked at the distant stars and recalled Citi's starry sky: "at that time, I only thought that this was a task that I could not accomplish in my next life and the next life, but my grandpa Huang actually did that to me!"

"In fact, you're done."

Admire finish saying, hook lips, drink the wine again!

After the cup was dropped, his whole life was more relaxed than ever: "I don't know about the affairs of Qingyu, but I know that as her elder brother, I can't do without knowing there is something to do. What I have to do now is easier than my father's recovery of Citi. Therefore, I should be content, and there is no reason to retreat. "

The young man got up, patted the dust on his pants, and said: "father, it's getting cold in the night. Go back. My son will go with you tomorrow morning. "

Extrauterine -

the streamer is drunk.

Because a large jar of wine was only half of what he drank.

Qu Shiwen used 20 degree rice wine combined with pure crape myrtle flower dew to make crape myrtle mash. Although the taste is fresh and fragrant, it has great potential.

Streamer has cultivation in the body, not as drunk as mud, but the consciousness is still fuzzy.

Otherwise, how could he fly to Shangguan Xiaoxiao's window again and find her in the street when he found that there was no her in the house?

Heart, lost.

Where she is, it's like where I'm going.

Never moved the flow of light in this moment a thorough insight: the feeling of falling in love with a person, is to regard her as a harbor.

But can he cross that ridge?

Liuguang stumbles and laughs, just like the mirror in his heart: there is no Bai Suzhen or Xu Xian in this world, so the love between human and snake is not true; there are Liuguang and Shangguan in this world, because they are not true, so there will be no Eagle love.

So what's the purpose of looking for her aimlessly?

In order to see her more.

In order to worry about her a girl is still outside in the middle of the night.

In order to never forget her writing his name on the wedding post, her painful struggle and her tears.

I gave myself a reason to come here: just like master and elder, take care of her for the rest of my life.

Look at other men to give her happiness, look at her childbearing, look at her old age, death, but do not cross that line with her.

Otherwise, he didn't know how to finish.

After two o'clock in the morning in the capital, the neon gradually decreased, and there were few cars on the cold streets in winter.

Shangguan Xiaoxiao came out of KTV drunk. She walked unsteadily, smiling and crying on her face.

She had planned to send wedding invitations to her colleagues in the hospital after daybreak.

Who knows that her mother said the news of her marriage when her colleagues called, and even the director and the vice president said they would celebrate for her, to celebrate her leaving single so quickly.

So, she came to KTV with a couple of wedding cards in her hand in the evening, and gave them to her colleagues, singing and drinking at the same time.

Everyone thought she was very happy.

Colleagues teased her to call Xu Bin. She giggled, "what do you want him to do in the evening? I'll see him for a lifetime. I'm afraid of visual fatigue. It's still rare now!"

Everyone thought that she was humorous or shy, but only she knew that the marriage was the face of her parents and the bitter fruit of her heart.

When Liuguang found her, she saw her colleagues cramming her into a taxi.

All the people who came out today drank too much. No one had the extra strength to send each other home. There was a kind girl who also helped the Shangguan report the family address.

When the car is gone, the streamer will fly over the car all the time and follow it all the way.

But half way through the car, I suddenly stopped at the side of the road.

Shangguan opens the door and rushes down. Her thin figure stumbles on the street, squatting under the street lamp and vomiting.

The streamer fell quietly behind her, transforming from an eagle into an adult.

The taxi driver stared at the streamer. He was so stupid that he stepped on the gas pedal to escape.

Shangguan is still vomiting, her face is full of tears, and her body can float up when the wind blows softly.

Liuguang quickly ran to the front, bought a mouthwash and a wake-up drink in the 24-hour drugstore not far away. He unscrewed the bottle and handed the mouthwash to her.

Shangguan is still sad. She feels that her parents are strangers. But when she sees the familiar hands, she raises her eyes and looks at the people in front of her with tears.

Take it in a daze.

Gargle normally.

She used all the bottles.

Her mouth was fragrant, clean and full of mint. She dropped the bottle on the ground and made a sound.

Look at Liuguang's face again, she is sure that everything in front of her is not a dream.

Her mind was a little clear, but she couldn't control her drunken body. She shook her body under the street light, raised her hand and held his face: "master? Do you miss me, so come and see me? "

Streamer put his arms around her waist and said, "don't be afraid, I will take you home. Have a good sleep and tomorrow will be fine. "

Hold her in your arms and walk slowly in the night.

His steps are actually disordered.

Just for her, he walked slowly, every step is down-to-earth, afraid of falling her.

Shangguan gradually fell asleep and sneezed in the flowing light.

On a winter night, the wind is cold.

Liu Guang twisted her eyebrows, afraid that she was ill, and saw the star hotel for a moment.

Shaking, he took her and went to the hotel.

For a moment --

Shangguan was sleeping in the bed, standing by the bed with the streamer, unscrewed the mineral water cover, and helped her up: "girl doll, open your mouth, drink the sobering potion."

The superior officer felt wronged, opened his eyes in confusion, knocked over the bottle and pill in his hand, put his arms around his neck and sat on him: "Luo Liuguang, I'm still here. For the first time, I don't want to give it to people I don't love. Do you want me, OK?"

Liuguang hugs her stiffly, and just wants to talk to her. Her mouth has been blocked by her, and her body has been pushed on the bed.

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