When yewei woke up the next day, he was shocked by the fact that he fell asleep easily.

If it was once, he would think it was an accident, a coincidence.

But both times, he thought it was a little weird.

Go downstairs and have breakfast with Yenan, then go to work refreshed.

That night, he came back with two big rainbow cakes, as big as birthday cakes, which are still round. One box is sent to Chunge for parents and sisters in law to eat separately, one box is sent to Qiuge for parents and sisters in law to eat separately, and one box is sent to Qiuge for Yi Qingzhi's couple Hongqi Yilin to eat separately.

Xu shied away from Yi Lin's relationship. He sent the cake to the gate of Qiuge and left without going in.

However, when Kaixin cut a piece to send to her daughter who was doing her homework, Yilin stared at the cake and looked again: "three brothers sent it?"

"Yes, a big round one, just like a birthday cake!" Kaixin said: "your head teacher sent me a message today saying that you are doing very well in school. There is a speech contest. I want you to prepare it."

Yilin smiled and nodded, "well."

Holding the spoon in his small hand, he scraped off a piece and put it in his mouth to taste.

It's sweet.

Even if it's rejected, it's sweet.

As long as it's from the third brother, it's sweet!

Kaixin said, "I'll go down first. I'll call you when dinner is ready. You'll eat this mat first."

My daughter has been studying in school all day, and I don't know if the food is good or not at noon. I must be hungry when I let go of school.

After Kaixin left, Yilin licked her lips, wrote her homework quickly, wrote all the questions, held the small plate and stuttered, as if eating the best food in the world.

She thought, last night to three elder brothers that explanation, he should be understood.

Understand that he actually misunderstood her.

Understand that she is the same to the three brothers, and treat them as brothers.

He got it, so he gave himself another cake, didn't he?

Yi Lin's heart is sour and astringent, but she is glad that she hasn't lost him. Even if she can only look at him from afar, that's another way to have him.

Yewei is watching TV in the hall of Qiuge.

Take the cell phone and look at the eyes, put it down, and then take it up, look at the eyes, and then put it down.

No, his cakes have been delivered for a long time. Yilin shouldn't have no news.

This girl, not as long as there is time will stick to him to send text messages?

Looking at Yi Lin's photo in her mobile phone, yewei looks at it quietly, smiles suddenly, and thinks ironically that if she really thinks it through, she has the ability to deal with her feelings well and no longer stick to him, shouldn't this be a good thing?

So he put away his cell phone and stopped reading it.

I hope everything will be OK for this child in the future, and I can meet a man who can match her!

* Dubai.

After a day's stroll, adults and children are all tired.

Now, in the hotel suite.

Adore lies on the bed and sleeps. One of the feet is stepping on his face, and the little round and fleshy body is lying on its back and sleeping.

Bella took a bath and came out of the bathroom. She saw such a picture.

I couldn't help it. I took a picture with my cell phone.

Every day that comes out of the palace, it becomes a poem.

Bella thought, this will probably be a memorable time for her and adoration?

There was a knock at the door.

Adore the ground to open an eye, enter the eye is daughter's Pink tender toe however.

He chuckled to himself, retreated a little, and looked at his wife, who was taking photos with his mobile phone. He smiled, "have you finished washing?"

"Well. I see you are in harmony, so I'll take some pictures for you. " Belada.

Both husband and wife didn't pay attention to Yunxuan.

Yunxuan was so worried that he couldn't do it. Looking at the night Kang who was in a hurry behind him, he knocked on the door again with his head hard: "Your Highness!"

It's not right to admire the couple.

Bella frowned, admiring, "I'll see."

He stepped on his slippers to open the door. The door only opened once. His sharp eyes crossed Yunxuan's shoulder and saw Yekang behind him. His eyes fell on Yunxuan's face from Yekang's face, just like a steel needle!

Night Kang saw adoration, almost cried: "Your Majesty said that if you can't bring me back to the prince's family of three, we will cancel our wedding tonight!"! Prince, you have pity on your little uncle and me. I married your little aunt. This marriage has been waiting for eight hundred years! "

This words, across the air, into Bella's ears.

Admiring nothing, he closed the door.

Yunxuan and Yekang are not in a hurry outside, but they can only wait.

Inside the door -

adore to hold the fleshy daughter in her arms, kiss her cheek, and say to Bella: "I don't want the high wall in the palace to bind my baby. She can see the bluer sky, the greener grass, the wider ocean, and the brighter stars."

Bella was silent.

Her attitude is clear, no matter what decision she adores, she will follow unconditionally.

For he is her husband and everything to her.

Admiring and looking at her, she said gently: "it's not easy for my uncle to love. The media of various countries are waiting for this royal wedding. If it turns yellow, people will see jokes, and Qiao's family will be angry. I have become a sinner. Father, this is my army in many ways

Bella smiled and said, "let's go back and then slip out. Or whatever. I'll listen to you with my daughter. "

Her hair is longer, though it can't reach her shoulders, but it's fast.

The curly hair is very similar to one by one, admiring and looking at her, just like seeing her daughter, and the eyebrows and eyes are all rippling with infinite gentleness.

It took forty minutes for the door to open again.

At this time, Yekang felt that it had been several centuries. He knew that he would not lose his admiration, but he still felt insecure.

At present, one by one in the arms of adoration, he also has a big backpack on his shoulder, followed by Bella, with a big suitcase in her left and right hands.

At this point, we can see the packed state in time.

Night Kang looked and immediately grinned: "ha ha ha, your Highness Prince, your highness Crown Princess and your highness prince princess are so wise! Let's go back to the palace! "

Admiring and looking up at him, he said: "I can save your wedding and go back with you. But what's the good about me? "

Yekang: "what?"

Admiring and laughing, holding the child, black pupils staring at him with brilliant eyes: "promise me a good thing, otherwise, I will not go with you! As for the Qiao family, if you offend, you will be offended. It doesn't matter if you are a relative! "

Yekang: "..."

After a long standoff, Yekang can't be delayed any longer. The wedding has entered the countdown. Now even if they check out, go to the airport and go back, they have to spend more than ten hours!

Yekang said with difficulty, "what kind of benefits do you want Yekang to promise, prince?"

He is really unlucky. He was killed by linglie's father and son!

However, Yekang paid attention to the fact that adoration seemed to grow.

It's true that the young man's height has grown up, as if he was a head higher than when he left the palace before.

Night Kang thought about the two highness and the great highness he had seen not long ago. He could not help but estimate the height of the three highness at this moment.

It's a triplet. The height should be the same.

If this went back, linglie and his wife saw it, they would be very happy!

Adoration hook lips smile, dark eyes full of temptation, said: "promise me a condition, I promise it is within your ability. I don't know what to do for the time being, but I'll tell you later. "

Said, he looked at the eye cloud Xuan, obviously has the displeasure meaning.

Yunxuan then lowered his head in fear.

He understood that his royal highness was very intelligent. He must have known his secret.

Yekang broke his silver teeth: "OK! I promise! Let's go back quickly! "

I adored the daughter in my arms: "honey, I'm going back to see Grandpa and grandma."

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