"Linglie ~!"

Mu Tianxing cries his name in a broken voice. He is about to rush up with a pair of angry little eyes!

Linglie suddenly and quietly came a sentence: "again to the disabled? Or a disabled person who just had a car accident and escaped from death! Mu Tianxing, you don't mean to hurt me? Where has your love gone? "

Use her oath to fight back. Linglie is cruel enough.

He raised his hand and pointed to the gauze on his forehead: "you man, I sewed three stitches. Although the air bag in the rear seat also bounced out, I bumped my head on the bulletproof glass!"

Then use her kindness to guide her heartache. Linglie is also cruel enough.

Look, the little girl who just wanted to open her teeth and dance her claws stopped working. All the little flames in her eyes turned into autumn water and looked at him tenderly: "yes, I'm sorry. I just hope you don't kiss me in front of others. I'll be embarrassed."

The voice was lower and lower, and her head was lower and lower.

Linglie looks at her tenderness. The black pupil conceals the subtle light, and suddenly "hiss ~!" Once, frown, cover head.

Mu Tianxing rushed up: "uncle, what's the matter?"

"It hurts inside."

His voice was low, and there was a sense of forbearance, as if it were true.

She was in a hurry to cry, but she was shocked that his mouth seemed to hold a successful smile.

Big eyes blinked twice, her face tightly opened: "how to do, car accident, head all hit bullet proof glass, still sewed needle, that hit so hard, is there any parts falling down in it, do you want to find a doctor to do a brain scan, give you a detailed look? In case there is a lack of a string, the legs and feet will be bad, and the brain will be bad again. How can we live in the future! "


"Ha ha!"

Her small mouth said casually, qushiwen and zhuoxi didn't resist, they all laughed.

Zhuo ran said calmly: "cough, four little rest assured. We didn't hear what Miss Mu said just now!"

Zhuoshi chuckled: "yes, what parts are missing, what, in that case, we didn't hear!"

Mu Tianxing held his hands on his chest, turned sideways, raised his eyebrows to him proudly, and said, "how do you do? You're too young to cheat me, boy!"

But see, under bright white light, that man suddenly did not speak.

He no longer pretended to be pitiful or cute. Instead, he looked at her intently with a kind appreciation.

It's rare for mu Tianxing to have such an expression. He didn't adapt to it for a while, as if she was a good-looking TV play.

He seemed to see her uneasy, hooked his lips, and called softly, "Tianxing, you look so arrogant and narcissistic and stinking, it's really beautiful."

Mu Tianxing was stunned for two seconds. He thought that his eyes were kind and his tone was spoiled. How could he say the sentence but could not tell whether he was praising her or damaging her?

In the middle of dazed bleary eyes, he again said seriously, "my mission for the rest of my life is to let you live in such a arrogant, narcissistic and stinky way until you get old."

In a simple word, there is nothing to think of her loving her, not much sweet talk, but enough to make Mu Tianxing feel his sincerity.

She smiled at him like a fool, innocent eyes: "uncle, I believe you!"


in the case of linglie, transfusion and anti-inflammatory injection are required, and it is necessary to observe whether there is intracranial hemorrhage within 48 hours. However, because linglie insists on discharge, the hospital has no way, so he has to sign his own name and say that he is responsible for the safety issues after discharge, so he has gone through the discharge procedures.

Statements in front of the police, useful and useless, should be provided, Zhuo ran and Zhuo Xi have all provided.

In the middle of the night in midsummer, when Mu Tianxing pushed the wheelchair temporarily borrowed from the hospital and pushed Ling lie out of the ward, she didn't know why. She suddenly felt something and said, "uncle, even if your legs can't stand up for a lifetime, I'm willing to push you for a lifetime."

Linglie a Zheng, deep pupil covered with moonlight like gentle.

His little girl is really a priceless treasure: "there are more than ten million good men in the world. It's my blessing and your grievance that you follow me like this. Have you ever thought about it?"

"Uncle, have you ever heard a word?"


"Some people are physically disabled, but not mentally disabled; some people are physically disabled, but mentally disabled. With a man with a broken heart, I'd rather choose a man I've identified, who loves me with all my heart and I love him with all my heart. "

On the corridor, the girl's firm little face reflects the bright light. Although sweet words are sticky, they can be sweet into people's hearts.

This is the first time she has confessed to him after they have established their relationship.

The sentence "the man I identified, who loves me with all my heart and soul, and I love with all my heart" refers to him.

Linglie's mouth gradually rose, he thought, this life, only her, enough.

When we got to the elevator door, Mu Tianxing looked at the end of the corridor opposite. There were several armed policemen standing at the door of the ward, as if they were trying their best to protect someone.

"Brother Yajun is in it?" She tilted her little head and waited for the elevator, wondering if she should come forward and say hello.

However, in her thinking room, the man who can understand all her thoughts told her gently: "don't go, he will come back when he is OK. Now if we go, I'm afraid It will cause them unnecessary trouble, so it's not worth it. "

He said it caused trouble for "them.".

Obviously, it includes Mrs. Yueya.

Mu Tianxing thinks linglie is really a very careful and considerate man.

The elevator arrived. Maybe it was the night. There was no one in it. Mu Tianxing pushes him in, and the three Zhuo family follow him in.

When the elevator door closed, Mu Tianxing said: "uncle, although you didn't live in a warm family before, I think your personality is complete, at least better than many children growing up in warm families now. Uncle, you didn't live with your parents, otherwise, you must be their proud child from childhood. "

Zhuo family three people are slightly nervous, for fear that the words of admiring Tianxing will touch linglie's sadness.

After all, for the four young people, what he lacks most is the care and love he needs in his childhood.

Who knows, he is however the cloud light ground asked: "why?"

The elevator door opened quickly, Mu Tianxing pushed him, and walked steadily in the summer night, with a sweet voice like a dream: "because, you are a very sensible, very sensible, very sensible man!"

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