The little girl was uneasy in her adoration.

As long as he goes to the head of the bed and puts her down, she will cry nervously.

Admiring is also worried about her, I don't know if she has just been shot so many times by herself, but it's time to see her die, right?

The child's head rests firmly on his shoulder. He holds her small body in one arm and asks her to sit on his arm. The other hand goes to hold the door and is ready to close it.

In the process of pushing the door and closing, the hair bracelet on the wrist came out, as if something was gently cutting his bracelet, he suddenly shrunk his hand!

I don't know if it's an illusion?

"Your Highness!" Yunxuan comes back in the second after he shrinks his hand, carrying the take out bag in his hand.

There is some uneasiness in admiring.

Isn't it Jun luoshang coming in?

Deep dark eyes looked around him. Yunxuan looked at him. When he was about to put the bag aside, he took out his pistol and aimed around.

"It could be an illusion." "Too tired, too nervous, there will be hallucinations, hallucinations."

"Your Highness, it's not funny to play small." Yunxuan doesn't like listening to adoration and hallucination.

Because the people here have hallucinations step by step, and then Flying to heaven.

"Your Highness, hurry up and have a rest. The patients in bed 19 and bed 23 also have hallucinations today. They just don't know if they can survive. They have been watched by the doctors all the time. " Yunxuan said as he opened the bag and took out the food.

Because only those who have hallucinations have the chance to die, to break through this barrier and recover their health.

These people, like the adored baby, look fragmented, but carry the hope of saving all patients.

Only by extracting the serum of the convalescent can we fight this war.

I admire that if you guessed well, this time it's a small test set. When they are really overwhelmed, more riots will spread from the gap of e city to all parts of the country!

The branch of the door opened again.

Yunxuan looks back nervously, leaving nothing behind.

There was a fine sweat on his back.

Come forward, close the door firmly, and then lock it!

If it can be opened again in this way, there is a ghost!

Admiring and feeling that the little girl was sweating, he touched the back of the child's neck, then called out pleasantly, afraid to wake up the sleeping child: "brother Doudou, let's see if she has a fever?"

"No, she has been burning for several days. The lowest temperature is 38 degrees." Yun Xuan whispered the first mock exam, and walked up to the child's forehead.

It's common sense that fever is a symptom of fever reduction when people perspire.

Cloud Xuan hurriedly explored the nose breath of the child again, excited way: "live!"

Adoration glared at him!

He knew that he had said something wrong and said: "it will be OK! It will be OK! It's going to get better! "

Admiring this time is even more reluctant to put her down, so holding her, he sat by the head of the bed, and then Yunxuan took the tableware in one hand, the lunch box in the other hand, and fed to admiring one mouthful.

Yun Xuan said with a smile, "I really earned the chance to serve his highness three times in this life!"

But the eyes of adoration fell gently on the child's back.

Eating at the same time, he secretly said: "my child, you must strive for success! Be sure to survive! "

When developing such a virus, Bree must have done experiments in vivo, but micro individuals can not be used for macro measurement, so they must actively look for the patients in many patients like looking for a needle in a haystack.

All of a sudden!

On the corridor came a woman's voice: "ah! Help

I admire you!

Yunxuan put down his chopsticks and stood up: "I'll go and have a look!"

However, the thought of the door suddenly open, he can not leave the admiration!

There is a small transparent glass window above the door panel of the rope ward. Looking out through the glass window, Yunxuan can see that several members of the Moying team and a scientist have run by quickly!

It's like 23 beds!

The next second, Yunxuan's mobile phone rings, he answers quickly, and presses the handsfree under the sign of adoration.

"Lord Yunxuan! The 23 bed patient was suffocated with a pillow! Just now! "

Yunxuan is surprised at the words: "you are kidding! Doesn't it mean that he has hallucinations but no fever, so he is most likely to break through the virus? "

The other side said: "it's really dead! At first, he was only twenty-one years old. He was strong and strong in stature and resistance. We all thought he had hope, but he may or may have hallucinations and suffocated himself! "

"19 beds are in good condition! 19 beds are in good condition! " Outside on the corridor, I don't know who rang the bed bell, and then the voice of the nurse rang all over the corridor!

Yun Xuan gnashed his teeth and said, "how about building 19?"

Yunxuan takes back her mobile phone and looks at her admiring: "Your Highness, will you Is he here? "

Admiring eyes deep as the sea, people do not perceive any emotion.

He stared at the lunch box and said, "eat fast!"

Yunxuan is silent. He goes forward and feeds a little chicken soup and a few mouthfuls of beef to adore. After all, he works hard here and has the risk of infection. He needs to increase his resistance.

Moreover, they don't use the hospital canteen to deliver meals, because the tableware they have eaten will cause cross infection if spread out, so they can only eat takeout, and after eating, all the garbage will be collected and destroyed in a centralized way.

Yunxuan sat down just to eat, and his cell phone rang again.

He answered, and the other side said, "Lord Yunxuan, the 19 bed one also died! The nurse on the side said that she poured water for the patient. As soon as she turned around, the patient fell off the bed and the back of her head just turned to the ground. She died. It should also be caused by hallucinations. "

Yunxuan thought for a moment and said: "from now on, there must be four soldiers on duty at the gate of the 15 bed! Three Highnesses are here! "

"Yes!" Hearing this, the soldier was not sure, so he was a little nervous: "is there an enemy lurking in? No way! "

"What nonsense!"

"Yes! I'll arrange it! "

Cloud Xuan after the end of the call, hurriedly with the meal stuttering!

He has a clear idea in his mind. When Jun luoshang comes, how can he fight against this man in the dark if he doesn't supplement his strength well?

I admire him for his devouring food. He has a great momentum. He chuckles.

Try to put the baby on the bed.

The child's fever subsided, and his nose blood stopped, but his small face was very weak.

There is still blood on the instep. I adore that I am too careless. This baby used to have a needle. It should have dropped the needle.

He took a cotton stick and helped her stop the bleeding.

In my mind, the first time the door opened, it should be when Jun luoshang came in. Then the second time the door opened, it was Yunxuan who came here. He named 19 beds and 23 beds. So Jun luoshang thought that Yunxuan was here. He was not good at admiring, so he went to kill the two named patients first.

Because, once they pass this pass and extract serum, Ningguo will never be afraid of the biological and chemical weapons.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Suddenly, I said to Yunxuan, "protect two scientists! Focus on protecting all patients entering the final stage of hallucination! Close to you! "

"Yes!" Yunxuan put down the dishes and chopsticks, and hurriedly ordered them to go down.

After lunch, he went to the window at the back of the room and checked for security leaks.

However, the mobile phone rings constantly --

"Mr. Yunxuan, 8 beds have gone."

"Lord Yunxuan, there are 13 beds."

"Lord Yunxuan, several people who entered the final stage of hallucination died today!"

"Mr. Yunxuan, how is the girl in your 15 bed?"

"More and more serious!" Adoration suddenly made a sound, and went to Yunxuan and took the phone, saying: "a kindergarten baby, nosebleeds, just convulsed, it's very frightening, I don't think it can survive."

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