The eyes of adoration brightened in an instant.

Without waiting for the man to respond, he has snatched the report first!

Yunxuan also follows up!

If Bella is OK, his master will be OK, and Tiantian, who is in the detention room, will be OK!

At this moment, everyone's heart was raised!

Admiring his eyes, he stared at the report. After reading the report, he felt like he was going to collapse. His hands were stiff!

The nurse picked up the report immediately and sent it in to the attending doctor.

In the glass room, Bella lay flat, her face looking in the direction of adoration.

Doctors have said that if the virus is really infected, it will replicate in the body with the increase of blood circulation.

That is to say, lying like this is the doctor's order. Only lying still, the slower the virus replicates and the longer it lasts. If it can survive until the serum is extracted successfully, Bella will be saved.

Of course, these are in Bella if infected with the virus under the premise of the doctor's advice.

Also because of this, admires to see her lie on the bed motionless, only then can follow outside the glass wall to stand motionless!

Yunxuan didn't understand the report.

In other words, before he could see clearly, he had been put down by adoration.

At this moment, the doctor took over the report form, and after reading it, the whole person was very excited!

The princess is not infected with the virus!

The incubation period of this virus is seven days, and the imperial concubine happens to be the sixth day. As long as she survives this evening, the imperial concubine can be vaccinated!

And her nose blood is the result of high mental pressure, and the air in the sterile room is too dry!

Just as the doctor looked at the report, admiration finally got up the courage to call Bella.

Bella was very upset.

I felt the phone from the bedside table and held it in my hand.

The doctor just came in, saw her and said: "princess, good news, you are not infected with this virus!"

As soon as the doctor's voice fell out, he fell in love with him and covered his lips, as if he was going to cry. "Wife, please, I beg you, you must be strong, and I will try my best to extract the bleeding and save you!"

Bella: "..."

She looked at the doctor, admired him, and sat up.

The finger holding the phone was a little stiff, and the other hand took over the test sheet in the doctor's hand. She didn't know what kind of data the virus should have, but she remembered that when she was carrying out the birth test one by one, there would be up and down arrows behind each data in the test report. With these arrows, she had a problem.

Now, she is in good health, and the data are all in the forefront of the normal value reference range!

She's OK!


She looks up at the admiration outside the glass wall!

Why does adoration cry? Why does adoration say it's something?

That pair of deep and meaningful eyes are the eyes of her favorite man. When he saw her face looking towards his own direction, he choked: "wife, don't give up! I will get the serum! We, we must get the serum! "

Bella suddenly understood!

She said to the doctor, "I'll whisper to the third prince. You can avoid it first."

"I dare not." The doctor was startled.

How dare you let the princess say a salute to herself, turn around repeatedly, and go to the separated office on the edge with a sigh of relief.

He's a doctor for Bella.

When she saw him go, Bella covered her mouth and cried out: "sobbing - admiring! Wuwu "

" hold on, I'll ask them to prepare the best room for you. I'll take care of you myself when you come out. Wife, we can make it through. One by one, we are so small. You must not give up, you know? "

The words of adoration are in tears.

Yunxuan listened, raised his hand to cover his head, and choked silently.

Living here for so many days, every day we have to send away a few patients who died of invalid rescue due to virus infection.


How ethereal, just like the moon in the mirror!

"Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~" Yunxuan can't help crying!

He did not dare to imagine the life of a little princess without a concubine. He did not dare to imagine the rest of her life when she was only 18 years old. He did not dare to think about Tiantian. Would she be sentenced to death?

Why is that?

After Mingming's third princess came in from the tunnel, all the people she contacted were healthy people who had been vaccinated!

Obviously she was sent to the asepsis room in a short time, and in the process, the corridor outside was completely sterilized, and all patients were forbidden to go out!

This should greatly avoid the possibility of infection!

Yunxuan knelt down and said to her adoration, "Your Highness, I'm sorry, Wuwu - I'm sorry!"

He said it for Tiantian.

Because Yunxuan grew up with adoration, she would understand how important Bella is and how difficult their love is!

Bella is crying in the glass room, adore is crying outside the glass room, the two people are holding the phone and facing each other bitterly, Yunxuan kneels beside adore's feet and sobs loudly!

This tragic picture, coupled with the news of nosebleed of the three princes and concubines who had been wearing it before, makes people completely believe that Bella is infected with the virus without asking!

Bella trembled at her admiration and said, "I, I will stay for another day or two, and then go out! Sobbing ~ I don't believe I'm infected. Sobbing ~ I may have eaten something that I shouldn't have eaten or drunk something that I shouldn't have drunk today, so some data in the blood is wrong. Sobbing ~ sobbing ~ sobbing ~ one by one is still so small. Adoration, sobbing ~ I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! "

Bella broke down and rushed out of control to the front of the glass wall!

She was crying, her feet were bare, standing in front of the glass wall, kneeling and sitting!

Adore knows, this is Bella understood his meaning.

Because Bella can't cry for fear of death.

She is the kind who would rather carry everything on her own than worry about her for him or her.

It's as if for such a long time just now, she didn't cry or make noise. She lay quietly on the bed and just looked at him quietly. Now, he reminded her to cooperate with her acting on the phone, and she really cried and made noise.

I know she's acting, but when I admire her, I will feel sad: "my wife, when you get up, we'll go through it, and we'll go through it. At last, I will kneel down in front of the glass wall and cry with Bella!

As soon as the doctor saw something wrong, he got up and went to Bella to explain that Bella was not poisoned!

But as soon as he came out, in the face of adoration, adoration stabbed him with a fierce look!

The doctor suddenly stood there!

Admires in the eyes to bring to belong to the king only then has the deterrent power, the earthquake doctor dare not say many words, hurriedly turns around to leave!

After a while, Bella's mood gradually recovered.

Adore turned to his face and looked at Yunxuan: "prepare an empty room for people in the womb to send more pillows, pajamas and small things she likes, just like the layout in the palace. After the layout, I will take her out and take care of herself."

Yun Xuan sobbed and nodded: "sob ~ Yes!"

Adoration frowned, and then said: "let's have them delivered in the morning tomorrow. Let's let's have more sleep in the capital."

Bella spent tonight is equivalent to a 7-day virus incubation period. Even if the vaccine is injected in the morning tomorrow, it will take 24 hours to produce antibodies. It is the safest for her to leave the aseptic room the day after tomorrow.

And tomorrow let the palace send things to Bella to prepare for the ward, just can delay a day, to Bella after the injection of vaccine antibody won a buffer time!

And as soon as the capital delivers something, it means that the whole world knows that the third princess is infected!

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