Qinglangang wants to find linglie and says he wants to go to Qiao's house to help.

Linglie was wearing a long black coat, and came down from upstairs with a grim face.

Pour blue courage: "father!"

Linglie: "well."

He strode out of the hall, followed Qinglan all the way, anxiously saying: "father, son wants to go to Qiao's house to help!"

At the door, zhuoran has arranged vehicles to send linglie out.

The figure of his great bank suddenly stopped, looked back, and looked blue.

The eyes were unfathomable, unable to see whether it was comforting or distressing.

Linglie said calmly: "the Xi family is coming, and the Ji family is coming. It's new year's Eve. Your mother is pregnant with children. You and Xi are so small. There are old people and young people in your family. You have to entertain the guests again. What's wrong with them?

Qiao family's affair ordered your eldest brother to check, you and adore all need not intervene again.

If you want to contribute to your family, you don't have to be aggressive and take good care of your family. It's also a kind of responsibility and contribution. "

Linglie said, and did not go back.

Tilt blue to see that car disappear in the lake, some lost in the heart, but also some perception.

Yes, it's also responsibility and contribution to take care of your family.

Then he will stay and treat the guests well!

The General Hospital of the military region --

linglie came and just met with Gu baiziyu in front of the elevator!

Zi Yu took only a thermos cup in his hand and bowed respectfully to Ling lie: "your majesty!"

"What is this?" Linglie is in a hurry. After entering the elevator, he looks at Ziyu: "come in!"

Zi Yu immediately followed, saying: "Princess Shizi knew that everyone was poisoned, so she cut her wrist and took her own blood to send it to me in an emergency!"

Linglie looked at the cup which seemed to have a capacity of 500ml, and couldn't help but move: "this cup is all?"

Zi Yu nodded: "yes. Princess Shizi took her own blood and told me that I didn't know in advance.

She said that the poison is not like ordinary alcohol poisoning, it looks very domineering, because the son of the world wears chicken blood stone with him, and he is invincible to all poisons, but this time he also fell, which is too weird!

And so many people in her family fell down. She was afraid that there was not enough blood, so she asked me to send the whole cup! "

Linglie pressed her lips tightly and said nothing more!

He is also the father of several children. Naturally, it is clear that a woman needs to replenish her blood when she has just given birth to a child!

Because a woman will lose blood in the process of childbirth. After childbirth, she will also lose blood like a monthly holiday. This is a normal physiological process, but at this time, she will cut her wrists and take blood!

Out of the elevator, he asked: "how about the security forces around tonight?"

"With Xuebao!" Ziyu said again: "Princess Qingyu and Princess Xiaoxian are with us! Young master Xuehao assisted the emperor Xiaoxian, and has already begun to investigate in the palace. "

In this way, linglie can rest assured that there will be no more problems with cancan tonight.

On the corridor, linglie looks at yewei standing at the door of the operating room. It's time for her to be Qiao's second wife.

He said to Ziyu, "you should send blood quickly."

Ziyu left immediately and rushed to each ward.

The whole floor was heavily guarded because of the people who lived in the royal residence of the Qiao family.

Linglie went to the other side step by step. Looking at yewei's straight and stiff body, he knew that he was nervous.

Zhuo ran follows behind quietly, while accompanying Ling lie, listening to all kinds of messages with Bluetooth headset.

But Mingzhu went to the ward of Qiao's family, Mingxi was in the ward of Mu's family, and Yilin was also in front of her parents' bed. Yewei was afraid of her sister-in-law's mistakes, and she could hardly blink her eyes. She begged for the Bodhisattva who could read her name.

Linglie came to him, but he didn't realize it.

One eye, anxiously staring at the three words of the operating room, for fear that there is a three long two short!

There was a sudden heaving of shoulders.

Looking back, he saw linglie and said in a hoarse voice, "brother Huang!"

Linglie patted him on the shoulder: "don't rush. It's here. Try to rescue, reduce the loss, find out the truth and punish severely. These are steps and must."

Night Wei nods: "yes."

Linglie looked at the door plank and asked, "what's the situation inside?"

Yewei shook his head: "I don't know. Up to now, no doctor or nurse has come out."

Linglie frowned and asked, "there is no consent for labor induction?"

Night Wei heart a jump, he most afraid to see this: "No."

Linglie was just like him, with a long breath: "that's good."

About twenty minutes later.

Zhuo ran came up to Ling lie and said softly, "Your Majesty, steward Gu Bai said that the people in each ward have been waking up one after another and look much better. Princess Liang night is making a fuss to leave the hospital now!"

Linglie smiled and looked at yewei: "be at ease, everything will be OK."

Night Wei breathed a sigh of relief, but here night butterfly is in, his heart is still hanging.

Not long ago, all the people who had just been lying in the wards rushed here alive.

Yewei's eyebrows were all tired. When he saw yean, yewei's eyes were red: "second brother! It's very kind of you to come! "

He's really scared!

I'm afraid that night butterfly has an accident with the child. He can't explain it to the whole family. I'm afraid that the paper will fall into his hands and let him sign it!

Night an and night Wei hugged, dumb voice way: "thank you!"

When the whole family falls down, my brother can help me to stay outside my wife's operating room. How can I not be moved by this friendship?

Everyone asked, and finally the light in the operating room went out.

The door opens, the doctor comes out from inside, the night butterfly hasn't pushed out yet!

Good night is always tense!

Everyone is nervous!

Qiao Xin envied and finally couldn't help: "what about the people inside? How are the big ones and the small ones? "

The doctor looked at everyone uneasily, and then said: "well, the baby has been saved for a while, but we have detected a Toxoplasma in the baby's placenta!

Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite found in cats, rabbits and other animals.

Toxoplasma gondii will enter the fetal body through the placenta, causing congenital malformation of the fetus, affecting the nervous system and chorioretinal system of the baby, causing chorioretinitis, leading to microphthalmos and anophthalmos. More serious infection can cause hydrocephalus, intracranial calcification and other diseases.

That is to say, if you choose to leave the children behind, the situation behind will be totally unpredictable.

So we will come out when the situation of pregnant women and fetus is a little stable and meet with your family members to decide whether to induce labor or not! "

In fact, it is to induce labor, but the doctor dare not say, after all, this is Qiao's daughter-in-law!

Cold night almost broke down: "Toxoplasma? You're kidding internationally! My Qiao's pregnant woman will get Toxoplasma? My Qiao family has no pets except snow tiger! Not a mouse! Where's Toxoplasma from! "

Yee'an also collapsed to the extreme: "little butterfly raises a baby at home every day and hardly goes out the door! At that time, I accompanied me day and night when I was pregnant and vomiting. We didn't contact animals at all! "

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