Seeing how excited and nervous she was, linglie also cherished her heart.

Can't help but say softly: "think about it, I can feel your mood, but they may not really come back, we just do all the prevention work well in advance. So don't tell your parents that they are old and don't give them hope at will. "

Even at this time, Mr. and Mrs. rojeb, admiring the stars, linglie didn't say anything.

Think of the tears, nodded: "I know, the father is at ease, I do not say!"

The whole person is in a state of collapse.

When he heard that his sister had been stabbed in the heart, he felt that there was no light in front of him.

He raised his hand to cover his heart. After so many years, he expected to come back to a sister who looked like him. She was so lovely, beautiful and noble. When she put on the bright yellow dress, she looked like a little Phoenix.

How could someone stab her in the heart?

In my heart

"I can't breathe, my lips quiver, my eyes are wet and I look at you:" in your base, how many heart knives have been saved and survived

Admiring him with no expression, he said frankly: "there is no one to save, only those who have extended their lives. The longest, three hours longer. "

Linglie eyes a close, a feeling of a thousand arrows through the heart sharp.

But she was in a hurry: "what are you studying at this time? No one can survive. What are you studying! "

"Oblivion!" Think about it and quickly pull him, saying: "those experts are people, not gods! Have you ever seen a heart stabbed to survive? It's the hard work of his royal highness and experts to extend it for three hours! "

I want to calm down.

She didn't want their two brothers to argue about it.

But when she finished, she realized that she had said something wrong!

Let go of the arm that inclines to allow, cover mouth, very sad, very sorry, very regret: "right, sorry!"! We, all of us, will have a way to save Qianyu! "

"I'm sorry." It's hard to admire.

Linglie patted him on the shoulder: "let's try our best! God has eyes, I believe! "

So, Qiao Yekang and qianrong soldiers began to move in two ways.

The thing about Qianyu, mink also said when Liuguang took him out for training in the early morning.

Liuguang didn't know the specific situation after the knife was tilted in the feather. He was also very nervous, lest the little princess could not be saved.

Check the medical books, turn over the ancient books, observe the xuanshu, the streamer is obviously busy, reading day and night.

In fact, the dormitory has been repaired, but it has just been decorated, so linglie orders to hang it. After a reunion year, he moves back. Unexpectedly, the first group of people who live in the repaired dormitory will be experts in cardiac surgery.

Bella also found that the mood of admiration was obviously wrong.

He was anxious, nervous, even worried about his engagement.

She didn't know that it had something to do with the affairs of Qing Yu. She was afraid that it had something to do with her own affairs. She couldn't help but ask, "what's the matter with you these two days?"

I fell in awe for a while, and then I realized that my emotions were too obvious and she was too sensitive.

Reach out and pull her over, let her sit on her own leg, admire and gently touch her high raised abdomen, saying: "there is something else. It's tricky. "

Listen, Bella understands.

It must have something to do with the state affairs after the cabinet's deliberation.

When Bella was in China, she heard that the harem of feudal society could not discuss politics. She knew that there were female officials in Ningguo, but she still chose to shut up when she did not understand.

Her head rested lightly on her admiring shoulder, and she chuckled: "I'm engaged tomorrow. Do you want to go to bed early? You can be handsome. "

"Ha ha." He chuckled and held her up. "I'll sleep with you."

Bella gradually closed her eyes under the comfort of adoration.

The baby in her stomach was just moving, and her admiring big hand felt it clearly.

He grinned and sighed the wonder of life. All the troubles before seemed to disappear with the smoke.


He and Shen Xinyi's daughter.

He is going to have a daughter.

The sun rises a little bit in the new day.

Stylist root and make-up artist all rush over to make shape for the masters of Taigong in turn.

Everything, it seems, is jubilant.

Only Ling lie and admire, looking at the sky in the direction of Crescent Bay, silent.

Is it today?

It's time to come, it's always time to come.

It has been a long time since the news of Ningguo royal family came out. This time, Shen Shi actually wanted to form a family with Ningguo royal family, and he was still the prince of Ningguo. This news attracted the attention of business circle and international relations.

It's said that the day after the news of holding the royal wedding banquet came out, Shen's stock seemed to be equipped with a rocket, whizzing up. For several days in a row, it's up and down every day.

Shen Dichen was radiant and smiling.

His career and his daughter's happiness are both fruitful, and he is going to be a grandfather soon. His whole life looks even different.

Mr. and Mrs. lojeb were also happy. After arriving at the hall in advance, they stood at the side of the reception hall of the hall with Mr. and Mrs. Shen, smiling and courteous. They shook hands with the guests from neighboring countries who came to watch the ceremony one by one, and delivered welcome speeches.

The scene of the engagement banquet is romantic and warm, but also shows the Royal sense of luxury and dignity. When you look at the arrangement here, it is no worse than the wedding banquet, you can feel the Royal attention to the engagement.

Qiao Yekang, the leader of the team, maintains the order and safety of the scene, and from time to time asks how to do with tilt Rong.

"Every time, Qing Rong said," we've found something different. We're watching it closely. "

At this moment, from the upstairs window of the great hall, you can find that the view of the dormitory is picturesque, and you can see the sparkling crescent lake from afar.

In fact, these are all illusions combined by optics and visual illusion.

The operating rooms of the dormitories are all ready, and the operating bag is also the latest sterilized one. The spare blood type of Diaoyu is ready. On the rooftop, Liuguang is keeping with mink and qianrong. On the edge of Yueya Lake, experts are keeping with soldiers.

Last night, I got up from my bed, went to the prison in the capital and found a 20-year-old male healthy death prisoner. I knocked him out and took him to the dormitory. If I couldn't help it, let Liuguang and the experts find a way to dig out the man's heart and give it to Qingyu.

The experts on the scene had done the heart transplant, but this time they were taken to the bedroom, and they knew that the prince had asked them to study not jokingly, but really in need.

They are also very nervous, even more nervous than oblivion and streamer. They are not afraid of anything else, they are afraid that they can't do well, and finally they have to lose their heads.

So, in private, they said to each other, "cheer up, no one is allowed to delay!"

A little bit of time goes by.

VIP, media, minister, royal family, all present.

The beautiful royal ceremony music sounded, and Bella appeared in a custom-made pompous dress with Ningguo Royal totem. Because of her good figure and slender arms, she began to design a big swing under her chest, which did not look like a pregnant woman at all.

Adore wearing a formal Royal robe, standing beside Bella.

The golden gate of the great hall opened, and they stood in the sun like golden virgin, stepping on the red carpet a little bit, and walked towards the bright crystal light.

All of a sudden, a dark cloud outside the house, clear sky in an instant dimmed down!

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