Tilt blue Leng for a while: "really?"

"Really!" Elegant mood is very excited.

Because if it's not the people around her, it has nothing to do with her. She doesn't have to worry about anything for her anymore: "sky, if you need my help, please don't be polite to me!"

"Have a rest." Tilt blue ends the call.

He was surprised, his analysis was wrong, how could it not be an ran?

And linglie and adoration are holding the key point. One is holding his left arm, the other is holding his right arm. They say with one voice: "do you doubt that Ann Ran is around Qingya?"

Qinglan immediately returns from the thought, looks left, right and nods: "yes, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I think it can only be him. But Qingya said no. "

Linglie smiled: "I admire you for saying to catch Anran in the evening. His tone is very determined. But before the fireworks at the dinner party, your grandfather found out that Anran was the North moon after Yunqing's death, so we have excluded him. "

"Is it?" "Qing blue sighed:" then continue to investigate

Adoration is to take a deep look at him, saying: "you are not only going to find Qingya to sign the contract tonight, but to save her. You are afraid that the people around her will make mistakes and implicate her! "

"In fact, the people around her are not wrong!" "I'll tell you what I originally thought about the way to deal with Junpeng tomorrow, which is to let Qingya beat her back tonight and pull out Anran, saying that he is the spy sent by Junpeng to lurk beside her!"

"Adore the eyes son a bright, smiled:" you this move is wonderful

Qinglan smiled and said: "in this way, an ran will become a person of Junpeng. Once an Ran has killed yunqingzhi and the little aunt, the crime will fall on Junpeng. If he wants us to account for the incomparable things, he will first explain to us what he wants to do to assassinate the offspring of my military successor! Anyway, this is the land of Ningguo. Even if he is the king of the country, he can't subdue the dragon but the snake! We has the final say. "

"Ha ha!" Linglie looks at her eyes and admires: "it seems that in Qingya's eyes, you are a tough role! She's so afraid you won't let her go! "

Adore looked at tilt blue one eye, smile way: "agreement all signed, my heart also steadfast.". In fact, we can't beat people to death with one stroke. We can't all say that love is eternal and friendship lasts forever. It's also a good thing that the second emperor brother gave up his ex girlfriend and had a good life and death friend! "

"Yes!" Linglie nodded.

He went back to his desk and looked at the agreement that Qinglan had signed for him. His eyes and eyebrows were filled with relief: "Qingya is ruthless. She promised not to unite external forces to harm us, not to use large-scale lethal weapons, including nuclear and chemical weapons, and also promised not to marry us. I was also a stone in my heart, down to earth!"

Linglie looks up at Qinglan and says, "you are right. Don't be sentimental. Friendship will last forever! Maybe some years later, you and your wife hold the baby, and her husband also hold the baby. When you meet at a royal banquet, you look at each other and smile, and the picture is very beautiful! "

"Boring! I'll go to bed! " Tilt blue white their one eye, turn around to go out.

After Qinglan left, linglie sat there, looked at the text of the agreement, smiled and smiled, and waved to the adoration: "little fox, come here!"

Admiring and looking at the paper, he knew the reason for his smile: "the second brother is hungry, and the contract can be drawn up so clearly!"

"Yes, yes, you see, he also knows to put bold characters on the head of the first line! I know how to put it in the middle, hahaha! "

Adore to see Ling lie happy into such, speechless tunnel: "difficult not into your heart, the second brother has been an idiot before?"

Linglie shook her head. "No, I'm glad."

Adoration also white his one eye: "I also went back to sleep, good night!"

When admiring the door, he found that Mu Tianxing was standing at one end of the corridor and waiting silently. He immediately went to the front and said, "come in, mother."

Mu Tianxing nodded: "OK! Are you all finished? "

She has been this temperament for many years. As long as linglie is talking about business, she can avoid it.

This is also linglie's conscious cultivation of her.

Admiring and looking at her, I wonder if Bella will do the same in the future? If he talks about daylight inside, does Bella have to stand outside until daylight?

My son's eyes are full of heartache, which is understood by Mu Tianxing.

She said with a smile: "it's just standing outside and waiting, little thing. Besides, I believe that your father has me in his heart and won't let me wait outside all the time. When men talk about things, women shouldn't have listened more. "

Adore to come forward, embrace to adore the stars.

He said gently: "after the mother, the son hasn't held her for a long time. Playing all over the world for such a long time, I didn't make a special phone call for my mother. Don't be angry with my son. Originally, when I wanted to go to Nepal, I asked grandma Huang, my mother-in-law and my mother-in-law to come back with a bunch of Bodhi, but before I went to Nepal, I had been pulled back and I couldn't bring you a gift. "

Mu Tianxing patted the back of his adoration and said softly: "silly boy, you are back safely. You have brought back one by one, which is the best gift for us. Your mind, our mind. It's not easy for you to walk with Bella, the mother knows

After admiring the sky star, he asked: "mother, the second brother gave the bracelet to Wushuang, which was sent by the old ancestor. It's a pity that they broke up now. Tomorrow I see Junpeng and matchless. I must find a way for the second brother to come back. "

This is what baby Yinbing told him.

Bella thought about the bracelet of the plumage and the small stone on one by one. They were all given by the ancestors. They were all surrounded by mellow immortal spirit, but the unique bracelet was very common, without any immortal spirit.

Admiring and knowing that Mu Tianxing is kind, I'm afraid that she can't bear to let Qing Lan hurt her heart at that time, so she took her bracelet and sent it out, right?

And the bracelet is worth a lot.

If it's anything else, if it's memorable, he must get it back from his mother!

Adore very filial, heart know Mu Tianxing never tell their grievances, so deliberately set her words.

When Mu Tianxing heard this, he immediately took his hand, looked around at his eyes, and whispered, "no, what the ancestor gave me was the bracelet of lapis lazuli, and the one you didn't wear, which your grandfather left me."

"Which grandfather?" Admire and ask.

Mu Tianxing said: "his majesty blue Jifeng of qianhuaqi Kingdom, when he died, I didn't see his last face in India, so he left this for me. When I came back, your father gave it to me."

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