Tilt blue to say, the orbit is a little red.

He had a hard time getting together with his brothers, but he had to be estranged from his family because of elegant things?

It's sad to think that Mu Tianxing is indifferent to elegance.

That's the girl he likes. No matter how bad it is in the eyes of Mutian star, it's also the girl he likes. He will naturally want to get the blessing from the closest person.

"But Qinglan, have you ever thought that it's not your fault? It's not your fault. Why do you feel guilty? Why sad? It's not even elegant. She may have been timid at that time, so she concealed some truth. However, you are all just children and need to grow up. "

Linglie looked at him and smiled: "do you know what you lack most?"

Tilt blue to be stunned.

He didn't quite understand: "lack of ability, intelligence, and Anyway, I'm like a dish of fried vegetables. It's OK to watch it. It tastes a little worse. "

"Ha ha ha..." linglie happily raised his lips and said: "ability, intelligence, and other things you can think of, you are not lacking."

Tilt blue to gaze at father's eyes: "then what do I lack?"

"Temperament." Linglie looked at him carefully: "tilt blue, you still lack a temperament, a temperament that needs confidence and pride, as well as calm and courage! You see, even if he doesn't say a word where to stop, there is a kind of noble and upright spirit that soldiers should have all over his body, which is pleasing to the eyes. You are looking at admiration, and so is he. Even if he hides in the crowd, it is inevitable that people can not ignore his temperament, and can find him at a glance. "

"Father, I..." he said

"My own woman, I need to defend myself! Own mother, need oneself to respect! In fact, there is no war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The only war is caused by men's inaction. "

Tilt blue or some ignorant.

Linglie looked at him encouragingly, as if he could really do well.

"Qinglan, never say bad things about your mother in front of your wife. If your wife says bad things about your mother, you should stop at the first time and tell her that you don't want to listen to this! Similarly, don't say anything bad about your wife in front of your mother. If your mother says something bad about your wife in front of you, you should also stand firm and tell her not to say it, because you don't want to hear it! "

Linglie said seriously, and Qinglan seemed to understand something: "I, I do it."

"Well." Linglie smiled happily, then said: "it's no use tilting blue. It's just sad. You can't stand up and take action even if you shrink in the corner and feel sad to the horizon. Men, don't always shrink up and complain everywhere: I'm so sad, I'm so sad. The real man, is painful but speechless, is even if the heart is full of injuries, will not say a word to anyone! "

Listen to father's words, blue suddenly feel very ashamed.

Yes, he is always complaining and always sad.

The action we can think of is not the way to solve the problem, but the way to comfort ourselves.

For example, he wants to see Qing Yu and Bella. In fact, these things do not help to eliminate the gap between mu Tianxing and Qing ya, but he finds a psychological comfort.

To put it bluntly, his idea is still too one-sided and does not cure the symptoms.

In order to solve this problem, we must say to our father that we should face the problem directly.

Seeing that he also began to think, linglie knew that he had listened to his words, raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder. Linglie said two more words: "women are meant to coax. No matter mother or wife, they love you. Your coax is the most effective for them. Finally, don't forget to add your temperament no matter what you do! Don't face others softly. You are no worse than others. Only when you look up to yourself can others look up to you and truly listen to what you say! "

After Qinglan left the study, she arranged her thoughts for a while.

He made a phone call to tilt Rong and asked about tilt Yu. Tilt Rong said that tilt Yu fell asleep and would take her home for reunion tomorrow.

He called adore again and asked Bella how she was. Adore's attitude towards him was the same. His brother didn't look harsh and blaming.

In this way, when he was relieved, he went back to the room and found a piece of paper. He wrote down the various estrangements between elegance and the present and analyzed them in detail.

Following the understanding of Mu Tianxing, tilt blue thinks: the mother is angry, it should be because Qing Ya conceals the Dao in tilt feather's chest.

After thinking about it, she fell asleep.

The next day.

Qingya didn't expect that by the time of breakfast, Qinglan had already arrived.

He sat in the hall of Xiage and waited for her.

Seeing her coming down, he tried to stabilize his temperament and looked up at her: "Yaya, I want to talk to you."

Qingya knew what happened last night.

She was sleepless all night. She was going to call up Qinglan to see Bella in the hospital. Unexpectedly, he had come.

Nodded her head and she said, "OK."

In the elegant room.

Qinglan didn't get tired of her as before, but stood very seriously and said to her, "Qingya, do you know about Qingyu's coming back?"

When young people get serious, it's easy to make elegant and nervous.

Especially that face, which is the same as adoration, is not covered by deterrence.

Qingya also became nervous and stood opposite him, afraid to move: "well, I know. On the way back, I heard that I went to Chunge in the evening and saw Xuebao and Hongqi. "

Tilt blue puckered lower lip, again way: "so my mother yesterday to you some opinions, in order to avoid the disharmonious relationship, elegant, I want to say a few words with you."

"You said." She's so nervous.

She was not used to the sudden seriousness.

Qinglan's face was warm, but her tone was harsh: "no matter whether she saw through the fact that you concealed the assassination of Qingyu, or what your original intention was, but ya ya, you did hide it. If you don't admire the careful and advanced arrangement of your mind, I'm afraid that it will be dangerous for you to come back this time. If Bella happens again, one by one, who will bear the consequences? Mother's nature is good, how good she used to be to you, you should remember, so when she suddenly alienated you, there must be a reason, do you think? "

She nodded uneasily.

Tilt blue again way: "so, she is so good to you, you still conceal the truth to her, no matter how, it is your fault.". Yaya, she is my mother and the one who gave birth to me and raised me. If you want to marry me, you must respect her as much as I do. You can't lie, conceal or cheat her. "

Elegant tears rustle down, the voice also followed with uneasy: "yes, I'm sorry."

"I'm here to pick you up to taiwomb. Can you say sorry to my mother?" Tilt blue to see her tears, is also heartache, but don't want to give up halfway, Sheng Sheng bear heartache, standing in place to look at her, serious way: "my mother's house is kind-hearted, if you take the initiative to admit the mistake, she won't always hold your mistake."

Qingya cried and nodded: "well, I'm going to apologize. I'm sorry!"

Pour blue long breath, palms are sweat!

The father said that it was not easy for him to handle affairs with temperament.

He doesn't know how to get the temperament of "dumping and admiring", but he really needs to practice, which is true.

He took Qingya's hand and raised it to wipe her tears.

Thinking that linglie said he wanted to coax, he said with love in his tone: "go, I'll take you back to the palace. You are my girlfriend, no matter what you do wrong, I will stand beside you. "

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