E city.

The little girl has been free of symptoms of virus infection for more than seven days, which means that she has developed antibodies and recovered.

The scientists pumped her blood excitedly.

It takes about 800 cc of blood to extract the serum, which is enough to save hundreds of lives in the whole compartment.

When the child is young and the disease is over, he is a little anaemic.

Adore held a meeting with the experts seriously, and decided to take the 800cc blood in four days, 200cc a day, with three meals a day to supplement her body, soothe and soothe her, otherwise the child would not be able to bear it.

And eleven days later.

All the patients in the compartment have recovered.

The patient's family members lined up at the gate of the hospital in tears, waiting for their close relatives to come back.

When Qiao Yekang took a helicopter to pick up the adoring couple and they went back, adoring them standing on the roof of the hospital. Before they got on the plane, they heard the people downstairs shouting --

"thank you for your help!"

"Thank you, his highness, for your help!"

"Thank your Highness the third prince for saving your life!"

They got on the helicopter one after another, and the propeller kept circling to send them into the air. Through the transparent glass window, they could also see the people on the street and in front of and behind the hospital kneeling together.

Because the arrival of admiration not only saved hundreds of lives in the isolation cabin, but also completely controlled the epidemic situation in e city, which did not spread widely in the urban area.

Maybe someone will say that he is just a fake. It's OK to change someone else, because scientists and medical staff are all here.

However, if someone else is changed, he may not have the courage and determination to enter the isolation cabin to take care of himself, or the wise and strategic treatment arrangement and guiding suggestions.

Young as he is, he is very thoughtful.

After more than three hours of flight, when the adoring couple arrived in the capital, they had not come down from the helicopter, and linglie and others had been waiting there with excitement.

This time, not only the ministers of the house of lords were present, but also the lojebs, the Shen and the Rong, the zhuoran and so on.

Even the major news media, military reports and political forum of Ningguo are here.

Countless flashlights pointed at the direction of the helicopter. After one incident, the couple's admiration was famous.

Yunxuan and Daitou get down from another helicopter first. Qiao Yekang leads the adoring couple down from the helicopter in the middle. In the adoring arms, she holds a two or three-year-old baby. She is embracing the adoring neck and looks at the crowd in confusion.

About this child, adoration has talked to linglie.

Linglie said: "since you and Bella can't bear it, take it back to have a look first! People in the world, who are not the children of our king? "

Then Ling lie led the people to come forward, first took over the child, in the eyes of the people surprised, smiled and said: "it's her! It's the serum of this little hero that saved hundreds of lives in the isolation cabin! She's the youngest of the infected, but she's also the first to recover from her admiration and careful care! "

The media have snapped the child's face, photographed Ling lie holding her and kissing her on the cheek.

Lojeb chuckled, thinking that linglie was really an old fox. On the news, xiaoyunyun's parents saw that his daughter was a treasure, and they would definitely try to recognize her back.

In the early morning at the dinner table, linglie said: "the royal family can't accept the children outside. It's not ruthless, but it can learn from the past! Her parents abandoned her because of money, because they wanted to have a son. I gave them some rewards. After all, Huang Yun is a little hero, and the rewards should be given. Everyone has their own life track. She should go back to her original life track. If she can succeed in her studies in the future, goodbye is not impossible. Every year, I go to Capital University to give awards to the higher students who have won scholarships, and to give honorary citizen awards to entrepreneurs who have paid a huge amount of taxes to Ningguo. Many of these people have gone from poverty and backwardness to prosperity and advancement step by step with their own efforts. "

Admiring to see his father holding xiaoyunyun in public for a while, he always felt that his brow was slightly frowned, but it was soon released.

He took his wife's hand, stood beside Ling lie, smiled at the major media, and took photos.

There should be some royal demeanor, some etiquette and cultivation.

It's just that adoration suddenly turned to linglie's ear and whispered, "you owe me an explanation!"

Clearly said to bring the children back first, how to get off the plane so that the multimedia is in?

Many of the ministers of the house of lords were promoted when they admired the last time they attacked the tiger. Although they were frightened by the ruthless technique of adoration, they looked around and bowed for advice. They only followed the bow, but they could not seem too abrupt. They were admired and saw him, right?

"Your Majesty, please establish the third prince as your reserve!"

"Your Majesty, please establish the third prince as your reserve!"

The reporters broadcast all these pictures live!

Mu Tianxing's eyes are red. He looks at his son and daughter-in-law, all of whom are in front of him. He holds them one by one.

When Bella saw her daughter, she jumped up and hugged her: "one by one! My one! "

Adoration quickly followed: "daughter! My daughter! "

The couple are not interested in the matter of opposing reserve. What they care about most at the moment is their own flesh and blood that they haven't seen for many days.

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