At present, I drink the bird's nest sent by the night butterfly tonight.

Night butterfly is about to go out with a tray. Tonight she says with a smile: "the sun is just right outside. You are also a great time. Don't always stay by my side. Go out and have a walk!"

Tonight's going out for a walk, that is to say, go outside to tie knots, go shopping, watch movies and so on.

Maybe I can meet some suitable marriage!

I've been guarding the house all day, I'm afraid I can't hold anything.

The night butterfly actually nodded a head, way: "then I go to the remaining three pavilions to turn around, perhaps still can catch spy!"

She's out.

Tonight I smiled helplessly, looked up at Qiao Yekang, and said: "I thought my life was the most boring, so there are people who are more boring and less able to enjoy life!"

The tip of the nose was immediately shaved, Qiao Yekang looked at her plaintively: "I accompany you every day these days, so in your eyes, this is not interesting day?"

Tonight, his face turned red and he whispered, "what are you doing? Daddy is still there!"

Qiao Yekang hugged her in his arms and said, "hum, whatever he does! He and Mommy have been showing their love to me for decades, and it's my turn! "

"Qiao Xin envies ha ha to laugh aloud, way:" all come over, I first tell you about the wedding step

So, Qiao Yekang and his wife came together.

In October, it's golden autumn and dusk is cold.

As usual, the night butterfly is doing morning exercises around the lake.

In the past, she didn't want to jump out of the lake and swim for a few times, but every time there were family members in the government smiling around and chatting up. She didn't want to jump out and swim in front of these people.

Later, when Liang Ye knew it, he began to talk, saying that ye die was a relative of her mother's family. Although she was on duty in the spring Pavilion, she would not marry casually. If she was harassed for any reason, she would be driven out of the palace.

So today, the butterfly just ran around the lake three times, only to find that there was no fly.

A joy in my heart.

Although she didn't ask too much, she also heard that Princess shizifei seemed to be the holy lady from ancient times. If she could get some advice from Princess shizifei, she would not miss the chance to exercise herself.

Look around now. The street lights are dim and the night is still on. It will take about an hour to light up.

With a faint smile on her lips, she stood somewhere by the lake and suddenly plunged into it!


It's cold!

It was colder than she thought, but the night butterfly was not afraid.

She has participated in numerous physical and mental cruel trainings in the secret service. She has been in the ice cellar of dozens of degrees below zero, so this little difficulty will not be difficult for her.

It's only just a half circle. Maybe she was sweating and hot. Suddenly she jumped into the cold lake and couldn't stand it. She began to have cramps in her legs without warning!

My arms are beating on the water. I want to go ashore but I can't control my aching legs!

"Help, help!"

"Help! Help

But the urgent cry for help swept up in sleep. The mask on her face was torn off from her own skin because of the struggle in the water. She could not care about the mask and sank down!


With a roar of the tiger, snow treasure seemed to come from the sky. Four feet lightly clicked on the surface of the sparkling lake to show the tiger floating on the water.

It opens a huge tiger mouth and accurately holds the back collar of the night butterfly. The tiptoe borrows a force from the water and rises in an instant!

Yeon has been on a business trip for two days and just drove back from the airport.

When the car drove to the lake, he saw someone struggling in the water. He was shocked and stopped the car quickly and opened the door.

A weaker and weaker cry for help cut through the silent air.

He quickly took off his coat and shoes. As soon as he was about to rush, he heard Xuebao whine. Then, in front of him, he staged a shocking snow tiger rescue!

Xuebao takes the body of the night butterfly and falls gently to the ground. Then he looks at yean and shakes the snow-white bangs and wrists his back and leaves.

That's obvious. The next thing is going to be night.

Good night, I saw someone help me. I sat on the ground and coughed. I was relieved.

He quickly opened the back seat, found a small blanket and put it on the night butterfly.

In the night, the real face of the night butterfly is beautiful and refined. Although the five features are not like the beauty of the country, they are better than the pure and pure temperament. It's hard to help but look at her again and again.

"Which pavilion are you from?" He didn't know when there were so many fresh beauties in the house: "you are swimming here before dawn, and your taste is quite unique."

Yenne seldom says so much. He's always a safe and reserved man.

In addition to a year ago in this lake to the Pearl once, followed by knowing that the pearl is his sister, his heart, then almost sealed up, never said so much to any woman.

So night butterfly shivered and said, "three young masters are early!"

Then she reached out to give him back her blanket.

Yean frowned: "I am yean, not yewei."

Smell speech, night butterfly took the initiative to gather the blanket back, stood up, said to night: "thank you two little!"

The dark blue in the sky gradually faded into light blue, and the lights in the house became brighter and brighter. The night butterfly stepped back two steps and said, "two little, go back first!"

Yean looked at her. The girl was tall and her eyebrows and eyes were full of righteousness. Most importantly, she hid behind and asked him to go first, as if he didn't want him to know which Pavilion she was.

Yenne sighed with regret, put on her shoes and suit, and said, "I should jump down and save the beauty."

Night butterflies don't talk.

In the direction of Dongge, Xuebao's discontented voice came: "Ouch!"

Is it disrespectful of its meddling?

"Night an smiled to get on the car, put down the window way:" hurry back, don't freeze

He rose to the window again and went to the Autumn Pavilion where he lived.

Waiting for him to go far, night butterfly put the blanket on, jumped back to the lake, picked up the mask floating on the lake, climbed onto the bank, wrapped in the blanket and left.

Yean stands on the balcony of the second floor of the Autumn Pavilion, holding a telescope in his hand, looking at the figure passing towards the direction of the spring Pavilion, thoughtfully.

People in Chunge?

It's impossible. In addition to the mother, sister-in-law and Xuebao, Chunge will occasionally turn into a woman and a dead leaf butterfly. Who else?

He has seen the appearance of Xuebao and the dead leaf butterfly. It's impossible. It's impossible for him to have other people!

In my mind, I suddenly swept up the pure and pure face just under the hazy night. Night is undeniable, he likes this temperament.

How can I find her?

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