Linglie's expression was even more sad. He tooted his little mouth and got angry like a child: "then you can add my name! Look here! "

The white hand designated on his favorite color: "I like black best, but I still add your blue!"

"Mu Tianxing's mouth angle drew, said:" then I will add your name now


"No later, look, I'm writing now."

"The tenderness to come is cold tenderness! And if you don't think of me at the first time, you have already explained that you didn't think of me at that time! "

"Don't be so awkward, is it just a name?"

"It's not about names! It's about the heart! "

Linglie suddenly converged all his expressions and said to her coldly, "hum!"

Mu Tianxing raises his hand and holds his forehead.


She remembered that she had threatened her parents like this when she was still in kindergarten. Because she was angry and her wish could not be satisfied, she would toot her little mouth and say, "hum!"

But uncle is 26 years old, OK?

Didn't you enjoy the warmth when you were a kid, so now you're back in the sun?

When Mu Tianxing was ready to coax him, a tall figure suddenly appeared at the door and gently buttoned down the door: "four shaos, Miss mu, there is a visitor. My brother has already met him at the door of the community."


Zhuoxi said: "it was master Ni who just called and told my brother to pick it up. The details are not clear."

Mu Tianxing looks at Zhuoshi perplexedly, but sees Zhuoshi is looking at linglie. Linglie is in a wheelchair, just like he already knows.

Think of just went upstairs, linglie said to bailiqiu, "someone will meet you before 12 o'clock."

Mu Tianxing hurriedly pushes Ling lie's wheelchair and asks, "uncle, you've already guessed that someone will come. Who is it?"

This man, even in a wheelchair, does not go out, but still can see everything.

It's really crushing her intelligence, not worship.

Linglie seems to remember what happened before. He snorted. In exchange, Mu Tianxing's small face was flustered. When he saw it, he couldn't bear it.

After entering the elevator, he said quietly: "the king of Citigroup has come to visit, and the whole world knows that his majesty and general Joo naturally want to accompany each other. Moreover, this matter has not been fully confirmed, so we can't tell Joo and his wife that they know it, in case of greater hope and greater disappointment. Therefore, the capital can be ruled out basically and no one will come. And for Bai Liqiu, the most persuasive person who makes him believe his mother's life experience now is his mother's twin sister, Qiao zoqi! "

Just as the voice came down, the elevator door opened.

Mu Tianxing pushes Ling lie out. Ni Yajun watches TV while eating oranges on the splendid sofa. He has to let Mo Lin serve him and let him peel them one by one.

The guest room must have been packed. After all, more than two hours have passed since the dinner, but Bai Liqiu is still sitting on the sofa. His assistant doesn't know where Zhuo Ran has taken him. No one is seen.

As soon as Mu Tianxing and them approached, Bai Liqiu stood up and rushed over: "four little! I won't ask about the news of Jinsuo. I'm leaving now! "

"You can't leave now because someone wants to see you."

Linglie raised his eyes and stared at him. The sea like calm eyes seemed to have the spirit to swallow everything.

Slightly raised his hand, he made a ring to Zhuoshi who came down together: "here you are, open the door!"

Bai Liqiu is going crazy.

Living in an unknown foreign land, called tiantianying, called Dili, he wanted to call home with his mobile phone for help, but Ni Yajun had just been assassinated, and the news that his majesty Ningguo came to visit him in person spread everywhere. He happened to be in M city again. He couldn't make this call at all. Once he made it, he would be punished without any charge!

The great prince will not let him go!

Even though the father and the emperor tried their best to protect him, the eldest prince had been in the army for many years and had a wide influence. As long as he had the heart to calculate him, this shit pot would surely be on his head!

Linglie looks at the way he wants to crash against the wall and sighs: "I know your worry, but you really worry about it."

As soon as the voice was down, Zhuoshi had opened the door.

Not far away, Zhuoren's car led another car directly to the entrance of the villa!

A few bright car headlights, the villa's gorgeous gate and full of wild charm of the small grass shining very clear!

In the air is the intoxicating fragrance of crape myrtle. Zhuoran takes the lead and follows a man and a woman in another car.

Zhuo ran made a gesture of asking and led the man and woman into the room!

Ni Yajun suddenly stood up from the sofa, his eyes lit up: "aunt Qi!"

He only saw Qiao Zuoqi two or three times, because the Qiao family is in the capital, but the Ni family is in H city; and shortly after he was born, Qiao Zuoqi settled down abroad with her husband, even if he occasionally returned home, he also went back to the general's palace to meet with the Qiao family, not to go to the Ni family specially.

Ni Yajun remembers Qiao Zuoqi's appearance because of the few Royal gatherings he can't escape.

However, over the years, no one ever told him that Qiao Zuoqi had another twin sister named Qiao Youqi!

Even aunt Yueya didn't tell him!

Is it because you want to avoid topics that make you sad?

And Qiao Zuoqi led her husband's hand, walked in quickly all the way, looked at Ni Yajun, nodded slightly, and looked at the people in the room, the whole person in tears was turning around in his eyes: "who is Youqi's child?"

Voice just fell, tears fell down with it!

Bai Liqiu stared at the lady in front of her with disbelief: "mother and queen?!"


What's going on?

Shouldn't his mother stay in the Royal Palace of the moye kingdom?

"Mother, why are you here?" Bai Liqiu rushed up at once, took Qiao Zuoqi's arm, looked carefully from the bottom to the top, and then suddenly let it go, with a pale face: "you are not my mother! Wrong eyes! The temperament is not right! "

"Wuwu ~ Wuwu ~"

Qiao zoqi burst into tears!

After receiving Ni Ziyang's phone call, she took her husband to charter a flight from China and flew for an hour and a half. She was full of apprehension along the way. Her mood was almost the same as that of Ni Xiyue. She wanted Qiao Youqi alive and worried about the current situation of confrontation between the two countries!

How can fate play tricks on people like this?!

At present, this child can see that he looks like his mother at a glance, so his mother naturally is Qiao Youqi's unintentional!

who can grow as like as two peas?

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