Although I don't know why Liuguang asked suddenly, he thought it must have something to do with saving one!

He quickly bit his finger and dropped the blood on the ring.

In a moment, the souls of 99 children are all floating in the sky.

"Your Highness!"


The little innocent faces of the children were close at hand, but when they saw the red and swollen eyes, they asked nervously --

"what's the matter, your highness?"

"What happened to the crown princess?"

"What happened to the baby?"

Liuguang felt relieved and said: "now there is a quota. I have agreed with the master of the scrotum that I will send him to the scrotum to line up for birth. Is there anyone going?"

All the children, Qi Qi turned their eyes to a little girl treasure.

I adore and remember this little treasure. She was the one who cried for mummy last time, got into sweet belly and finally let big head out.

Little nubao stepped forward uneasily and asked, "but I'm afraid of the dark, the pain and the terror."

Liuguang looked at her and smiled: "no, I will bribe the scrotum and take care of you all the way. When you give birth, shall we all go to see you? "

Although little nubao is reluctant to give up her brothers and sisters, she really wants to have a mommy.

Her thinking is also relatively simple. After all, when she died, she was not enough to go to kindergarten, and her staying to be a Yin soldier was really not helpful. When necessary, her brothers and sisters should take care of her, and they would be distracted.

If she had left, she would have been able to give birth, and her brothers and sisters would have had less burden.

Nodded, she said to the streamer, "I will!"

The streamer takes her hand, then the soul leaves the body and disappears with her.

It's still the same Avenue.

The scrotum seems to be impatient.

When Liuguang takes xiaonubao's hand down, he looks at the xiaonubao in front of him and squints to explore again.

Sure enough, the baby has been tested with Buddhist scriptures. Such a child will take care of her when she is reincarnated.

One by one, although only a little bigger than the fist, but the streamer still hands, very carefully.

With a big move of Yin Si, little nubao came to him. She looked up and was about to speak. The next second, the whole person fell asleep and followed Yin Si without knowing anything.

Liuguang stood there and watched for a while, knowing that the little girl treasure would not be wronged, so he hurriedly went back with the spirits of one by one.

After the streamer returns, first put the soul of 11 into 11's body again, so that he can return to his body, and then move.

Admiring and looking at him nervously, "what's the matter? What happened? 11. Is there any help? "

Liuguang takes out the silver needle to help Bella to release, seal, flow Qi and regulate blood.

After a while, I felt that Bella's abdomen really had a fetal movement, so I took back the silver needle and said to my adoration, "this time, it's all luck."

Specifically, streamer cannot be explained.

Because the sky cannot be revealed.

And he said that luck is also true. If the scrotum doesn't pay attention to him at all, is selfless to the end, or even unleashes the fire, the streamer will probably be destroyed by the fire.

He gambled his life.

But, with luck, he won the bet.

He didn't think about it. He filled the body with the soul of Yinbing baby directly. In this way, he could avoid the risk of meeting with Yinsi.

However, Yinbing baby, always a Yinbing baby, is different from hitting the soul of the natural daughter that was destined to be arranged!

Liuguang thinks that he is very lucky, and one by one. Maybe this is the result of his good deeds all the time.

Admiring the whole person in the same place, dare not put the channel: "one, saved?"

Streamer goes to the side of the machine.

The machine measures the fetal heart rate of Bella's baby.

But because it was determined that the fetus was stillborn and the fetal heart rate was 0, doctors did not care about it. They just discussed how to induce labor with adore.

But now

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Next, a steady and powerful heartbeat fluttered in the whole room, as if lit up all life and light.

Adoration finally laughs.

He laughed at once: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Embracing Bella's shoulders, he kissed her on the forehead and her pale face: "why doesn't she wake up?"

"The crown princess was anemic, and now she is too weak to lose blood. Let her stay in the hospital for two days, follow the normal steps to keep a baby, and take good care of it."

Liuguang finished, his forehead is full of fine sweat, his mouth is rippling with a shallow smile, as if all the rain is over, his mood is also better.

Push open the emergency room. He's out.

"How's it going?" he asked

Yunxuan is also nervous!

The soldiers guarding the corridor not far away are all nervous for the crown princess, and they want to listen to the situation.

On the promenade, the doctors are also very nervous to guard here, one dare not go!

Liuguang smiled and said, "it's OK."

This time, I really felt that my body was not strong enough, so he said to the doctors, "hurry up! Your highness calls you! "

Smell words, doctors have entered the emergency room!

And streamer, but to see them leave, he fainted on the spot!



Think of his face is wrong, immediately clasp his wrist to lose his power to him!

But cloud Xuan hurriedly comes up to help, inclines to allow to carry streamer personally, directly entered a nearby emergency room, will streamer to bed!

"Get out of here! Don't let the doctors and nurses in! " Think about the mind, this is the streamer physical overdraft: "streamer, hold on!"

She closed her eyes and sent her spiritual power to the body of streamer.

A moment later.

The streamer opened his eyes unharmed.

The scene in front of us is clearly in the hospital.

On his chest, there was a small marten as big as snow.

Liuguang holds its back neck in one hand, lifts it up to have a look, poops and laughs.

The mink started to paw in front of his eyes and was very angry: "haw! Haw! "

If it wasn't for saving you, would I be a baby!

The streamer winked at her tenderly: "thank you."

Open the door of the room, and both of them are on the corridor, waiting for the streamer and admiring the couple at the same time.

When Liuguang reaches out his hand and hands the small marten with big palms to qianrong, qianrong takes a look at it with a look of disgust: "why is it so small again?"

The mink turned and turned his back to tilt.

Obliquely smile, reach out to take it and put it in your arms.

The soft and pleasant voice swept up in the air, sighing with mixed feelings: "if you can get rid of your feathers, Bella and everyone, and the price is only that you are smaller, then I think it's worthwhile."

Hearing this, the mink, who was going to paw in his arms, soon calmed down.

He nodded his head in approval, found a comfortable position in his arms, blinked and waited.

Soon, the admiring room door opened.

People almost held their breath and looked inside.

Even Zhuo ran called to say that his highness was awake and was all right, and linglie and his wife were on their way to the hospital.

A doctor came out and said to Yunxuan, "go through a hospitalization procedure and let the crown princess have a baby here for a few days."

Although they can't explain how the fetus who just couldn't detect the heartbeat is now alive again, for them, a disaster suffering from the consequences of adoration and rage is finally avoided.

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