I fell in love with the cold at night, so that I didn't get up in time the next day.

Qu, Shi, Wen and Xin know that your highness comes down to breakfast at about six o'clock in the morning, but today is an exception. I want to come to your Highness for many hard days. Are you tired?

But when the lojebs and linglie came down one after another, their adoration was still in silence.

Yunxuan had to go to the door and knock: "Your Majesty, Prince, they are all down for dinner. Would you like to join us?"

In order to investigate the case, and to be busy with the heart surgery experiment, I have not been to school for a while.

After waiting for a while, Yunxuan saw that there was no sound inside. He immediately opened the door and went in to have a look.

Quietly in the room, adore to lie in bed like a child, frown slightly, seem to have something uncomfortable.

Yunxuan knows that the prince's body is very good, but he slept in the snow mountain cave for several months and suffered from the cold.

Now the weather is getting colder and colder. I'm afraid that his royal highness won't be working hard. In addition, the cold will recur. Is he ill?

He went up and gently stroked the forehead of adoration. Yunxuan's face changed greatly. He immediately lifted the quilt to help adoration cool down. Then he rushed out of the corridor and said to the downstairs, "Your Royal Highness has a fever! Mom! The emergency antipyretic is in the refrigerator. Take it up quickly. I'll call the doctor! "

Qu Shiwen hurried to get the antipyretic medicine. The luojiebu and linglie also came out of the restaurant. Qi Qi went upstairs to see them.

He lay so still, and if it were not for the frown, the blush of the cheek, the tumultuous undulation of the chest, they would really think that he was hibernating again!

Mu Tianxing tore the antipyretic stickers and pasted them on his son's forehead, chest and back.

When Qu Shiwen came here with the antipyretic medicine, she held the dripper, opened her son's mouth, and carefully dripped it into him: "adore! Adore, open your eyes and look at the mother! "

If it's just a common fever, why can't you wake up?

Under normal circumstances, even if you have a cold and fever, you will wake up.

Mu Tianxing is in a hurry for fear that he has any problems: "uncle! When does the streamer arrive? "

Linglie was just about to open his mouth when Liuguang appeared at the door of the adoring room with his precious rosewood medicine box: "here I am, let me have a look."

His hair has grown a lot, as if he had given himself some hair tonic, because his hair obviously grows faster than anyone else.

When the streamer comes near, Mu Tianxing will retreat to one side.

Liuguang asks Yunxuan to hold a thinner quilt for adoration and cover it. Then he sits quietly beside the bed to feel for adoration.

A moment later, he got up and said, "I'm suffering from cold, plus overwork. His royal highness must have a good rest. It's nothing else. Don't worry. "

With the streamer, linglie and they are really relieved.

It doesn't matter whether you have a minor illness or a minor pain. You can't avoid it in your life.

Streamer to admire for a little dew, but also give him a needle, to help channel dredge, so that the body heat will be faster, headache and other feelings will be reduced a lot.

Put half a bottle of dew on the head of the bed, the streamer couldn't help admiring: "I'm sick, and I'm busy like this. Every day, I want to send so many dew beads to help us improve our cultivation. Your royal highness is really thoughtful."

Mu Tianxing thought this was strange: "admire and help you practice? Dewdrops? "

Streamer light a smile: "in a word, his royal highness helped us a lot."

Smell speech, Ling lie although they are surprised, but also understand a general, look at Liuguang appearance is not want to elaborate, since can not elaborate, they are all intelligent people, they do not ask.

Linglie said: "admiration is a child, the most thoughtful one, seemingly the most indifferent, in fact, the most attentive."

Fifteen minutes later, I woke up with my eyes open. I was still tired.

Lojeb came over with a bowl of bird's nests and said with heartache, "come here quickly, my dear grandson. Taste a bowl of bird's nests and then go to sleep. Have a good rest! Don't do anything these two days, just rest, you know? "

Adore blinks, consciousness a little bit revives.

Liuguang removes the needle for him. Lojeb immediately squeezes over, picks up adoration a little bit, lets him lean on his arms, feeds adoration a spoon to the bird's Nest: "you first drink some of the most nutritious, have a good sleep, and wake up."

Admire and open your mouth.

A sweet swallow's nest entrance, after swallowing, his thought immediately returns!

After eating the bird's nest, he looked at Ling lie: "father, Shen Xinyi may be in danger in New York."

As for the attack on the bedchamber, and a series of things before, adoration has basically determined that it has nothing to do with yundanxi. This person behind the scenes, under the banner of yundanxi, is actually fighting for the East and the West.

Adore that if his goal is really Shen Xinyi, then Shen Xinyi is now in New York, that person and his party members will surely catch up!

But what are they doing after Shen Xinyi?

Is it a plot derived from national disputes?

Adoration feels this possibility is very small.

But no matter what, he knows that his woman has something to do, and the case here has broken the clues. Now he has to go to New York immediately. Protecting Shen Xinyi is the most important thing. It's also very important to follow the lead to find the person behind the scenes!

The adoring eyes stare at linglie earnestly, and linglie has understood before saying his intention.

He looked at his son's weak face: "you have a good rest at home. I have already talked with brother Shen on the phone. The work of strengthening protection will be distributed!"

Adore raised the hand to touch the forehead, touch a antipyretic patch.

He tore it directly, threw it aside and looked at Yunxuan: "thermometer."

Yunxuan came over with a thermometer, and after measuring it for adoration, he smiled: "Your Royal Highness, Prince, has gone down with fever. It's 37 degrees!"

Adore goulip smiled: "brother Doudou, go to pack, we go to New York to find our women."

Yunxuan is stunned!

Everyone was stunned!

Mu Tianxing shouted: "no! You stay! Mother will protect Bella for you! "

As soon as this statement comes out, let alone adoration, even Yunxuan drops his head and smiles quietly.

Linglie helplessly pulls his wife's little hand: "little darling, you can't go. If you go, you'll be in danger, and I'll be in danger. What's more, my dear, Bella's danger is only speculation, which has not been confirmed. At least now, Bella is very safe. "

Adore a look at the family are not willing to, hastily sipped lips.

He felt the Silver Inlaid Turquoise Ring on his right little finger and gave a look at the streamer.

That means: he goes to New York, and decides. If Liuguang doesn't help him, he will use his own 99 hell soldiers.

Liuguang knew it well and said: "I will equip his royal highness with pills in case he needs them in New York!"

Everyone is stunned again!

Finally, nothing can resist the determination to go to New York to find Bella. He finally got on the flight to New York with Yunxuan and his falcons.

He calculated that when he arrived in New York, it was 7 p.m. New York time. When he arrived at Shen's villa on New York Street, it should be before 8 p.m.

I admire sitting on the plane. Although it is hard to avoid bumps during the journey, his heart becomes more and more stable when he thinks of getting closer to his girl.

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