Cool night and tonight are chatting, and suddenly received a call from Yekang.

He said happily at the other end: "I have received the Pearl and they will be back soon! Good news for you: pearl is pregnant! "

Tonight, I am so happy that I don't know what to do!

Her little Pearl has grown up, and she is going to be a mother!

Cool night's face is completely black!

What they don't know is that since the Ming Xi opened a house in China with the Pearl and was arrested by the Chinese police anti pornography team to the police station, he was released by Qiao Xinxian. Then, Ming Xi went mad.

All the way back home, I felt that God was unfair to him.

Mingzhu was already soft hearted. At that time, she and Mingxi had already obtained a marriage certificate, and they were also legal couples. They were arrested by the anti pornography team at the beginning of the night. It was a wonderful thing.

Looking at Mingxi, she asked with some trepidation, "do you dare to open another room?"

Mingxi looked at her, her eyes burning: "dare!"

It was that night that the two did the big thing!

Because of this, the face of cool night is completely black!

Last time she helped Mingxi to go public, she took care of it.

At that time, Mingxi promised to do well, saying that he would never move a finger of Mingzhu before the official wedding ceremony with Mingzhu!

Now, the meat that falls from his body, his own daughter, his precious pearl, is so arched by the pig!

Cool night to cover the heart, only feel that they will have a heart attack!

Tonight I was very happy, but the cool night was a big drink: "Joe! Xin! Envy! "

The whole Qiao family works and talks in a low voice for the cancan people. Now the cold night is so loud, Qiao Xin's envy heart is quivering!

He immediately ran to the hall, looking at the scared tonight and the thundering cold night, and asked: "night son?"

Cool night Qi clenched his fists: "pearl is pregnant! Pearl is pregnant! The pearl is pregnant with the child of the seal! "

Qiao Xin envies a listen, turn round to rush back to study to want gun!

Cool night air holding the forehead, sitting on the sofa!

This evening rushed back to the study, looked at Qiao Xin envy, advised: "Daddy, Daddy you calm down! Pearl is nineteen years old! She is nineteen years old! She and Mingxi are legal husband and wife! "

Qiao Xin envy cold face, way: "my own daughter, only 19 years old was pregnant, I am a father can swallow this tone?"

"I can't swallow it! But daddy, pearl was raised in the wood family since childhood. The first one who got the news must be the old wood Godfather!

Daddy, do you think that the old wooden Godfather will release the seal?

I'm afraid Mingxi has been beaten!

What's more, it's useless for you to beat the Ming seal even if it's damaged. Isn't it the Pearl with the baby that's bitter? "

Looking at Qiao Xin's envious eyes tonight, she knew that Qiao Xin was really angry!

Maybe all the fathers in the world have the same idea about their daughters. They want to protect and cherish their daughters. They don't think there is a man who can match their daughters in the world.

But the Pearl has to go through it.

Qiao Xinxian and his wife are hard to accept. It's because the Pearl has changed with Qiao Yele since she was a child, so she has never had the chance to take care of the Pearl. In a second, she will grow up, marry someone, and become a mother. This will make her more guilty and self reproach. She feels that she has no time to fulfill her responsibilities, and feels sorry and sad!

Cool night also came, standing behind tonight listening to her words, powerless wipe tears.

Tonight, she turned around and looked at her: "Mommy, the Pearl needs a wedding and a good baby. Let's not be surprised to let her move her vital energy and hurt her body."

Cool night to Qiao Xin envy.

They hugged each other gently. They knew what they said was right tonight.

But in my heart, I still hope that time can flow back and return to the strange time when the cool night is the Pearl.

This evening, I asked Gu Baizi Yu to prepare more pregnant women's meals.

In winter, the days are always very short.

The golden glow falls on the roof of Summer Pavilion in large areas. The cold wind blows, not cold.

What's cold is that yewei can't wait for Yilin's heart.

Yi Qingzhi knows that Mu Shangqing's family will come back in the evening, and he has been informed by Chunge that he will go there for dinner tonight.

However, watching yewei waiting at the gate of the hospital, he deliberately didn't go out.

Yi Lin hurriedly pulls Kaixin's sleeve: "Mommy!"

Kaixin looks at Yi Qingzhi and says, "hurry up, I want to see cancan as soon as possible! I haven't seen you for several days. The more lovely the children are, I want to see you. "

"You like it. We can have another one." Yi Qingzhi looks at her and smiles: "anyway, this daughter is not obedient and sensible. Let's have a obedient and sensible one."

Caixin said speechlessly, "you stay at home. I'll take Linlin first!"

Kaixin can see that yewei is really good to Yilin. It's good to take heart!

She felt nothing of the sin of men being older than women.

Look at the past years, in addition to Yi Qingzhi's intransigence on the issue of Willem's love, he has been holding her in his hands for the rest of the time.

So she firmly believes that older men, in fact, know more about tolerance and love.

Holding Yi Lin's small hand to go out, Yi Qingzhi said coldly: "if you two just step out now, I will move back to China and live there. I will not come back again!"

Yi Lin sobbed: "it's so bullying. Sobbing - I can't live any longer. Sobbing - I can't live any longer!"

Yi Qingzhi ignored and read a book from the magazine on the tea table.

Yilin rushes upstairs with a breath!

Kaixin looked at her daughter's back and was very distressed.

Want to catch up, and understand the crux is the husband, so only look at the husband, and ask: "what are you doing, you force children like this..."

"What do you have to do? Whose daughter will fall in love when she is 13?"

"That's when I fell in love with you at first sight!"

"You are different! You think of me in your heart, but you are not in love! "

"That's moving! Yi Qingzhi, dare you say you didn't love cool night when you were 13 years old! Raise your head three feet to have the spirit, do you dare swear! "


"Don't you just dislike that there was a Qiao Yeyue before yewei, so what?

Wei Wei said that he and LeLe are innocent, two people have no such a mess of things!

Why are you so stubborn?

If you have to worry about it like this, when you were dying for a cold night, should I also worry about it?

If you can't get along with Weiwei like this, then I can't get along with you. You used to love cool nights. You dislike Weiwei, I dislike you! "


"What I am, you are stubborn! Antique! Do you want to move back to China alone? Good, great!

Move it for me!

You moved your front foot, and I'll find another one ten years younger than you! "

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