Ni Yajun hears words to be startled, but sees Ling lie to already slide wheelchair to come over.

He opened his eyes a little awkwardly.

A large family, from the top to the bottom, all hide from important people, because they can't uncover the unknown past.

Now, the whole country of Ningguo is peaceful, his majesty is respected by thousands of people, and his wife Yueya is loved by the people. Although they are not married, they have been living with each other for decades as close friends and colleagues. This is also a good situation.

Today's balance is beautiful and brilliant.

There is no need to break, nor can it.

Ni Yajun also found out by accident from the conversation between grandpa and aunt. She had a child.

Since then, every year, Ni Yajun has paid a little more attention to his brother who rushed to visit the tomb from m city.

Seeing that he was speechless, linglie slid the wheelchair to Mu Tianxing's side and said, "she loves me. I can feel her love for me. She loves me very much. I want to know why. Tell me, will you? "

Ni Yajun shook his head hard: "no way!"

Other things can be done, but this one can't!

"Why?" Mu Tianxing stares at Ni Yajun angrily: "since you know the reason why lady Yueya can't see uncle, why don't you say it? If you say it, let's find a way together. Maybe they can meet soon!"

Ni Yajun is silent. He tightly purses his lips and shakes his head.

No matter how angry the little girl is, he will not say it!

Qu Shiwen soon brought up the food. Mu Tianxing didn't want to have a meal because of his unhappy mood. He didn't eat anything all day.

She picked up the tableware and put some food in linglie's plate. She looked at him, narrowed her eyes and smiled sweetly: "uncle, today I'll feed you, OK?"

Knowing linglie hadn't eaten in a day, Qu Shiwen prepared some light dishes so that he wouldn't be hurt by the strong flavor of the seasoning.

Mu Tianxing holds a blue flower and sends it to his mouth: "Uncle ~!"

Linglie opens his mouth, swallows it, chews it gracefully twice and swallows it.

Looking at the little girl's eager to eat more, and Ni Yajun's troubled face, he suddenly smiled and said, "OK, we have dinner, don't be unhappy."

When he picked up the tableware, he didn't want to be a burden to others. He began to eat with a big mouth.

The dinner went smoothly, but after dinner, linglie said to Mu Tianxing, "I'm going to the back palace to deal with something. You can play in front of me. If I come back late, you'll go to bed early and don't wait for me. "

Mu Tianxing is a little worried about his mood: "do you want me to accompany you?"

Linglie shook his head: "no, don't worry, I'm ok. So many unpleasant things, so many difficult days, I have survived, how can I at this time to add to their own corner? Be at ease! "

With linglie's words, Mu Tianxing nodded at ease.

However, she still has a little doubt. He didn't say that he could follow her whenever she wanted to?

Why now?

Mu Tianxing takes a deep breath and comforts himself: maybe uncle wants a quiet space alone!

After all, it's a man, and there are times when he's vulnerable.

Such as tears, perhaps because of self-esteem, do not want to let the beloved woman see?

I'm not sure, but I still smile and nod: "OK, I'll go upstairs to play computer first! Uncle, you work hard to earn money and support your family! "

Linglie hooked his lips and watched her go upstairs, her eyes full of tenderness.

The wheelchair quickly turned around, a pair of quiet eyes, gentle gradually replaced by sharp. He stared at Ni Yajun and said: "the flight from H city to m city only takes an hour."

As soon as this speech comes out, Ni Yajun can understand it!


"Brother, can you not embarrass me? I really dare not take you to see my aunt! " Ni Yajun has unspeakable pain: "even if the extraordinary flying knife flies towards me, I dare not!"

Zhuo ran immediately spoke softly: "I dare not! My throwing knife will never fly to Ni Shao. "

Ni Yajun gave him a white look and looked at Ling lie again: "brother ~! I'm just you, you can't help hurting me, you can't force me like this! "

Linglie looked at him with a strange expression and said: "she said in the text that she would not see me in this life. But it doesn't matter if she doesn't see me. I can go to see her. Is there a problem? "

"Er," Ni Yajun froze and said, "brother, it's late. Wash and sleep. You haven't been to the company for a day. There must be a lot of important business waiting for you to deal with! You'd better keep up your spirit and fight hard tomorrow! "

"Just take me with you. We're hiding somewhere. I'll take a long look at her."

Linglie stares at his eyes and looks very serious: "please, brother, just look at her from afar! That's all! "

I'm the heartfelt dividing line of four rare mothers -

at 9:00 p.m., when the flight of Mrs. Yueya is flying towards m City, Zhuoren is also driving, carrying Ling lie and Ni Yajun to the direction of the airport.

Zhuoshi sat in the passenger's seat, holding a SLR camera excitedly.

I'm about to see my sister, who I haven't met since I was born!

At this moment, not only linglie and Ni Yajun are nervous, but also Zhuo family brothers are nervous!

Zhuo ran asked worriedly, "have you finished debugging? Turn off the flash and don't expose the four positions! "

Zhuoshi nodded: "it's been debugged. The night mode is turned on. After shooting, the effect is as clear as during the day, but there is no flash."


"It's been adjusted, too!" Zhuoshi was a little unhappy: "Why are you so wordy? Xiaomo is not only your sister, but also my sister. Naturally, I will take a good picture of her. I won't be careless!"

The two brothers bickered. The man behind handed over a white convenience sign with only one word on it: quiet!

In an instant, the whole world was quiet.

At this time, a pickup truck without photos appeared on the airport highway from nowhere, and suddenly it turned on its high beam and hit their car directly!

Zhuo Ran's eyes couldn't see everything clearly because of the other side's high speed and strong high beam. He instinctively pulled the car to the side, wanted to press the double jump lights and waited for the pickup truck to pass before leaving.

But this pickup truck is just like them on the bars. Even if it drives in the opposite direction, it will smash at them!

At the moment when they seemed to brush past each other, the pickup suddenly braked and drifted, and fell obliquely in the direction of the icy roof!

A whole car of asphalt, just like the pouring rain, burned down from their roof!

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