Peerless soon fell asleep in bed.

Qinglan asks Fengxuan to accompany her and watch her infusion. He goes to the roof himself and never smokes. Today he wants to smoke, but he doesn't.

The wind in my ear is blowing quietly, the sun is high and aggressive.

Take out his cell phone, he dialed the last one he wanted.

Then he quickly answered, "have you thought about it? Do you want to listen to my business cooperation case?"

"Is it a threat?" "Even if matchless is really dead today, Qingya, I can't go back to you."

There was silence for two seconds, then asked, "what do you mean?"

Blue is not the language.

Qingya seemed to be laughed by Qi and said: "it seems that the monarch is unique in your heart. You can still curse her to death in the broad day. But I'm not interested in her. What I'm going to tell you is a cooperation case! "

"You dare say you didn't do it?" I can't think of anyone else!

Qingya blurted out: "of course I did it! From time to time, the northwest part of my North moon is disadvantageous! Planting trees doesn't work! You can't plant flowers! Birds fly away! The life of more than 20 million people in the northwest is hard and unsustainable! The young can come out to work, but the old and the young can only stay at home! After generations of left behind children grow up, they will only follow the path of their parents! I can't let this continue! So, I sincerely hope you can cooperate with me to set up a factory in the northwest of Beiyue! I have people here, but I don't have a job! "

Qinglan was stunned. She didn't expect to say that.

Qingya then said: "sky, it took me four days to finish the plan. I did it myself!"

"I'm not talking about the plan."

"I have only a plan in mind now! I don't have time to talk to you about anything else! I want my people to work! Have food to eat! Rich flowers! There are children, women, children, grandchildren and reunion! I don't want to leave behind children, widows and old people, nothing else! "

Qingya anxiously finished, lowered her voice and asked with a light entreaty, "sky, can you understand my mood? I don't charge you any tax, no matter how much money you make in my North month, how many things you produce, or import and export trade, etc., I don't charge you any tax! I want you to open a factory and work for my people! Is that ok? "

Blue silence.

The silence of both sides spread.

Qingya said: "I'm sorry, because I can't think of anyone else who can help me. I am not unable to find a partner, but the people in the world are not as kind as you. I will find them, and at last my people will be left to be exploited! And you will be kind to them. "

"Good." Qinglan agrees.

I don't know why. He wants to cry.

Quietly did a deep breath, he said: "you put the project case to my mailbox."

"Thank you." "I'll send it to you right now," Qingya said

"Wait a minute!" Qinglan calmly and solemnly said to her: "matchless was assassinated by archery today. It's nothing serious. If I find out that this person is you, Qingya, I will not be polite to you! "

"Do you want me to tell the truth?" Qingya was also calm but solemnly said: "she was so small that she couldn't stand on the table at all! I'm afraid I didn't know I had to shout twice to listen to you when I went to bed with you! In addition to eating, drinking, sleeping, and you, she has nothing but paste in her mind! I don't care about a person who can't match me at all and who loses his own value! "

Hang up!

She hung up tilt blue!

Tilt blue: "..."

Back to the office, he turned on the computer and immediately received the email from Qingya.

After the point is opened, the place where the eyes reach is really the elegant and habitual tone. After reading the whole article, the blue eyes flash with amazement.

But he didn't dare do anything rashly.

He copied the proposal and sent it to adore, and a prompt box popped up on the result page: failed to submit, willing: the recipient suspended receiving any mail.

Tilt blue: "..."

He helplessly called Ling lie with his mobile phone, and just said a few words, Ling lie then got a headache and said: "you can see and deal with things involving elegance, don't ask me! Now that you're an adult, you need to be able to deal with your own problems, OK? "

Tilt blue: "..."

He wanted to come and go. There was no one around to help him.

He thought of Zhuoshi, and thought that it was better to find liangye than Zhuoshi, but would liangye help him to have a look?

Finish the coffee at hand.

He got up and went back to the room.

Wushuang slept soundly. The last bottle of water remained on it.

Feng Xuan is sitting on the carpet of the bed with his laptop to deal with the matter, mainly because he has been stabbed today.

That arrow must be strong evidence, but so far, no plum shaped arrow has been found in several aspects of information investigation, which is really amazing.

The school's surveillance video is also being checked now, and it's not just Fengxuan who is watching it. Even the couple are helping to watch it in the capital. Some secret investigators are also watching it, and they don't find any clues.

Tilt blue small voice way: "have result?"

Feng Xuan looked up at him and said, "I'm still checking."

Tilt blue dot a head, go up to give matchless to cover good quilt again, turned around to go out.

Hard headed, he called Leng Ye.

The news here tells Liang Ye word for word, because before the feast, when they all went back to the capital, linglie specifically told them that the Qiao Luo family is absolutely trustworthy. Linglie also specifically mentioned: "especially the princess of Liang Ye, her heart is now the heart of the Luo family. Let's not doubt anything."

This is also the reason why Qinglan decided to summon up courage to ask liangye for advice.

After listening to the cool night, Qinglan has already sent the email according to her instructions.

Cool night, while looking at it, said to Qinglan that every key point in the planning book had been mentioned, and finally said: "apart from personal gratitude and resentment, this matter is good for both of you. The annual tax revenue of a large enterprise is amazing. If you save this money, you can give half of it to all the workers who open factories in the northwest of Beiyue for a whole year! The rest is included in your performance, or directly do charity, to promote your business, donate to your country! Don't worry about the workshop. The modern model houses are all built in an hour or two. They are all made of high-energy environmental protection materials. They are wind proof and rain proof. You don't need to spend a lot of money to invest in real estate! Workers don't have to worry about it. There are people rushing to work for a job looking at the gate! "

Moreover, Liang Ye felt that if Qinglan took over the cooperation case and did well, he would not have to wait for the next year, three years or five years, and he would be crowned king by the end of the year.

However, when it comes to the prince's grade, in order to avoid suspicion, the cool night can only be ordered to the end, which is not good.

The result of this phone call is: no problem with the proposal!

Tilt blue hesitated, and said: "matchless today was shot and stabbed by someone, because I don't hope that there will be something wrong with Junpeng, so I let the hospital and other aspects block the news."

"You doubt elegance?" Cool night smiled: "she is ruthless, but there is pride. Because she is cruel and arrogant, she abandoned you and turned back to Beiyue, didn't she? "

Tilt blue is silent, say again: "my first reaction also is she does. But after thinking about it, it should not be. This is a little too obvious. Yun Qingzhi's forefoot was shot by an arrow, and his hind foot was shot by an arrow. The more lice were apparently on their heads, the more problematic it was. "

"But I'm not sure. According to the specific situation, nothing in the world can remain the same, and the most easily changed thing is the people's heart." Cool night thought about it, and said: "like this, the photo of matchless injury and the arrow, you send it to Kang Kang, and he will check it for you. The secret service may recognize it. "

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