There has been no contact for days.

If you can't send out what you care about or receive what you miss, it's enough to torture people.

Yunxuan sits down gently beside the bed, looks at her sleeping side face, and thinks that she has been in Shaoguan for so long, which makes her sad.

Taking off his clothes and shoes, he lay on her side and held her gently in his arms.

Half past six.

With the sound of crying, everyone in the womb woke up.

She cried with her eyes closed and didn't look around.

People who have brought their children know that this is a sign that they need to eat.

Linglie expertly rushed the milk powder and sent it to her. She held her and fed it into her mouth. She immediately bit it hard and Gulu Gulu drank it.

Mu Tianxing looked and smiled: "one by one, please drink more, hehe ~"

the little guy who was going to close his eyes to drink and then sleep, because he heard the voice of Mu Tianxing, suddenly opened a pair of big eyes vigilantly.

She looks like a curious baby, staring at the two people in front of her without blinking.

That pair of beautiful and smart big eyes, like the most beautiful jewelry in the world, together with the cute action of holding the milk bottle by hand one by one, captured the hearts of linglie and his wife in an instant.

One by one, look at linglie, and look at Mu Tianxing. She is sucking the milk. She seems to be thinking about something.

After drinking, she lost the bottle in her hand, looked left and right, and began to look for someone: "ahhh!"! Alabarabba! "

It's hard for linglie and his wife to understand what they said.

However, it is not difficult to guess from her behavior that she is looking for her own parents.

As she searched, she patted Ling lie on the shoulder and looked at Ling lie solemnly. She seemed to wonder why Ling lie didn't answer her words?

Mu Tianxing can't help being sad. It's only a few months since he disappeared. How can the little guy forget himself?

She's the baby's grandmother!

But on second thought, one by one just how big, forgetting is also the reason.

Linglie saw his wife's mood, smiled and comforted: "she should remember, or she should be crying and making now. She didn't cry or make trouble, she was just looking for admiring them. "

One by one, holding linglie's face in both hands, he got close, looked at it again and again, and then giggled. No one knew what she was laughing at.

Linglie also laughed.

He remembered that his granddaughter could walk, so he said, "one, take two steps to show grandpa and grandma, OK?"

Linglie gets out of bed and puts her granddaughter on the ground.

One fat feet on the floor, immediately smile, waving a small fist happy want to dance!

She pedals and runs to Mu Tianxing. She pedals and runs to linglie from Mu Tianxing. They stand about two meters away.

Ran back and forth for two laps, linglie smiled and held her up: "Grandpa Huang's careful liver! If we don't run or not, our bones haven't developed well. It's good to exercise once in a while. "

Mu Tianxing is not happy. He has been taking photos with his mobile phone.

She said: "let's help Doudou to say good words, it's not that Doudou intentionally exposed it, but one by one, it's so cute. How can such a lovely video be hidden?"

Linglie also knew that Yunxuan was not easy this time, so she nodded her head and said with a smile: "ha ha ha ~ go ahead and say it. I'll say it will only have a negative effect. You're different. You can say it to Bella. Let Bella say it to her. It's good! "

One by one, I played with linglie for a while. At the beginning, I was OK. After that, I couldn't see the admiring couple, so I refused.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

The simple adoration couple had already prepared, the child just cried a few times, already all washed, dressed neatly came.

Last night, when the adoring couple went back to their room, they saw a complete set of men's and women's gowns and matching leather shoes ornaments on the bed. They knew that linglie had planned to come back to Qiao's wedding in the early morning.

So they got up in the morning and put them on.

When I saw daddy and mummy, I stopped crying one by one. I just held out my hands to hold Bella.

Bella hugs her, and Mu Tianxing sits there for the makeup artist to make up and do her hair.

After a while, adore to hold the child, let Bella past makeup, hair.

During this time, linglie and his son played one by one, and gradually got familiar with linglie and his wife, which made them open more and smiled more.

Ready, they go to the dormitory to join the army.

At that moment, Yekang has been sitting on the flower cart, going to qiaojiachunge to pick up his bride.


team as like as two peas, 19 identical cars, all of which are all prefix.

As soon as the car came out of the main gate of the palace, the media surrounding it and the people along the road immediately knew that it was the son of the Qiao family who went to marry his wife.

On this day, the first news about the Royal Wedding started from this luxurious motorcade.

Qingya is standing at the window of the State Guest Hotel, looking down, watching a palace car passing by, looking inexplicable.

She did not wear the national dress of Beiyue today, but wore a lavender evening dress. The dress material will reflect the smart and moist light under the light. When she walked up, it seemed that the whole galaxy was on her.

Not far away, Jun Peng's voice came: "ha ha ha, ya'er! A few days no see, you are more beautiful and moving

Qingya is annoyed to hear this voice.

Originally, she wanted to eat in the suite, but the Ningguo government sent an important cabinet official to accompany her with breakfast, so she had to go out of the suite and have a buffet with everyone.

Put down the curtain in her hand, she turned around and looked at the man who was old enough to be her father in front of her. She said: "Uncle Jun's eyes are getting better and better. My back is to you, and you can see that I am more beautiful than before. It's really hard for you."

Qingya goes to the side table, and her maid has helped her get the meal.

The requirement of elegant breakfast has always been: less quantity, more varieties and comprehensive nutrition.

Because she is really too busy, it is unknown whether she can eat lunch and dinner on time after breakfast every day.

There are also leaders from other countries coming to greet them. They all smile and exchange greetings.

Junpeng looks at her beautiful cheek, he doesn't understand. He has such good conditions. How can a woman's eyes grow? How can she not see herself?

Thinking about the past rumors of her love affair with Qinglan, Junpeng opened the chair beside her and sat down without asking.

I don't want to sit with you

"Matchless broke up with his highness." Jun Peng looked at her little face, approached, and whispered, "listen to matchless, your Highness has not forgotten you in his heart, so he sent her to study abroad. However, I've arranged for matchless return. No matter what, she gave birth to a child to the Luo Dynasty and said that she would break up if she broke up. There is no such cheap thing in this world! "

Elegant eyes!

Put down the tableware, she squinted at the man in front of her eyes, and said in a very small voice: "there are only two possibilities to break up with the second highness. If the second highness is dumped by someone, that person doesn't know how to cherish it at all. If the second highness jilts the man, it is the man who has made an unforgivable mistake. "

In Jun Peng's eyes, there was a fire, and jealousy burned his reason: "do you still miss Luo Qinglan? Where can't I match him? "

Qingya sneered.

She took a napkin to wipe her mouth, got up and left the seat, went around to sit opposite him, took her food and ate it.

Junpeng saw that she ignored herself, and said, "I will make the second highness responsible for the incomparable!"

The elegant expression is light, and the words are full of threats: "if the unparalleled princess can really give the second highness happiness, I would love to hear it. But if the unparalleled princess can't give him happiness, but you have to bully his highness, I can't ignore it. "

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