Qiao Yekang was depressed.

He couldn't think of such a picture when he was jealous with his pet.

Once more, outside the window, leaning feather led a man down from the air.

The man was wrapped in a blanket, like a Shami in a Tibetan temple. He covered his body tightly, revealing a small face as white as water and hibiscus, and a long silver hair as a waterfall.

Think of looking at her hair, immediately touching her own, laughing: "great! Xuebao is like me! "

Qiao Yekang immediately slowed down and turned to look at Xuehao. He was angry and funny: "you just played me on purpose?"

Xuehao chuckled: "I didn't see you worried. I want to have a look!"

"Ha ha..." she smiled tonight, but also worried: "she has a Qi in her heart. I saw it in the morning. I just don't know if Qi'er has her in mind. "

When the door opened, Chui Yu pulled Xuebao forward with a smile and sat in the car.

Qiao Yekang looked at his pet without blinking, but suddenly he didn't dare to recognize him.

Xuebao is very big, with a beautiful face and a tall head. When he was just walking along, he had a look of one meter and seventy-two, but his hair color retained a trace of animal state just like he thought.

Qiao Yekang was suddenly moved, especially when Xuebao looked at him excitedly and called him "master!"

At that moment, he and tonight's tears are in his eyes.

Qiao Yekang chuckled and said: "I dare not hold you in the future. Look at you. You look like a flower. If you are a young man, we will play football and drink together. I dare not to look like you now."

Tonight, he said with a smile, "who just heard that Xuebao has become a man, and then he is in a hurry to die? Now I wish she were a man! "

Qiao Yekang's ears are reddish.

I didn't expect to be torn open mercilessly tonight.

He coughed awkwardly twice and said, "back. Red Qi is alone in the room. He's drunk. He doesn't know what's going on. So far, no one has taken care of him. "

"Xuebao, I have sobering tea at home. I'll make a cup of it. Then you can send it to Qi'er and take care of him by the way," he said

Xuebao nodded and said with a smile, "OK!"

The night is thick, the stars are picturesque, and the world is fresh after being washed by the rainstorm.

Xuehao and Qianyu fly back with mink, while Qiao Yekang wipes his body with hot water in red Qi's room and changes his clean pajamas.

Xiage has been cleaned up. It's only next month that Yi Qing's husband and wife come here. At this time, Xiage is very cold. Hongqi doesn't want to live alone.

"Qi'er is a lively child and a solid eyed one." Tonight, he said, and came over with a cup of sobering tea: "but I have to talk about him later, so that he doesn't have to fight like this every time he drinks. How many times has he been drunk since I came back?"

"Well," Qiao Yekang nodded, turned on the exhaust fan in the room, and changed the wine gas: "tomorrow you say, he will listen to what you say."

I'll follow Xuebao with me tonight, because I'm going to wear clothes with Xuebao.

Xuebao made a joke when she came into the house. The brand-new slippers at home, which were prepared for the women's family, were tried one by one, but there was no one she could wear. Later, she found a pair of male guests to wear.

This evening, I helped her to have a look. Her feet are fat and keep the tiger's animal shape. The shoe size is about 41.

Xuebao blushed sheepishly, but Qiao Yekang comforted her and said, "it doesn't matter. Women with big feet are blessed!"

At this time, put the cup on the head of the bed tonight, and said to Xuebao, "you stay and take care of it. Wait for him to be a little conscious, and ask him to get up and drink."

Xuebao smiled: "OK!"

She also came forward and took the basin to the bathroom.

Qiao Yekang and this evening also found that Xuebao's hands also retained the tiger's animal form, with fat hands. If she didn't look at her thin and dusty face, and only saw her hands and feet, she would definitely associate her with a big fat man of 200 Jin!

And just can't see clearly in the car, now walk in front of her face, just see clearly that her height is about 1.75 meters!

Qiao Yekang stayed in the room for a while and watched Xuebao come out. This evening, he said to Xuebao, "Xuebao, I know you like Qi'er, but you can't rush about emotional matters. If you can let him slowly feel your good, like you and form a relationship, this is what we all like. But if Qi'er can't accept you, Xuebao, let's not blame Qi'er or kidnap him morally. After all, he has the right to choose his lover. Do you understand what I mean? "

Xuebao nodded and said, "I understand."

After Qiao Yekang left tonight, Xuebao left to take care of Hongqi.

Moreover, she used to live in Dongge. As we all know, the snow tiger raised by Shizi, as tall and powerful as the polar bear, is in Dongge.

But just this evening when she was asked if she wanted to arrange a room for her in Chunge, Xuebao said shyly, "I want to live in Xiage with Hongqi!"

I laughed at that time tonight and said to her, "OK, no problem!"

Summer Pavilion so big villa, so many rooms, can't also place the next girl?

At present, Xuebao looks at her hands, her feet, goes back to the bathroom, looks in the mirror, looks at her face and looks at her human face. She is very excited!

She twisted her little buttocks, whined low, and went back to red Qi's bed.

She lay on him.

In the past, when they were tigers, they were so close relatives. The animal's thinking was quite direct. The difference between her and her thinking was that her soul was human, and her IQ was also human's IQ. But unlike Xuebao, her soul was also animal like, so it was very simple.

She reaches out and grabs red Qi's eyes, red Qi's eyelashes. She looks at them carefully.

She still remembers that under the imperial mausoleum of the ancient northern moon, when Xuehao dropped rows of candlesticks from the sky and put them on the coffin to become a staircase, red Qi took her and escaped from the sky step by step.

She saw red Qi on the roof because she liked to lean her feathers to beg for help. She was sad and sad to drink muggy wine.

She has seen red Qi open her heart step by step and begin to sincerely bless Qing Yu and her younger martial brother.

She had seen him lead a heavy army trapped under the ice cave, but his face did not change.

She fought side by side with him to wipe out countless ancient northern moon cavalry.

Xuebao didn't know when she began to fall in love with him, but when she was crossing the thunder, when she found that she had created a daughter, only the shadow of red Qi lingered in her mind.

Perhaps, she just fell in love with his naive childlike, straightforward, positive, brave, righteous and responsible!

As brave and sincere as she is.

Xuebao lies on him and kisses him in the mouth.

One mouthful, one mouthful, one mouthful.

Red Qi felt that he was about to be crushed to death. It was hard to breathe. He couldn't help opening his mouth to breathe, but he was robbed to breathe.

He opened his eyes in a daze. In front of him, a peerless beauty was looking at him with eyes full of autumn waves. He called affectionately, "red Qi!"! Red Qi! I love you! "

Red Qi swallowed her saliva: "you are so beautiful!"

Xuebao's cheeks were red. He thought of something. He climbed down from him and was about to feed him with sobering tea. But when he saw that he was in a daze and went to sleep again, he shouted, "Oh, my head hurts!"

Xuebao frowns and thinks about it. He takes a sip, bows his head, opens his mouth and feeds the sober tea.

In this way, it took almost 20 minutes to finish feeding all the cups.

Red Qi is well cared for and has a good dream all night. Xuebao lies on him again, listens to his heartbeat and sleeps with him.

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