At night, Yilin frowned at him and asked, "add your friend? What's good for me? "

The night looked up to the child, wondering for a moment how to please her.

She has no lack of anything. She is proud and clean-hearted. She can't eat, drink, go whoring, gamble or covet. It's not easy for him to please her.

He thought about it seriously and asked, "what do you think I can do for you? Or, what do you need that I can do? "

Yi Lin also thought about it seriously, and chuckled, "not yet, good night!"


Close the window!

Night wind, blowing night Wei's forehead, also blowing into his heart.

A wilderness!

Back to the suite, he took a bath and looked at the folded robe on the bed.

This is what the girl wore today.

He took it and put it on, lying in the bed, with a light aroma of fruit wine on the pillow, which she left today.

It's strange that I didn't have the impulse to change the pillow. Instead, I thought it was sweet. I closed my eyes and slept well all night.

In the auditorium, the dinner was very lively.

Linglie couple, Qiao Xin couple and so on are all at the scene to greet everyone.

The adoring couple also took one by one to play at the scene. The little guy is full of sleep now. He feels fresh looking at everything. He is shaking his fist excitedly. His eyes are bright and black like glass!

Tilt feather also past hold 11, see her grow so good, smile in 11 ear small voice way: "wait!"! Last time, my aunt made marrow washing pill for you. You eat it well. Now the bone is very strange, which is a good material for cultivating immortals! Now that you are back, my aunt will show you the spirit of immortality every day and teach you how to cultivate immortality. She will make you the most powerful baby in the universe! "

As she said this, she kissed each other again on one's small face.

The surrounding environment is noisy. It's reasonable to say that others can't hear what Qianyu said, but Xuehao thinks that they do.

Just think about carrying one by one from the arms of Qianyu. Xuehaola carefully educates Qianyu in a low voice: "it's lucky that the marrow washing pill didn't let one eat anything! You don't have to add anything else to it! She is too small. In case of an accident, it's too late to save her! One by one, but everyone's lifeblood. Even if you want to play, you can also find some kittens and puppies for trial. Don't find one by one! "

Leans the feather to spit out the tongue, way: "I knew."

But Xuehao looked at her like this, and always thought she didn't know!

It's just a matter of fact. In the future, he will stare at her more day and night!

Tilt feather hurriedly shifts the topic, looked around, then pulled to stand in front of the thought and teased one by one of the tilt looks, and asked: "eh, what about the second emperor brother?"

"I went back to the womb to sleep. Don't worry. The people in the palace are all there. They can't starve him. It's good that he can think of sleep! "

We have fun, we have fun, we have fun in this world.

Qingya is sitting in the corner, refusing anyone's invitation to dance for her sprained feet in high heels. Her spoken English is very good, and she is now actively exchanging greetings with leaders of other countries who are rarely seen.

She spare no effort to promote the mushroom of Beiyue, and she is thick skinned, even if her voice is humble, and the other side is unreasonable, and she is also smiling to introduce many beautiful landscapes of Beiyue folk, willing to actively cooperate with the other country in tourism category.

Some can't see the North moon. Go away.

Some of them were bewildered by her obsession. They sat down and listened to her, but gradually became interested. They even left her a private phone to express their willingness to carry out the next cooperation and exchange.

Every time there is a small progress, Qingya will work together to win!

The royal wedding of Qiao family's successor in military power has become the best opportunity for her to vigorously publicize Beiyue.

Some Beiyue entrepreneurs go abroad and are treated unfairly abroad. She will try her best to approach them and seek solutions.

At this moment, cold and aloof is fart to her!

That's the willful power of the princess who has no worries about food and clothing, and she is the empress of Beiyue.

She knows that her country is far away from her surroundings. If she wants to take her people forward, she has to make more efforts than others.

Even if it is true that she sticks her face to people's cold buttocks again and again, she will spare no effort as long as things can be negotiated.

Jun Peng looks at her admiringly, waits for her to talk about something, smiles and raises his glass to say goodbye to each other. When he looks for the next goal, he laughs and says to her, "in fact, you don't have to work so hard."

Words did not fall, Qingya hands of the glass suddenly hit him!

The cool drink drenched the dress on his chest!

This is a great social occasion for the king of a country, which cannot be allowed!

But Qingya looked at him innocently: "Uncle Jun, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

He grinds his teeth, but he has no choice. He turns away and goes to find his subordinates to change clothes.

Qingya put the cup aside, opened the dinner bag, took out her mobile phone and looked at it.

There is a text message on it.

From: sky!

It's elegant. There's only one sentence on it: "I'll see you today, and the place will be arranged by you."

Elegant silence.

His father, grandfather and brother, the three people today jointly forced her to sign something, at the moment, it should not be in his hands, right?

Sky, your family are forcing me. How about you, will you also force me?

She took a goblet from the waiter again, no matter how strong the wine was, she gulped it down.

After dropping the cup, he turned and walked out of the banquet hall.

The auditorium is equipped with special cars for leaders of each country. After Qingya goes out, she says to the soldiers at the door that she is dizzy and wants to go back to the state guest hotel first.

The soldier made a registration and called the driver of the special car assigned to the empress of Beiyue, carrying Qingya back.

After she returned to the suite, Ann ran asked her anxiously.

Qingya is tired. Let him go back to the next room and don't talk.

She took a shower, changed into a plain clothes that couldn't see the brand, and called tilt blue.

"Qingya?" he said

"Yes, it's me. I'm in the State Guest Hotel, but there must be reporters around here. " Qingya was silent for a while and said, "that year, there was a cafe upstairs in the cinema where I left without saying goodbye. Was it still open?"

Tilt blue also followed silence for a while, way: "open! See you there. I'll be there in half an hour. "

Elegant suddenly feel very tired.

Since I chose this road, I've killed my teeth and swallowed blood.

But now

Her voice is very light, light like a cloud that can't be touched: "do you need me to take the official seal of the North moon empress?"

She waited a long time.

The voice of tilting blue is also very light and light: "take it with you!"

She ended the call and couldn't go on.

She has cried.

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