Ni Yajun has no choice but to have a lonely expression. No one can bear to see it.

I want to come to this prince. I haven't been in such a mess since I was born?

Especially just now, he came in happily from the outside, and the bright appearance of spring is still clearly printed in everyone's mind, feeling different warmth.

Linglie is hard hearted, and gives Mu Tianxing a look: "let's go upstairs. I'll help you draw up a lease contract, print it and take it down to Yajun for signature."

Mu Tianxing looks at Ni Yajun. He is embarrassed.

She wanted to say that this was not her intention, but that she could not change the current situation. If she said more, she would appear hypocritical and add to Ni Yajun's embarrassment.

Turning silently, she pushed Ling lie into the elevator.

From the elevator back to the suite, linglie did not speak, he felt the little girl was not happy, even angry with him.

When the door of the study was pulled, she did not care about him. She went to the desk and sat with a small mouth.

"You know that brother Yajun is in trouble now. He is still your mother's nephew. We are so close. Now we have a good relationship. Why do you do this?"

Really, what else? The shop gave it to her. It's her.

As a result, she doesn't even have the right to decide the rent!

Linglie tilted her head and looked at her with a smile. She was very happy.

She can care about Ni Yajun so much because of his kinship. Therefore, she would rather not seek profits, but also want to do her part to help his family.

That's a good feeling!

Linglie straightens his head and converges his smile. His eyes are as deep as before: "in fact, through today's event, we can see that Yajun still has a great sense of pride. He has a strong sense of superiority when he is a human being. In addition, he lacks social experience and is easy to be influenced by outsiders. That's why this is the case. This time we are by his side, but next time? "

Mu Tianxing looks up at him.

He slid his wheelchair toward her and calmly explained, "I hope he understands a truth: if he breaks into a disaster, he must have the courage to bear it. I'm in a mess. Not every time someone wipes his ass. He is a new born calf who is not afraid of tigers. He just wants to enter the society and has a high heart and high eyes, which is not good. He needs to be down-to-earth, recognize the status quo and accept every consequence for his own choice. "

Mu Tianxing's indignant little eyes finally eased down with a little gentleness.

He held her hand and chuckled: "why did grandpa let him come out to practice? Because grandpa knows that he can't give Yajun a lifetime. The road to the future, to his own way. We can't give him the idea that there is a rich cousin in M city who can help him deal with everything. In this way, it will really harm him and destroy grandpa's original intention. In the process of growing up, a boy's smooth sailing is to hurt him. Occasionally, it makes him feel frustrated, so that he can help him to pull his inflated and impetuous heart back to the sea level. If you feel uneasy about collecting his rent, it's a big deal that he will get married in the future, or open a branch, you can return this wallet to him as a red envelope. The premise is that we need to help him grow up. "

"I see."

Mu Tianxing also smiled: "uncle, do you know that you are a very good man!"

Linglie stares at her deeply: "you are also a very precious woman!"

In this way, linglie helped Mu Tianxing to print out a new lease contract, with the specific repayment method of installment repayment and the annual interest rate.

It's just that Mu Tianxing put the property right certificate of the shop in the safe of Mu's family, and it doesn't matter whether the property right certificate is on the lease contract at the moment, because Mu Tianxing is the head of the household, which is impossible to cheat Ni Yajun.

After taking it down, Mu Tianxing hands Ni Yajun the contract in triplicate with a pen and says, "brother Yajun ~"

at this time, after linglie's solution, the little girl's heart is very calm.

But Ni Yajun is still tangled.

His heart, like a tropical fish that has been thrown under the Arctic glacier, is full of solemn and stirring to take over the pen and sign it.

Mu Tianxing gave him a share and said: "no delay, let's go to the shop now. How about having lunch in the downtown area?"

Ni Yajun's face is expressionless, and his flesh aches: "no money!"

Mu Tianxing chuckled and said, "let's go. It's my treat. It depends on what you boasted about me just now. Let zhuoran drive and Maureen follow us. "

Ni Yajun sighed: "OK!"

Maureen hurriedly went to the first two steps to catch up, but looked down at the flowers in his hand and was stunned.

Ni Yajun chuckled: "silly! Send the flowers back to the room. Hurry up, wait for you! "

Maureen went at once.

But for a moment, everyone stopped talking.

When does Ni Shao have such a good time? He will take the initiative to say that he is waiting for a servant?

"In fact, Mo Mo doesn't understand these things. Let her stay at home. I'll go." Zhuoshi smiled and said, "I can drive or help Ni Shao to choose a shop. My brother majored in language, not in finance. He didn't understand many things."

Apart from weapons and martial arts, Zhuoren is good at many languages. He can be said to be good at arts and martial arts, but he doesn't have much talent for digital things.

Zhuo ran nodded, knowing that Zhuo Xi wanted Mo Lin to stay away from Ni Yajun's sight as much as possible.

He also said: "yes, Ni Shao, Zhuoshi follow you. We can stay."

Ni Yajun snorted coldly, "well, I'm out of the question now, so you won't take me as the master. You'll make the master for me."

I don't know when I was so flirtatious, but after listening to their two brothers, Ni Yajun felt uncomfortable!

Zhuo ran and Zhuo Xi dare not talk any more.

Mu Tianxing carries her small bag and sees Mo Lin coming out. She takes Mo Lin's hand and says to Ling lie, "uncle, we are out."

Linglie nodded to see them go.

Once the villa gate is closed, two worlds are cut off!

Zhuoshi looked at qushiwen anxiously, and said, "what can I do, sister-in-law? Ni Shao is not really interested in Momo, is he?"?

Qu Shiwen shrugs, his face is full of worries.

In the hall, under thousands of lights, but seeing linglie's warm and moist face, he immediately became fierce and stared at Zhuoshi with burning eyes: "what's the trend of Lingyun International's stock market today?"

He spent so much money and energy last night that he didn't believe that Lingyun could still sit down?

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