The man in the wheelchair, can't believe to look back!

He stared at his mother not far away, with shock and doubt in his pupils.

But Ni Xiyue told her sadly: "the love miss Mu wants is pure and flawless, loyal, honest and sincere! And what did you give her? It's calculation, it's concealment, it's deception! "

Ni Xiyue slowly came forward, looked at his son and pointed to his leg: "you didn't tell her about the first time you met! You didn't say anything about your legs! Because you can't stand your pride and dare not tell her the truth, you'd rather be in a wheelchair and keep it from her, wouldn't you? "

The sonorous and powerful words gush out, making the embarrassment in linglie's eyes have no way to hide!

The best way to know him in the world is to have him!

Ni Xiyue covered his mouth and cried: "my silly child, in fact, this miss Mu you like, you don't have to bother to keep her! She is the simplest and easiest girl in the world! As long as you give her a little sincerity, she can do anything for you! Do you understand?! You don't have to think about anything. You don't have to think about any plan. If you are honest with her, nothing will happen today! "

Ni Yajun's mood is very complicated at the moment.

I want to scold linglie bastard, but I think this cousin's situation is special and can't be compared with ordinary people.

Look at linglie's stupefied appearance, he is really angry and heartache!

He helplessly said to linglie, "what is a poor man must be hateful? I know everything today! This is about you! "

Zhuo ran hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "Ni Shao, four shaos are not easy, so don't talk about him again. Miss Mu is still upstairs crying. She seems to... "

Speaking in general, Zhuo ran saw linglie, choked again, and stopped talking.

This minute is the rhythm to kill people!

Maureen stamped his foot and rushed forward: "big brother! What's wrong with Miss mu? "

Zhuo Ran's ears were slightly red and embarrassed: "cough, when we sent Miss Mu back to her room just now, there was blood on her skirt. It should be, the injury was not light. Ashi put water upstairs and said that she would wash Miss Mu and have a look. Then I came down. But I listened at the door for a while, and miss Mu didn't seem to cooperate. "

Mu Tianxing said that she comes to take a holiday on the 28th of every month, which is extremely accurate.

However, today is not the day her aunt should visit, that is to say, she was bleeding, not physiological phenomenon, but injured.

The little girl broke the spot for the first time. There was blood after she was hurt. How painful it is!

Ni Xiyue couldn't bear to look over her face. She tightened her voice and said, "I'll go up and have a look! You stop you four little ones. Before I come down, he is not allowed to go up! "

"I'm going to see her, too!" Linglie raised her eyes, not afraid of shame, just following the instinct of human nature: "I know I didn't control just now, I was too strong, I didn't expect to hurt her like this!"

"Shut up! Now that you know what's wrong, stay down! " Ni Xiyue's temper also followed: "it was my dereliction of duty that I didn't discipline you before. You have to listen to what I said later!"

Linglie looked at her deeply and deeply, like a little cat who had stopped fighting: "Oh."

It's nice to have my mother escort me!

Upstairs -

I'm afraid Ni Xiyue doesn't know the location of the suite, so Zhuo ran led her up in person.

All the way straight to the suite room, outside the room, they can hear Mu Tianxing's little pathetic sob inside.

Zhuo ran knocked on the door and said, "ah Shi, lady Yueya is coming up."

Qu Shiwen quickly came to open the door: "madam."

Ni Xiyue's eyes first began to search for the figure of Mu Tianxing. When she stepped in, she heard Zhuo ran say, "madam, I'm here to watch. If you have anything, just give me orders."

As soon as the door was closed, Qu Shiwen began to report the situation of Mu Tianxing: "madam, the bath water has been put away. I also added motherwort, some anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and rose petals, but miss Mu refused to take a bath. Miss Mu's voice was all hoarse. I made her fat sea tea, and she would not drink it. She's really sad. She's crying all the time. "

Mu Tianxing knows that Ni Xiyue came in.

But her whole body has hurt so much that she can't speak. If she wants to escape, even if she escapes from the door, there are still downstairs!

She can't escape, she can't escape!

The sun is shining brightly out of the window, but her heart is suddenly dark and boundless!

Ni Xiyue looked at the tea on the bedside table and the quilt wrapped in his eyes to shrink himself into a group, shaking a little girl, full of heartache!

It's a pity that she has no luck in this life. She can't have a daughter. Otherwise, she won't let her daughter suffer such grievances!

This is also a treasure that was held in the palm of one's hand by one's parents!

"Tianxing ~!"

She called the baby girl's baby name.

The little girl finally moved, but only looked up slightly, and looked at her tearfully: "Madame Yueya, can you help me go home? I miss Dad, I miss Mom, I want to go home! "

Qushiwen hands over the wringing hot towel. Ni Xiyue takes it by himself and helps Mu Tianxing wipe his face carefully.

"What a beautiful girl! Don't cry any more. If you cry any more, it won't look good."

"Wuwu ~ madam, I just want to go home!"

"Tianxing, if you want to go home, just go back like this. Your parents have seen it. How painful should it be? Have you ever thought about it?"

Mu Tianxing was stunned by Ni Xiyue's words, and then his tears were even worse: "I know, but I have no other way, Wuwu ~ I just want to go home!"

"You are good, you get up first, take a medicine bath, and then take something to supplement your physical strength. If you want to go home at that time, I will take you back in person, OK?"


"I'm a real lady. How can I lie to a little girl? The point is, even if you want to go home, you have to go back clean and polished, right? "


The mood of admiring the stars was appeased by Ni Xiyue's extremely feminine voice.

Seeing that she was willing to bathe, Qu Shiwen hurriedly brought his tea and said, "Miss mu, have a drink."

Thinking of her hoarse voice, and now the appearance of bruises, Ni Xiyue has a kind of impulse to hang up her son and smoke a meal!

But, son does not teach, mother's fault!

It's all her fault!

Mu Tianxing looks at the poem carefully, drinks two mouthfuls of tea, moistens his throat, and then gets up.

"Hiss ~!"

She grinned with pain, and Qu Shiwen immediately recited her to the bathroom.

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