China has a long history and profound Chinese culture.

Many people in Eastern countries will study Chinese culture to enrich their own connotation.

However, it's not an accident that the monarch is in the country of XiMao, which is far away from the eastern territory and knows this.

She must be a woman with a poetic spirit.

Such a person, the light will not be covered up in any way.

She was also a woman who had been educated by her husband as a wife.

Such a person, a heart will only be full of her husband.

Linglie wavered a little.

He gave a meaningful look at tilt blue.

Although tilt blue and Qingya had a period, but the incident to now, tilt blue to Qingya all the phone calls, text messages.

Even Qiao Yekang secretly told linglie that before Qinglan went to m City, he asked Qiao Yekang to take a letter to Qingya.

He wrote the letter and asked Xiaofeng to take it out of the room and give it to qushiwen. Qiao Yekang went to get it for qushiwen.

But on the porch of Xiage, Qingya tore it in front of Qiao Yekang and threw it into the garbage can.

In this case, Qiao Yekang only told tilt blue that the letter was given, but he didn't tell tilt blue that he tore it up and threw it away without even looking at it.

At this moment, linglie wanted to ask Qinglan what she thought of the little princess.

If we have to hold the moral standard that Luo family loves one life to imprison blue, is it important to abide by this law, or is the happiness of blue itself more important?

If Qinglan and Wushuang can have a happy and happy future, then why do the wrong person who missed have to keep reading?

What tilt blue can do has been done, elegant attitude is very firm not to give any composite opportunities.

In this case, even if Qinglan is not with matchless, he will meet others later. He is only 18 years old. It's hard not to follow the law that Luo family only loves one person for the sake of loving the wrong person in his childhood and paying for the happiness of his last life?

Moreover, linglie told Xiaoguai so long ago: no one can really love only one person in his life. The reason why the ancestors of Luo family lived in pairs was that they were very lucky to find the right person, whether the time was wrong or not, whether the environment and other attached conditions were wrong or not, they only grasped the right person and did not let go, no matter how hard it was Don't let go, so there is a myth that all the descendants of Luo family are original.

Now, is Qingya the right person?

I didn't let go of Qingya before tilting blue, didn't I?

Linglie's eyes twinkled, and she didn't want to put too much pressure on Qinglan. Everything is more important than anything according to the children's own wishes.

However, Mu Tianxing couldn't help it. She looked at Qinglan and asked, "after dinner, would you like to take the unparalleled princess for a walk by Yueya Lake? The scenery over there is very good. "

No matter whether the son likes others or not, there are some words that can't be said in front of the elders. When there is a chance, Qinglan will say them.

He is not one of those irresponsible men.

Junpeng looked at Qinglan excitedly: "ha ha ha, your highness, please take a walk with us."

Junpeng is really excited, because his past neglect of the common son and daughter has led him to know that he is a woman full of poetry and books!

Tilt blue to see gentleman matchless one eye.

Her beautiful eyes were full of his shadow.

Tilt blue to nod a head, understand the intention of the mother: "good."

So, at the end of the dinner, linglie and Qiao Xinxian accompanied Junpeng to visit the Imperial Palace, while Qinglan led junwushuang to Yueya Lake for a walk.

In spring, the evening wind swept up, cool.

The bright stars in the sky all fall into the gemstones in the lake, each twinkling.

Qinglan is walking in front of the lake, and junwushuang follows him silently. Their shadows overlap in the moonlight, warm and romantic.

After a while, the blue suddenly stopped.

He glanced sideways and smiled at the girl beside him: "matchless, can I call you matchless?"

Jun Wushuang nods happily: "of course."

"Matchless, I can't get married in the next few years, and I'm not going to fall in love at the moment." Qinglan is very frank with her, because it's impossible, Why drag the happiness of a good girl: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, I just lost my love. I've been lovelorn for a month. "

Matchless stupefied, smart big eye blinked twice, seem to be thinking: "Your Highness is waiting for her to change her mind?"

Deep blue breath.

He looked up at the deep sky above his head and replied honestly, "no, she won't change her mind. I used to owe my family too much because of her. This is not a mature and appropriate love, but it is a part of my life. I will treasure it in my heart and will not deliberately avoid it. I will grow up, meet the right people, have my own family, and become the father of my children. However, no matter what, when I just ended a relationship, I couldn't accept another relationship, let alone your marriage. It's against you, against me, against her. Do you understand? "

King peeps at the blue silhouette, silent for a long time.

When tilt blue to return to look at her, but see her grin, under the star light and carefully said to him: "then I can wait for you!"

Tilt blue: "..."

Jun Wushuang said again: "you have broken up, it is impossible. You and she will come out of the past and meet the right people. I don't know if I'm the right person for your highness, but can I wait until your highness wants to fall in love and get married? "

Qinglan looks at her in surprise.

A girl's youth is precious. She is willing to wait.

Tilt blue smiled to her: "why?"

"Because I'm here for marriage. You're my husband. No matter what you do, I'll take your will as the first!" Jun Wushuang said, lowered his eyes, and told him about himself.

She also said that she had just become the mother of a noble concubine in the country of XiMao.

"Your Highness, it's impossible for my father to take me back this time. How can I escape such a fate when the Queen's two daughters are married? If I don't marry you, I'm afraid to think where I'll go. "

Wushuang said, suddenly kneeling in front of Qinglan: "Your Highness, please accept Wushuang! I can wait for you to clear my feelings! "

"Get up quickly. We would rather not kneel casually." Leaning blue hands, he picked her up and saw that there was a fire of despair in her eyes. He could not help sighing: "matchless, do you like me?"

Unparalleled: "..."

Tilt blue smile: "whether it is love, or marriage, must be built on the basis of love, so that we can really happy."

Matchless bit lower lip, thought carefully: "I will try to fall in love with your highness."

"Ha ha ~" tilted blue to smile, raised hand to knock on her forehead: "papaya head! I think you are poisoned by the feudal thoughts of XiMao! "

He said, looking at peerless rubbing his forehead and looking at his expression, and said: "I will go back to m city tomorrow. You can go with me if you want, but not as a girlfriend or a wife. Unparalleled, some of the principles I will adhere to, so I can not give you, I will seriously explain to you

Unsurpassed hesitation.

If you leave with your second highness, you can avoid being sent to the marriage by your father.

"And in what capacity?" She was confused.

"A housekeeper like Shiyi." Tilt blue to look at her deeply, smile way: "hope more people, my purple tiny Palace won't be so cold again."

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