Deng Kai looked at her and was very worried: "your majesty!"

Looking at the moment when her hands had grasped the small valve and her body was about to bend down, he found that the two purple gemstones seemed to flash slightly in the night.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, from the perspective of onlookers, Deng Kai finds that if Qingya wants to open the door forcibly, his small face must follow him, and the position of his eyes is exactly where the gem is!

A sense of shivering came into being.

He didn't know why he was timid, but he held Qingya's hand and stared into her eyes: "we don't know what the meaning of this charm is. If something goes wrong in case of rash action, only you and I are here. I'm afraid we can't cope with it."

Qingya's heart has been very flustered, so she is nervous.

Now listening to Deng Kai's words, I am even more afraid.

After stabilizing her mind, she took a deep breath: "I'll come back tomorrow. But the whereabouts of my family should be found as soon as possible! "

Only by rescuing her family can we prove the rebellious things Yundan Xi has done in the past and completely eradicate the rebellious thief!

Knowing the interests, Deng Kai nodded: "don't worry, your majesty, I will do my best!"

Send Qingya back to the room. Deng Kai is back.

He was also very excited. Tomorrow is the big marriage. It's the day when he becomes the emperor's husband and has the opportunity to further serve the empress.

However, when he returned to his apartment from the tunnel, a big shadow suddenly came out of front of him. Yundanxi took a black and bright pistol in her hand and shot cleanly at Duncan's eyebrows.

Duncan had little time to react. He had fallen to the ground.

Cloud Dan Xi looked at his body contemptuously, with a chilly smile on his lips, turned around and left.

Two men came out and dragged Duncan's body out of the tunnel.

In the long tunnel, the cloud is blankly with strong light and flashlight, and goes to the end of the tunnel.

He stood in front of the metal door, which was full of simple texture and weird smell, and stared at two gemstones, small valves and strange spells.

It's not like a good thing.

Turning cold, he left the tunnel quickly!

Qingya lies on the bed and looks at the photos inside with her mobile phone, but she doesn't see any fame. She searches many spells with her mobile phone. She compares them one by one, but she hasn't seen such signs.

In the latter half of the night, I finally fell asleep.

When it was dawn, the female official knocked at the door, and Qingya had put on the black beautiful pupil and waited there. The female official and the maids happily waited for her to wash and dress.

The elegant wedding dress is the clothing of the famous people of Beiyue, some of which are similar to the ancient Chinese phoenix crown and Xiapu. Because it is the royal wedding in the eastern countries, it must be done according to the etiquette of the eastern countries. No Western wedding is chosen, and no priest is invited.

After changing clothes, she sat there quietly, letting the make-up artist make her face more exquisite and eye-catching.

The hairdresser meticulously coiled her hair, because her hair was not very long, so she had a set of Phoenix crowns specially made for her in the morning, which were made of pure gold and inlaid with various colorful gemstones.

After everything was done, the female officer took a red veil with a smile. She said, "Your Majesty, today is the bride. You should put on the red cap!"

Qingya was surprised: "is there such a rule?"

She didn't know her grandmother's wedding after she took the throne. She was not born at that time. Her mother, the emperor, had a wedding on the island. After marriage, she went back to Beiyue to take the throne.

After all these years, the royal family of Beiyue didn't hold any happy events.

Although she studied the traditional culture of Beiyue and absorbed it, she didn't know about marriage customs.

What's more, when she returned to China, the officials in charge of the wedding didn't tell her to cover her head.

Qingya is a person who is extremely insecure.

This has a lot to do with her being displaced from her childhood, having no parents, being forced to accept tasks and not having a normal family life in one day.

So staring at the red and gorgeous cover in front of her eyes, Qingya always felt that it was made of blood and was very resistant.

The female official smiled and said: "it's a pattern embroidered by the embroiderers after three days and three nights. It's the same as what you like to wear. Majesty, it's the rule. You'd better put it on. In a moment, at the wedding site, the media all over the world will capture it. If we do something not thoughtful, it will surely make us laugh. "

Qingya is relieved to think of the multimedia.

Nodded a head: "good, put on!"

Although linglie has reminded her to be wary of Yundan Xi, Yundan Xi will never be touching or touching in the wedding. After all, Beiyue has devoted his efforts in the past years. If something goes wrong in the royal wedding, Beiyue will smile and be generous, which is surely not allowed by Yundan Xi.

Finally, the red cap came down.

The female officer breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly went out to report to the soldiers at the door of the room. Hearing this, the soldiers looked relaxed and went out to report.

In order to replenish Qingya's physical strength, the female official sent her a bird's nest, put the straw in, Qingya drank a bowl, and continued to wait.

Finally, people from the courteous official department came and said with a smile: "Your Majesty can come out. All the guests are here. There is media outside. As we said before, there will be female officials' tips all the way. Your majesty, don't worry. "

Under the red cover, people could not see the expression on the elegant face, but they could see that her head was ordered by Wei Wei.

Two female officials of the right and the left, each of them, dressed in dignified and elegant court clothes, helped her up from her seat, and then walked towards the door step by step.

Qingya's heart thought of Qinglan for a few moments, but she missed her parents, brother and grandmother more.

After several deep breaths, the original light and quiet steps are more and more stable.

The doorsill, steps, getting on and off, and so on, were all whispered by female officials in advance. Gradually she could hear the sound of Royal rites and music, as well as the sound of camera shutter. A wandering heart finally settled down because of the noise and bustle in her ears.

Under the red cover, you can see the smooth road made of green and white jade.

She took two steps and stepped on the red carpet.

Yesterday, she went to Yundan Xi step by step from here, and then Yundan Xi crowned her with the crown of empress.

At the moment, she didn't know that today, at the end of the red carpet, the man who was waiting for her excitedly in a bright and noble emperor's dress was still cloudy!

For this result, the present media are shocked!

This is also the reason why everyone is desperate to shoot and the scene is noisy!

Qingya doesn't know about this situation. She is now blind!

On the huge square, those media are well isolated by the red hat northern moon army. Even if they are timid and private, the languages of various countries are interwoven, and then spread into the elegant ear, they can only condense into noise.

What's more, the reporters with "interview cards" around their necks have been carefully selected by Yundan Xi himself. They represent not only the media organizations of various countries, but also their motherland. They will shout at this international occasion: "bride, your groom has changed!"

This situation is impossible!

The female official holding Qingya stopped suddenly, and Qingya held out her tender hand gently under the other party's advice.

Cloud Dan Xi deep breath, looking at the small hand in front of him, he waited for a day is too long too long!

The elegant little hand tightly holds the bright yellow long silk embroidered with red silk thread, and Yundan Xi also holds the other end. She can see his shiny men's leather shoes under the cover.

When the female officer retired, she was led by him and walked into the Royal auditorium step by step.

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