Yun Qingzhi was in a hurry. He stood up and looked at nalanting displeased: "I think you are Yuzhong! Who is your granddaughter tonight with Yaya

"Qingzhi!" Sinan scolded: "how do you talk to grandpa! You're just out of place! "

Yunqingxi's face is calm, looks at her son and says, "apologize to grandpa!"

Yunqingzhi turns around and leaves!

Nalan was too angry to eat. He put the tableware on the table and said, "I want to go back to my hometown. If there is a ancestral home in my hometown, I live there alone, growing vegetables, and there is a well in the yard. I can bask in the sun every day, gather vegetables, or cook a pot of tea, a volume of books, and live at ease. "

Qin Fang was surprised to hear the words and pulled him: "our husband and wife finally met. What are you going to do! Isn't it a good thing that little April is deeply in love with Yaya's brothers and sisters? "

"The reason why people are human is that they have moral constraints! Look at the zoo, a cage, which isolates the world of human beings and animals. This is to warn us that human beings are more civilized than animals! But, now, April is not divided into right and wrong, black and white are not clear, even the most basic morality is gone, and even the most basic principles are not explained! "

Nalanting got up and waved: "you can't eat it. I can't eat it. Fang, ye'er and Kangkang are both brought up by you. South south, you and ye'er grew up together. I think such feelings should be invincible! I was taken care of by ye'er when I was in the palace. Which one of you was not taken care of by ye'er when you were in the palace? Now, actually connive small April has to frame the idea of night daughter-in-law! How can you bear it! Think about the original Qiao family, how to help you marry Xiaoqing at the risk of the world! Think about how at that time, with a grateful heart, you can't repay Qiao's family in any way in this life. Think about now's little April. The truth is here, the fact is here. Think about it for yourself! "

Naranting's words silenced everyone.

As he went farther and farther, Sinan hurriedly got up and pulled him. "Dad, we know. I will tell him in April that I will not let him sink deeper and deeper!"

Yun Qingxi cried bitterly and said, "what should ya ya do here? What should ya ya do here?"

Nalanting waved with a headache: "no way! Road is her own choice, right and wrong, are her own choice. If you are wrong, you have to bear it. If you are young, you have to bear it. If you believe in others, you have to bear it. If you give her many excuses, they are all good. They are all her own. If you are wrong, you have to bear it! "

Yunqingxi wipes her tears and asks, "Dad, do you mean that we should die, recognize our lives and let Yaya go on like this?"

Naranting blurted out, "yes!"


"How much do you think little April has? He wants his life tonight? Kangkang can crush little April to death with one finger! This is not to save Yaya's life tonight. He's looking for death! He will find his own death, and he will be buried with the whole North moon! If at this time, in this situation, you can't see the future situation clearly, then you are just pig brains one by one! I have nothing to say to you! "

Naranting's spirit is gone!

Cloud Qingxi wails, Qin Fang is also very sad: "it's all about that Princess Qianyu who's so stupid! She must have known that the curse was intended to harm us! Otherwise, empress, why don't she give it for nothing? Wuwu ~ my poor Yaya, my little granddaughter, I haven't enjoyed a few days since I was born. You scold her one by one, but she is a child. Wuwu ~ she also wants to save her family, and that linglie emperor, who can save us tomorrow. He doesn't do it in the morning. He has to wait for Yaya to break up with the second prince and get married to save us ! Wuwu ~ he just didn't have a good heart! Wuwu ~ my elegance, how can I meet such a vicious little princess! "

"Well, don't say anything!" Sinan hugged yunqingxi, comforted her, and then said in a deep voice, "listen to Dad!"

Qin Fang cried for a while and said to the maid on one side, "send some food to the master!"

Nalantine, after all, was his husband, and she was distressed.

She picked up the rice again, brought the best dish on the table, and got up and said, "I'll go to see little April. There are more than twenty people in little April. How can I stop eating? I'm so hungry this time!"

They adore what they play in the playground and almost don't want to go back.

Bella makes a Ferris wheel and holds her admiring hand tightly. She doesn't dare to look down, but she is very patient. She has done it with her for four times in a row. When she does it for the fourth time, she has no feeling. The whole person is obviously relaxed.

During the super roller coaster, Bella was scared to stand on one side. She couldn't even dare. Listening to the screams made by the people in front of her, they felt numb, so they stood on the other side to help us see things.

Bella's favorite is the carousel, sitting on it, holding it firmly, not afraid of anything, music and lights, and moving up and down.

Think and smile: "you really can't play, let's go bungee jumping! There's a bungee jumping platform over there. It's so high! "

Bella didn't know what bungee jumping was. She thought it was the trampoline she had seen on TV. She laughed and thought about her unique hand and said, "let's go. Let's go bungee jumping!"

Admiring her beautiful appearance, she asked: "do you know what bungee jumping is?"

Bella was laughed at because she didn't dare to ride the volcano car. She thought, who dare not to trampoline?

So he raised his chin and smiled: "of course I know!"

Results -

when Bella was standing under the bungee jumping platform, looking at the high platform above, she felt her legs were soft for a while.

Admiring and smiling, she kissed her forehead and asked, "do you want to jump, be afraid, and don't want everyone to laugh at you?"

Bella looked at him plaintively, with the help signal clearly in her pupils.

Adore smile, take her hand, step by step toward the steps, that posture, really want to take her to jump down.

Then he asked, really fake, Bella wants to bungee jump? Or Bella to accompany the admiration up?

Matchless repeatedly shook his head: "I dare not, blue blue, I do not jump."

Think about raising your hand: "I'm the first to jump!"

Soon they arrived at the bungee jumping platform.

Adore took Bella's hand and said, "believe me, OK?"

Bella bit her lower lip and tears flashed through her eyes.

She didn't dare to look down at all. She really didn't dare to!

Adore and others followed in line, unparalleled standing below, holding a mobile phone, her task is to help you see things, and help you take photos.

The staff tied the safety belt to Bella, but also to admiration.

They suddenly realized that they were admiring and dancing with Bella?

Bella was held in the arms of adoration, her small face white: "adoration, are you there?"

Adoration chuckled and replied, "I've always been there."

The staff simply explained the precautions, and then counted down: "three! Two! One! "

Two people stand straight on the high platform and hug each other tightly. Suddenly, they fall down hard on their side!

"Ah ~! Ah! Ah! "

Bella screams!

"Ha ha ~" adore but smile at her side.

Waiting for both of them to fall to the bottom, hanging on the top of the rope like a pendulum swinging back and forth, admiring and kissing her forehead, affectionately saying to her, "Shen Xinyi, I love you!"

Bella did not slow down, but also heard him raise his neck, yelled at the world: "Luo adores Shen Xinyi!"

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