The dinner on the first day of the Lunar New Year is short of many people, but the atmosphere is still very lively because of the presence of Shen and his wife.

In the morning, linglie and his wife are going back to m city with Qingya and Qinglan. First, they will see what the royal residence rebuilt on the original site of Ziwei palace looks like now. Second, they will also go back to see the muyize and his wife.

It is said that Jiang Xin specially wrapped the seafood dumplings that Mu Tianxing loved when he was a child and prepared the dishes that he liked to eat. Moreover, Qingya also asked Beiyue people to send many gifts to Qingcheng to pay a new year's Eve to his grandparents.

As for the reason why she married yundanxi, the royal family of Beiyue issued a statement in the early morning of the first day of the lunar new year.

The statement was finally made after repeated discussions and amendments between Zhuoshi and Sinan.

At first, there was no real idea of getting married.

As we all know, yundanxi is the only one who can talk directly with the gods in the whole northern moon. But as yundanxi grows older, her body is not as healthy as it seems.

For fear that after his death, Beiyue will lose someone who can talk directly with the gods. Yundanxi asks the gods for permission in advance and gives the power to his wife.

However, Beiyue, after all, is a constitutional monarchy. If this power is passed on to outsiders, it will only endanger Beiyue's mountains and rivers, and even lead to civil strife and war.

Therefore, for the sake of the stability of the whole northern moon, there was Yundan Xi who, before she died, married the Qing Ya empress in the name of transmitting her power to the Qing Ya empress.

This is not true incest, but the inheritance of the good wishes for the stability of the North moon and the stability of the country and the peace of the people.

Therefore, it is now known all over the world that the Qing Ya empress married her uncle in order to believe.

The world is big, religious sects are different, and religious spirits and Taoism are different. Even if we can't fully understand it, we will choose to respect the mysterious religious culture of Beiyue.

What's more, it's true that yundanxi fell to death on the steps before she entered the wedding room on the night of marriage; it's also true that the construction of Beiyue after Qingya's accession to the throne will help God in all aspects.

Up to now, she has been honored by the people of beiyuezi as "the shortest and greatest empress in power, none of them.".

We arranged a plan: on the second day of the first year, linglie and his wife took Qinglan and his wife back to Qingcheng.

Luo jiebu will also take his admiring family of four, and Shen and his wife will all go to Qiao's house to give cancan's new year's money and have a good chat with Qiao's house. After all, this is the nearest relative of their own.

After dinner, the couple returned to the room laughing and packing.

Ni Xiyue orders a lot to Ling lie, reminding him to take care of Mu Tianxing and the little five in her belly.

Because tomorrow will be on the way, linglie also early accompany Mu Tianxing back to the room to rest.

You you drag the sleeve of adoration: "Daddy."

Admiring and looking down at him, those big watery eyes are extremely enchanting, and the degree of enchantment is incomparable to human eyes, like magnificent jewelry.

Adore understands the meaning of his eyes: go to find Xiaoqi and Jiusi.

I adore to hold you up and gently say to Bella, "you are at home with mom and Dad, and one by one, I have something to go out with you."

Although Bela was confused, she smiled and agreed: "OK, you can go out at ease."

Adore holding you to the door, father and son in the night under the lake waiting.

Until a helicopter came down from the sky and landed steadily on the lake. A man came down from the helicopter and looked at him with excited eyes and adored: "the big head has seen his Royal Highness Prince!"

He wore a military uniform, because he was born again, and there were no familiar parents and relatives around him, so he chose to celebrate the new year in the army.

Admiring and looking at him, under the light and shadow of the moon and street lamp, the big head exercises more vigorous and upright.

He nodded, "big head, let's go."

Adore holding you want to get on the helicopter, behind you, hear the voice of cloud Xuan: "Your Highness!"

Admiring and looking back at him, he said with a smile, "brother Doudou, I'll go out with Daitou and come back soon. You can rest at home. Happy New Year!"

That's what it means not to take him with you.

Yunxuan looks at the big head and remembers who he is.

This is the man who escaped death in the epidemic control center. He was sent to the military academy by his Royal Highness Prince. Unexpectedly, he came back so soon, and seemed to be recovering well. The whole man was more energetic.

Cloud Xuan stands in the cold wind, decided: must learn to open the helicopter!

In the plane, the big head excitedly carries the admiration to soar above the palace city.

Because it is the orthodox helicopter of Ningguo National Guard, all signals can identify him as his own person, so the whole airspace of Ningguo will be released.

Adoration is not so good interest, holding you, toward the big head: "this is my adopted son, you, for a while, where it points, we will go. Get Xiaoqi and Jiusi back. "

The big head listens, the complexion changes: "small seven? Nine times? "

It sounds like a capital number, isn't it, the children of Yin soldiers?

"Should not..." Big head is nervous!

Those Yin soldiers are his little brothers and sisters!

"Last night, as usual, I let them go, but I lost them both. Up to now, I can't find it. I always thought that maybe they were left behind, so I was afraid to hide. Maybe I came out to find them at night, and they would dare to come out and go home with me. "

The voice of adoration is slow and gentle.

It's hard to hear!

Because of taking the elixir of leaning feather cultivation, Da tou has been integrated with the body. He can't enter and leave the body freely in the form of soul as before.

Otherwise, he really wants to get out of the body and see where the two little ones are!

You and you have been looking, but we can't find the shadow of the two little ones, and the Emerald on the adored little finger is agitated.

Admiring and looking at the jewels, he comforted him and said, "don't worry, I will find them."

The jewel is still vibrating.

Admiring helplessly, looking out of the window, facing the big head, he said: "look for an open space in front and stop for a while."

In a moment.

The helicopter landed on the grass in the park, because it was the first day of the year, and there was no half figure here.

You and you set up a border at the same time, cast a spell so that the big head can also see the children of Yin soldiers.

But see the children swarmed out, all crying and kneeling in front of adoration, pleading for adoration to let them find Xiaoqi and Jiusi.

Adore life and death do not agree!

God knows whether those little devil refiners are still there!

Babies cry heartbroken, dare not come out in the day, can not come out at night, how can they just stay in the ring?

At last, big head and you are all soft hearted to say love to them, admiring this talent: "just look around, only a few of them can travel together, not alone, and report back immediately if there is any situation!"

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