"Of course!"

Bella smiled and asked, "if you were not going to learn how to cook for me, how could you let me take a picture of him? Ha ha, have I found out that I'm smart? "

"Ha ha ~" the adored laughter was clear and pleasant: "well, you guessed it right."

Bella's ears are red. I didn't expect that he could do this for himself without love.

She has heard that Daddy knows that mommy likes to eat egg tarts, so she has learned to make egg tarts for Mommy. She also knows that the father and the son Yang Taigong have learned to make fish, so it's the best way to make fish. Every year when she is busy, she will choose a time to make them for her family.

They all love their families, so that's why.

Bella girl's heart overflowed and asked happily, "adore, are you in love with me?"

Adore: "..."

When Bella finished, she realized that she had said something wrong, and said quickly, "Oh, go to sleep, go to sleep, it's not early there! Good night, adoration! "

Call over!

Bella is so scared that she pinches her cell phone tighter, and her heart flutters.

And adore, also did not call again, did not send a message to her.

She missed the adoration that always held her in her arms, tightly and greasily expressed her love. It was a passionate young man, very sticky.

At that time, he would pack a backpack and rush down from upstairs recklessly to stop her car. He said to her nervously, "would you care for me?"

Bella's eyes are wet.

Raise your hand and fan hard, blink: "Shen Xinyi, be content! Be contented! Be contented! It's not easy for him now! If you don't have brains, don't ask again! Understanding him! Be considerate of him! "

In this way, I hypnotized myself and encouraged myself. Finally, the tears in Bella's eyes began to fall.

And adoration -

after he was stunned, he sat for a long time with a deep face beside the bed.

His eyelashes were slightly wet for some reason.

Those three words, Bella used to say to him when she was in the womb, every time she finished, she would look at him expectantly, but he could not respond to them.

What is it like to love someone?

I admire that this realm is so far away from myself.

His feeling for Shen Xinyi is like that she is a part of her body, an indispensable part, and a part hidden in the softest corner.

Others can provoke him, and he will let him die.

If someone makes Shen Xinyi angry, he will make his life worse than death.

He wants to live with her like this all the time. Don't make her unhappy or dangerous. He wants to watch their babies born and wonder what they will look like when they are born.

These Is it love?

He doesn't understand.

He really can't think clearly.

For a moment, the feeling of piercing heart and bone came, strong and swift. I lay down on the side of the bed directly with adoration, and my legs were slowly put into bed, and the whole person curled up.

Sweat oozed from his forehead, and he held her hair on the other wrist.

"Shen Xinyi ~ Shen Xinyi ~ Shen Xinyi"

reading her name constantly is like reading a mantra to relieve heartache.

After a while, the feeling gradually disappeared, and the admiration also fell asleep.

He woke up in the middle of the night.

When I came back, I had already taken off my coat and put on a thin sweater. When I woke up from the cold, I looked at my watch. It was 10:30 a.m. in New York.

He flashed something in his mind and called Shen.

Shen is very surprised that adoration will call at this point, because it should be the late night of Ningguo.

"Hello ~ your highness is still up late?"

"Daddy," he called out, learning Bella's tone, which made Shen Dachen feel excited: "cough, your Highness has something to say

"Bella told me before that she wanted to eat a snack. I checked it after I came back. It's called pancake fruit. Later, I wanted aunt Shi to do it for her, but I was too busy and forgot. But she just went out of the palace today and arrived in New York. The next morning, someone would sell her favorite snack at the door of her house. This is suspicious. "

Adore or say their worries.

But Shen Dichen picked up his eyebrows and smiled: "is your highness worried too much? There was a foreign student who had been in China for several years before. After returning home, he sold pancakes and fruits on the street and then sold them. This kind of thing is not without

Adoration did not agree: "I was still hibernating in the last attack on the palace, and I failed to rush to the first scene. However, there is a problem that hovers in my mind all the time, which makes me feel very confused. "

Shen Di Chen smiled softly: "what?"

The young man opened his mouth without thinking, because he had thought for many times, and had no answer: "if these people are sure to come for the sake of elegance, why do they have to steal under the palace? It's not more convenient to steal holes directly under the Summer Pavilion of Qiao's family? "

Shen Di Chen looks surprised!

Yes, if you really want to start with Qingya, you can either make a steal hole in the Xiage underground or go out to find someone to rob Qingya!

Although the Qiao family is guarded by Garrison and heavily guarded, the safety factor is definitely not as high as that of the dormitory. They have the courage to go to the dormitory to dig stealing holes, which takes time and energy. They also need to judge when Qingya is in the dormitory and when to start. This is more difficult!

When I admire Shen's silence, I think he must have thought of something.

Then, admiring said: "Daddy, I saw the surveillance video of their attack on the dormitory and the gunfight that day. They came out of the steal hole, and the target was very clear and went straight to Bella's room and me!"

Shen did not dare to think back!

Now listen to the analysis of adoration, and then think about it. It's really a layer of sweat on your back!


The admirer sighed and said: "Daddy, if that man comes to the door to sell pancakes and fruits tomorrow morning, don't disturb the snake. In fact, I'm not sure he has a problem, but I think it's too coincidental. "

Shen replied: "it's a coincidence. Yesterday at the airport, Bella said she wanted to eat pancakes and fruits. She also stood in the airport hall and gave us a detailed description. This morning, someone came to sell it. "

Adore: "..."

The young man was silent for a moment, then said: "don't tell Bella about it. I'm afraid she's under pressure. In fact, I'm not sure if the other party has any problems. Is there any monitoring around the yard at home? Daddy doesn't check and see if there's anything special. It's necessary to be defensive. "


After the call, Shen stood up from the study and opened the door.

Walking slowly on the corridor, he saw his daughter and sweetie snuggle up to his wife left and right, and the three sat on the sofa watching the women's favorite love idol drama.

A room is warm and warm.

He turned back to his study and asked the housekeeper to cut out the monitor at the gate of the courtyard to him today.

Because he always felt that Bella did not have the conditions to make grudges with others, he was more afraid that this was a plot derived from the national struggle, and he did not want his daughter and unborn little grandson to be victims.


On the monitoring screen, only the corners of a black down jacket appear vaguely.

He asked the housekeeper to know that the whole yard is the corner of the monitoring dead corner. No matter where the pancake stand is, it can be photographed. However, the peddler just put the stand in the dead corner that can't be photographed.

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