When Bella came in from the hall, everyone was in a state of panic.

Xuehao and Qianyu saw that she had a big stomach and had to rush upstairs. They grabbed one of her arms and gently lifted her body to the corridor on the second floor, then put it down steadily and gently.

Bella feet on the ground, stable for a second, hurriedly towards the bedroom and go!

In the room, I adore sleeping in my pajamas and under the covers.

Linglie couple, Liuguang and Yunxuan are all there.

Bella didn't even have time to say hello to linglie and his wife. She rushed forward with a burning heart and lifted the quilt beside her.

In the palm of his hand was her hair.

"Wuwu ~" Bella couldn't say what it was like. She suddenly looked up at the streamer and asked, "is there any way? Is there any way? I don't want him to be like this. I don't want the feeling that he can't live without me. Wuwu ~ I don't want him. I want him to be good. Is there any way? "

As soon as Bella's voice came out, her admiring brow jumped.

Maybe it was her voice that made him yearn for too long.

Streamer is helpless. At the beginning, the curse was made by admiring Ziwei star and can only be solved by itself.

He looked at Yunxuan and said, "maybe Yunxuan's method is effective."

In bed.

Adoration slowly opened her eyes and saw Bella standing in front of her tears.

He grasped her hand in a hurry.

Once again, his parents and sisters were there. He took a deep breath and looked at them apologetically. "It's worrying you."

Linglie sighed and said, "you have a good rest. Let's go out first. You talk to Bella. I'll call you later at dinner. "

Mu Tianxing also said: "Bella, adoration is all right. Don't worry about it any more. Have a good rest."

Bella nodded, "OK!"

When they were about to leave the room, Bella suddenly stopped Yunxuan and said, "what's your way?"

Yunxuan's ear is red and says, "that is, let your royal highness say those three words to you."

Bella got it.

Adoration is dizzy with pain. Now his brain is not comfortable. He ignores the conversation later. He lies down, holds Bella's hand and closes his eyes gently.

After two minutes of delay, he suddenly forced himself to open his eyes.

Because Bella has a big stomach now, sitting on her back will crush her baby.

He quickly got up and said to her, "lie down and rest. Let's lie down together."

Bella grabbed his hand and said seriously, "admiration, they just said that if you said those three words to me, maybe it won't hurt any more."

"What three words?" He raised his eyebrows, pulled her up, and put his big hand on her belly.

I want to feel the fetal movement with my heart. As a result, the little guy seems to be sleeping now, but he doesn't move at all.

Admiring and embracing her, he heard her saying: "I love you. Adore, you say to me, I love you, these three words, try, OK? "

A moment of admiration.

He let go of her, eyes fixed on her: "you know?"

As for the curse, he clearly told Bella not to tell her. He didn't want her to think that he was a defective person, which was very bad. When he faced her unreserved love, he would feel inferior!

Bella raised her small face and looked at him carefully: "adore, you say, OK? Just three words. What's the difficulty? "

"Do you mind?" His focus was clearly not on the same frequency as her: "or do you dislike it?"

"No! Adore, I don't! I just want you to break the curse as soon as possible! Adore, I love you, I don't want to see you suffer like this! I don't want to! I want you to be healthy, I want you to be safe! "

Bella hugged him, afraid that he would be confused, and quickly said: "no matter what you become, I love you! Let alone a soul and a soul, even if you only have one soul and a soul, even if you completely disappear in the world, I love you! But because I love you, I will love you! My heart aches, watching you ache, my heart aches! "

Adore a little bit to hold her small body.

He tried to open his mouth.

But I don't know why it's so hard for these three words to blurt out.

He closed his mouth and patted her on the back, apologetically. "Honey, don't worry. I'll be fine."

Bella is silent.

Is he still reluctant to say it?

Or does he really don't know what love is?

He is so good to himself, so caring, so loving, this is not love?

Bella fell in his arms and wept in silence.

In fact, even if he doesn't love himself, she doesn't care. As long as he says these three words, maybe she can break the curse, and she wants him to be safe!

"Adore, Wuwu ~ why are you so stubborn! Even if you cheat me, at least you won't hurt. Wuwu "

he hugs her, kisses her forehead and says sorry again and again in his heart.

What is love?

He can't understand. He wants to, but only three words. Just say it. At least he won't make her cry.

But even now, when he spoke several times, he couldn't speak a word!

Adoration has never felt so useless!

He hated himself, the one who made her sad and worried!

At lunch, adoration leads Bella out of the room.

He wore a new bracelet on his wrist. It was made of her hair. The superficial scar on his wrist had been treated with medicine. It was not a big problem. When he fell asleep, he also checked the streamer. The wound was not stained with any poison. It can be seen that it was an ordinary dagger.

Sitting at the table, Mu Tianxing looks at Bella nervously.

She also wanted to know if her son's curse was broken.

Bella responded with a helpless look.

Mu Tianxing suddenly feels guilty and feels that he shouldn't ask Bella at all. Isn't that making Bella sad again?

Tilt feather hurriedly pulls Bella to talk, and then tells the ancient story while laughing with everyone.

When he said that he was kicked off the cliff by Jinzhu, everyone's heart followed him, and Chui Yu said: "fortunately, elder martial brother hugged me! Otherwise, I was mortal body, down that lake, must be corpse

Wen Yan, linglie and his wife know that red Qi has the grace to help Qingyu!

"How about the red unicorn? Help me, we can't do it as nothing happens if we are family members. "

"Back to China with his parents." Xue Hao road.

Admiring the action of drinking soup, I saw linglie subconsciously.

He remembered that he told linglie that he wanted to reuse red Qi. How could linglie not help him keep it?

Seeing his son looking in his own direction, linglie smiled faintly and said: "it's just that Yi Qingzhi wants to retire ahead of time. Red Qi is not interested in doing business. They plan to take red Qi first to get familiar with the modern environment, and then bring him back after he integrates into the world."

Xuehao nodded and said, "yes, I went to tell them something else. Princess Kaixin said she also wanted to take red Qi to Switzerland and many other places. She grew up in Ningguo. Mr. Yi is an orphan and has no relatives. She is naturally willing to go back to Ningguo with Princess Kaixin to provide for the aged. As long as red Qi and Yi Lin are with them. "

"Ah," he said. Just come back. "

Cloud Xuan suddenly came from outside, holding the phone in his hand, standing beside adoration: "Your Highness."

"What's the matter?" he admires

Yun Xuan attached to her admiring ear and said in a very small voice: "someone in the black market paid 30 million yuan for the right heart. The buyer's information has been found. I asked someone to extract the surrounding monitoring and found that the man who moved in the other day was the man."

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