"What the hell are you talking about! What wife is inferior to concubine! You just... "

Yunqingzhi is confused by wushuangqi's brain and can't think of any words.

That kind of scholar meets the soldier to have reason not to say clearly the powerless feeling arises spontaneously!

Yekang saw that he was stiff with anger. He hurriedly made a gesture to Yunxuan. Once Yunxuan stepped on the accelerator, the car would roar past yunqingzhi's eyes like a flowing cloud!

"You! Stop for me! " Yun Qingzhi is just about to open his mouth. Naranting steps in front of him and raises his hand with a slap!


"The prime minister?" said Yun Qingzhi

"Little April! If you want my old life, just say it! " Naranting, with tears in her eyes, strode towards Yekang's car.

The farce finally came to an end, and peace was restored at the gate of the Palace once again.

Yunxuan sent Qingya to the remote road section, where the car with ordinary license plate was waiting. The team members of Moying team made a handover and left with matchless.

When Yunxuan returned to the palace, linglie had just finished their lunch.

Everyone came out of the restaurant laughing and laughing. They were going to hold each other for a while.

As a result, as soon as Yunxuan came back, he said what had just happened at the gate of the palace. Because his confession was unilateral, he took out his mobile phone, found out the video clip of the dash cam in the car, and then found out the monitoring video in the car.

Everyone was sitting on the sofa with a dignified face.

At first, linglie thought that all this was over, and his son would not have any relationship with Qingya any more. However, when the figure of yunqingzhi suddenly appeared in the TV picture, there was the picture of yunqingzhi scolding Wushuang and letting Wushuang return to the West. The chill of linglie's body was not a little bit.

This time, Yun Qingya came back. It seems that she didn't make a statement on the whole thing. However, it was her silent attitude that made her indulge her family's behavior!

If she doesn't want to get back together with tilt blue, she will refuse at the time of her family's active efforts: "don't worry about it, it's impossible for tilt blue and I!"

In a word, her family can't stand that way!

But looking at the attitude of cloud Qingzhi, it is clear that Qingya also wants to compound with Qinglan!

"Last time in Chunge, Yaya cried for a long time. She took the initiative to pull the hand of the second emperor brother. Thanks to Xiaofeng's timely phone call, she didn't get it!"

Hearing this, people's eyes looked at the past one after another in the direction of tilting blue.

Tilt blue eyes slightly flash: "I saw it at that time. If brother Xiaofeng didn't call at that time, I would avoid it and won't let her lead it."

His voice is a little small, but he said a word in the end.

Nearby Ni Xiyue immediately ran over his shoulder: "tilt blue, you'd better be sensible. It's not the pressure from granny Huang, but Yaya is not suitable to be the daughter-in-law of our royal family now, even if she is the empress. "

"Well." Blue again.

At this time, the voice of unrivalled domineering came out from the TV: "what international joke are you playing with this palace This palace... Can't you compare with a two married widow in Beiyue I don't mind being a concubine Oh, a wife is better than a concubine

All the people in one room are shocked by the unparalleled words!

Even lojeb, linglie and adoration are all stupid!

I've appreciated the unparalleled composure and thoroughness in front, but I'm afraid that Yun Qingzhi almost spits blood at that time?

Tilt blue is a big mouth, a blink does not blink to stare at the screen, watching cloud Xuan hurriedly stepped on a gas pedal, the car from cloud Qingzhi in front of drive away.

"No one can be more aggressive!" Lojeb laughed: "hahaha, I've got a bad feeling in my heart! Shuang! Happy! "

Ni Xiyue clapped hard behind him: "say less!"

I don't know if Wushuang will be angry and angry with Wushuang if she says so.

Lojeb stopped laughing and coughed twice: "I'm old, young people need to think about this kind of thing! I went upstairs to sleep! "

He took Ni Xiyue's hand and they went upstairs.

Mu Tianxing liked Wushuang more and more. She wished she could tie her back to be her daughter-in-law immediately. She was afraid of Qinglan's anger. She looked at him quickly: "Qinglan, Wushuang is also protecting your dignity today. She didn't mean to say that. Don't be angry with her because of this."

Tilt the blue face to stare at the TV without expression. The TV picture has been switched to the normal news channel.

He didn't move and answered, "well."

Mu Tianxing didn't know whether he heard it or not, but she was afraid of matchless loss: "tilt blue, you can't be angry with matchless."

Tilt blue finally had a little reaction, calmly stand up from the sofa, and then turn sideways, step by step walk upstairs.

When he got to the bottom of the revolving stairs, he saw the little dog wagging its tail in the pet's cage and looking at him. He stood and watched for a while, then bowed his head and took it out of the cage, holding it in his palm with one hand: "go, go to sleep with me!"

The dog licked the palm of his hand. He took the dog back to his bedroom, wiped his paws and put them beside his pillow.

Leans blue to open the quilt to lie down, the puppy rubs and rubs, enters his neck nest, changed a comfortable posture to shrink in there, cleverly did not move.

Turn blue and close your eyes.

In my mind, there was a high voice shouting: "she is a big house and a small house! I don't mind! "

Knowing that she is a good friend of her own, all this should come from her desire to protect his interests. But why does Qinglan think that when she says this, her eyes are particularly bright and her little face will glow?

He took the dog to his arms. The dog licked the palm of his hand. He put the dog on the ground. The dog whined pitifully.

He had no choice but to take it back to bed. "You are so annoying, you are peerless!"

I can't sleep.

Simply by sitting on the head of the bed, his mind once again flashed the unparalleled voice: "or that the elegant lady has been reluctant to part with the second highness?"

This is the smallest sentence in the whole process of her confrontation with yunqingzhi.

She was so ambitious, but she just lowered her voice in this sentence.

Qinglan holds the dog in one hand and lightly points the dog's slightly wet nose in the other: "unrivalled, do you care about this sentence?"

The dog blinked and raised his paw to clap with him.

He pulled his little paw again and asked, "you are matchless, do you like me?"

After teasing the dog for a while in the room, he suddenly couldn't sit down.

He got up and went outside and knocked on the door of his admiring house.

Adoration is still talking to Bella. Bella thinks that the time of sitting in the moon is the happiest time in her life, because the beloved is always by her side.

She also spent days in a day, because she was adored and promised that as long as she sat on the moon skillfully, when she was out of the moon, he would tell her the three words she wanted to hear the most.

"Adore!" The sound of tilting blue came.

Through the door panel, the voice of adoration could not hear the emotion: "no one is allowed to come in! You wash your hands before you come in! "

Tilt blue and turn around.

After a while, he came back: "washed!"

"Come in!" Admire the way.

When blue poured in, she saw one by one sleeping beside Bella, holding a book in Bella's hand. It's a Chinese myth and story book, the kind that children love to read.

He smiled at Bella. "My sister-in-law is getting more and more beautiful."

Bella chuckled, "tell me, second brother, what's the matter? Don't flatter me."

To praise her beauty is to admire her!

Adoration was made fun of by her, kissed on her cheek for a while, then heard tilt blue timidly asked: "matchless won't like me?"

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