In the monitoring picture under the satellite detection, the mountains are filled with thick green toxic smoke after the fire. The smoke is quickly buried by the blown loess sand!

All devices and viruses are covered in the noisy dust!

Qiao Xin in front of the LCD screen envies, tilts to allow and so on, all excitedly cheers!

Qiao Xin envied the voice of Qiao Yekang from the Bluetooth headset: "report to the chief! Completed the task! "

"Well done!" Qiao Xin admires and exclaims!

Although so many expensive UAVs and missiles have been damaged, it is really worth it.

For Ningguo, as long as the problem can be solved with money is not a problem!

Take a break.

At 12:15 noon, Qiao Xinxian's plane was allowed to park on the Ziwei avenue of Taiyu by linglie!

The wind from the propeller gives the crape myrtle petals that originally fell on the ground a new life like roll up. The sky and the earth are sweet and beautiful!

Ling lie led the 13 important officials of the house of Lords to wait quietly.

Because it's a secret operation, it's not convenient to meet each other with royal music in the capital airport.

But at this moment, what contributions do the people on and off the helicopter make for the people of Ningguo? Linglie and the important ministers behind him are all aware of it!

Qiao Xin envies his father and his son, and even obliquely accommodates them. Liu guangkou holds the mink and lands on the roof of Taiyu. The mink lands on the ground and looks at the following picture side by side with Liu Guang.

Linglie excitedly came forward, and hugged Qiao Xin's father and son with tears in her eyes, and embraced Qingrong.

Qiao Xin envies that there are no more than ten thousand people under one person.

And Ling lie is to go to Qiao Yekang, take off his epaulet, personally put on a pair of Venus for him!

Qiao Yekang saluted: "be loyal to the country! Serve the people! "

Ministers applauded and congratulated!

Linglie goes to qianrong again, takes off his epaulet, and puts on a pair of lieutenant colonel's epaulets for him!

He said meaningfully to qianrong, "Mr. lieutenant colonel, 18 years old, there is no one before or after! Although you are young, you should be more careful! Don't forget your original intention! "

"Yes!" She was very excited. Tears rolled in her eyes: "be loyal to the country! Serve the people! "

Applause and congratulations.

Linglie smiled and turned to look at the top of the platform. The eagle, whose outstanding combat achievements have not been accumulated, and the mink, who is not afraid of danger and who lives with his eldest son, all stood there excitedly.

A deep thank you look is for them, all in silence.

"Why didn't red Qi come here?" Linglie smiled, held qianrong in one hand, Qiao Yekang in the other hand, walked to the depth of the crowd, and said: "I have set up a celebration banquet for you today. I thought red Qi would come at least! I'm very interested in this boy! I didn't expect that this time he made such a great contribution and saved all the people I cared about most! "

Qiao Yekang said, "it means tonight. She didn't want to be too brilliant. And red Qi is also a Jianghu temper. He doesn't care about it. "

Linglie understood: "young Xia, you're kind-hearted. Be honest and righteous. Everything is not for reward, just for your own willingness, casual, forthright, very good! "

We went to the national guest hall of the imperial study from the gate of taiwomb. The exquisite dishes and drinks were ready, and the lively celebration banquet began.

And Liuguang watched mink bounce back to the womb, and it also spread its wings, flying to the position where Shangguan Xiaoxiao was.

They sat behind the curtain and watched Ling lie raise his rank for Qiao Yekang and Qing Rong, and watched them leave. They were all happy for them.

In particular, Mu Tianxing couldn't help saying: "Qing Rong is becoming more and more manly! More and more handsome! "

Rejoicing, rojeb said, "not really! That's my grandson! Hahaha! "

We went to the direction of the restaurant, just sat down, think it has turned into an adult shape, into the tilt room quickly changed clothes out.

She looked at them with a smile and said, "I haven't seen you for many days. Think of meeting you and say hello!"

Everyone got up and greeted her back with a smile.

Her silver hair was very smart. At the moment of sitting down, lojeb looked left and right. After a while, he asked, "EH. Why hasn't the streamer come down? "

I haven't seen you for days. Rojeb missed him.

Think about a sip of hot soup and chuckle: "Grandpa Huang, you are still waiting for Liuguang. He said he went to accompany the doctor to lunch!"! It's long gone! "

Rojeb: "..."

He was not happy to turn his back. "If you have a daughter-in-law, you'll forget your master. You're a man who thinks of changing places."

Ni Xiyue helplessly took a picture on his thigh and said, "OK! I've been alone for so long. I'm not easy to have a company or a home. I'm worried about that feeling, and the feeling that I can't wait to see that person. We are too young to be considerate! Why do you grow older and look like a child? "

Lojeb sighed and thought so.

It's really not easy for Liuguang to escape from death for so many years, never retreat for so many times, and to defend the Luo Dynasty even knowing that he will die.

"When adoration and Bella come back, hurry to prepare the wedding for Liuguang!" Rojeb said lightly.

Ni Xiyue nodded approvingly: "well."

Because of this war, linglie was very happy, and the boulder that had been pressed for many days was finally carried away.

When Zhuo ran accompanied the wine at the celebration banquet, he saw the living face and thought of the way his majesty looked at himself and let him make coffee. He couldn't help being laughed by himself.

All of these seem to be moving in a better and better direction.

On that day, Yu Sili went back from the jewelry store and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Zhuoshi's hand and a smile.

When they came out with little red book, Yu Sili took Zhuoshi's hand seriously in the car and said: "I never thought I would do such a crazy thing as flash marriage in my life, but I know you before I understand what it's called involuntarily. I can't wait to be your wife. I've been with you for a long time. Your values coincide with mine. Although our careers are not the same, it's not easy to find someone who has the same attitude towards life and likes each other. "

Julie pulled Zhuoshi's hand and took the ring from her pocket and put it on the ring finger of her left hand.

Zhuoshi looked at it in surprise: "lily?"

"I know you gave me all the good things." She said: "I know you are a low-key person. But husband, I love you! I don't want to love you so low-key. I hope the whole world knows how important you are to me. Although it seems that we haven't known each other for a long time, you have become my close relatives. A man who can be his own pillow is worthy of all his efforts to maintain, respect and love, isn't he? "

So when he wants to give her all the best, she also wants to give him all the best.

At last, Zhuoshi understood what she had done when she went out in the morning.

But looking at the square diamond ring with two carats in his hand, he was really moved: "lily, I won't say anything else. In the future, it will be the best for our family to live happily together. "

"Well." She nodded, but never talked to him about the wedding.

Zhuoshi knew that she was a first marriage, and was unwilling to wronged her: "the situation in Ningguo is not stable. When the trend is over, I will gather all my family and friends together, and then hold a grand wedding to marry you!"

"Hahaha! Well, I'll wait! " Yu Sili didn't seem to care.

In her heart, no matter how luxurious and envious the wedding is, it will not be worth the next day and night. She and Zhuoshi live happily and warmly together.

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