Xuehao smiled at the lady and said: "the ignorant feelings of teenagers are normal. We can't suppress them all the time. I know that. However, it's not that you pursue Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu must accept it. Whether it's successful or not depends on Xiaoyu. "

The lady smiled: "that's great, so you as her brother will not object?"

"Farewell!" Xuehao nodded his head and turned away.

He asked the driver to take him downstairs.

Zhuoshi is still having breakfast. His breakfast is very simple, a cup of oatmeal made of milk, two pieces of Matcha bread, a fried egg and a big apple.

He was still surprised when he heard the doorbell ring.

Step forward and look at the picture downstairs. It's Xuehao.

Josh laughed.

What happened to the boy?

He pressed the unlocking key, and the corridor door in front of Xuehao immediately opened and came in.

Zhuoshi took the shoes out of the shoe cabinet, put them at the door, opened the door, and then sat back for breakfast.

Xuehao soon came up.

He opened the door with a smile, took the initiative to change his shoes and came in, with youth and vitality written on his clear face.

When the door closed, he said with a smile, "Uncle Zhuoshi!"

A few days ago, Jijia's company just came to Ningguo. From the beginning of the company's establishment to its successful listing, linglie obviously inspired Zhuoshi to open the door and escort them all the way.

So Ji's family like, respect and thank Zhuoshi very much.

Zhuoshi and them met two or three times a week ago. Recently, Jijia's company has been on the track, which is rare. But after Xuehao came back from ancient times, jiqingchen and his wife specially brought Xuehao to send Zhuoshi a gift, which is considered as a door visit.

Zhuoshi is a famous and honest official in Ningguo.

To him, who doesn't live in a big villa?

He lives in the tube building, although it is a high-end apartment, but he pays great attention to all aspects.

In Zhuo Ran's words: we grew up with the four young people. We moved from the Ziwei palace to the capital, and the four young people became your majesty. We should be more strict with ourselves, and we should not do anything to make your majesty embarrassed or face your majesty.

Summer lime is the most shameful thing in Zhuoshi's life.

At present, he looked at the handsome young man in front of him and said, "what's the matter?"

Xuehao knows that Zhuoshi is joking about himself and Qianyu. Her ears are slightly red. She pulls out her chair and takes a seat opposite Zhuoshi.

Since his divorce from Xia Qingning, Zhuoshi's emotional world has always been blank. His daily life has become very regular. Although his family is much colder than before, he gradually has a peaceful heart.

The ears are clean, the life is clean, and it's good to live step by step.

Xuehao takes a private look. Although Zhuoshi lives in a big man's house, the house is clean and clean. The floor is spotless. There is a simple fruit plate on the tea table. In the aquarium standing beside the wall, all kinds of tropical fish are swimming happily, bringing some fresh feeling to the original cool home.

Before Ji Qingchen introduced Zhuoshi's girlfriend, Zhuoshi went on a blind date, but the other side despised him for being too old-fashioned and didn't have in-depth contact, so there was no further discussion.

Zhuoshi also knows his character. He wants him to hold a girl in his hand as he did when he was young. He has no such mood.

Xuehao hands over a business card: "I have something to ask for."

Zhuoshi took a swallow of oatmeal and took the card.

In the eyes, there is a flicker of light and fire. Looking up, Xue Hao said, "you are very clever."

He put down his card and said, "have you eaten? I don't know how to cook. If you don't, I can only fry eggs and make milk powder cereal for you. "

Xuehao shrugs: "yes. But what do you mean I'm well-informed? "

"Yu Guiren, I discussed with Xiaofeng about this clothing brand before, and helped the second highness to dig a corner for its designer. Because this brand only made it six months ago, but now it's very impressive, especially the children's wear. "

Zhuoshi returned the card to Xuehao and said: "later, I found someone to check. Their designer is the owner's wife and her 14-year-old son. It's impossible for us to poach someone else because he is the boss. So I'm discussing with Xiaofeng. I'll just play hard and buy directly! "

Xuehao's eyes brightened: "take it! Hurry up and let them go back to Canada! "

Zhuoshi looked at him in surprise: "what's the matter?"

So, Xuehao tells us the whole story.

Zhuoshi listened for a moment, then laughed.

His majesty said that as long as the second highness can make achievements and make obvious contributions to the tax revenue of the country, it is not a problem to seal the king.

So Xiaofeng is very positive.

The master of Yunxuan is his Royal Highness Prince. Although adoration seems to be abandoned now, the real people know that the status of adoration can not be replaced.

Xiaofeng has admired Yunxuan since he was young, and he also adores Yunxuan. He also hopes that his master can become king.

This kind of mood, Zhuoshi can understand very well.

When I knew linglie was the emperor's son living in exile, he was so excited with Zhuo ran. So Zhuo Xi, for the sake of Xiaofeng and everyone, also helped Qinglan to complete the tax task for five consecutive years.

The world of adults is very cruel.

Zhuoshi's position is as easy as killing an ant to save an enterprise.

The brand of Yugui people has become very popular recently. Zhuoshi has not dealt with the owner's wife. However, it is obvious that he will not sell the company with unlimited future if he changes his position.

In this case, Zhuo Xi can only play some tricks.

Of course, he is a kind and honest person. He can't let others pay for nothing. In terms of the purchase amount, he can have a good talk with the other party and make the other party willing to become a subsidiary of Lingyun international and continue to shine.

"I won't go back to Canada. When Yugui becomes a subsidiary of Lingyun international, it's better to move to m city. Because the taxes paid by Yugui's turnover are all under the account of Lingyun international, which can help his highness to complete the established tasks. "

Josh smiled.

He went to work soon, and Xuehao went to the company.

As soon as zhuoxi arrived at the office, his subordinates called and said, "my Lord, Mr. Yu has been talking for a week. The reply just given is still not for sale."

Zhuoshi was not surprised by the result: "then proceed as planned."

In the evening.

When Zhuoshi got out of work and drove back, a noble Rolls Royce blocked his way.

He frowned, put down the window, and looked at each other, but the other side's body was crosswise, blocking the road, but he was not allowed to pass!

Zhuoxi only came down.

At this time, Yu Sili also got out of the car.

She was wearing an expensive light gold dress. Zhuoshi felt a little headache because of her good figure and appearance. He saw her in the photos and materials and knew who she was: "lady, it's not good that you are blocking my car like this."

Yu Lishi strides forward, her angry cheeks are green!

All day long, from the warehouse accident, to the workshop accident, to the later exaggerated design plagiarism, these things broke out, and people from the Quality Supervision Bureau, the Finance Bureau and other organs came one after another, nearly breaking her threshold!

Even if she is innocent, but these people always in the name of "someone reported so come to investigate", her company is almost paralyzed!

Josh thought she was going to hit him.

He felt sorry for himself.

However, Yu Sili came to him angrily, and suddenly she said softly, "Lord Zhuoshi, can you give me a way?"

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