Look into Bella's eyes tonight.

Sometimes I hate that I have mind reading skills. It's really a double-edged sword.

When meeting the villain, I hate that I can't let him die immediately!

It's impossible to be heartless when meeting good people!

This evening saw the purity of Bella's heart, Bella didn't think much, she just completely stood in the angle of admiration to experience his pain, and tried to find all ways to share or replace his pain!

Bella was kneeling and calling her.

This evening, I took a heart and said, "princess, I can't help you do this!

My Qiao family is a minister and loyal for generations. They only do things that are loyal to the emperor and patriotic, and they will not do things that hurt the monarch!

The crown princess is the love wife of the prince and the future queen. I can never do anything to hurt you!

It is absolutely impossible! "

Bella listened, and was about to cry. She was really in a hurry: "aunt! Aunt! Wuwu ~ adoration is coming soon, he is coming soon! I beg my aunt! I can't let him come! "

"Prince and concubine, don't worry. Even if the prince comes to ask for it personally, I have the same attitude. I Qiao family, can never do harm to the monarch! Come back, Princess! "

"If my aunt doesn't agree, I won't get up!"



During the standoff, I felt the cell phone on the bedside table tonight and said in a cold voice: "if the princess can't get on her knees, I can only call Mr. Shen and ask him to take her back. I heard that the Shen family is also a well-educated family. How can we educate our daughter to do such a difficult thing? Should Mr. Shen also drink downstairs now? "

When Bella heard this, her face was even more anxious.

How can Shen Dichen make her lose her taste?

What's more, adoration is a prince. It sounds negative after all. People don't know that these babies are good Yin soldiers. In case of leakage, it will only have a negative impact on the image of the adored prince.

Bella was in a hurry when she thought of adoration!

Wail, wail and go out of the room tonight!

It's very painful to watch her run out in a mess tonight, but she can't help it. She's not unkind, she's not without maternal love, she can't do anything to hurt her family!

Cool night more than once said to her, the jolos, must unite to last!

Do you sacrifice your family's health to help others?

No way!

So, tonight is not possible!

Bella ran out of the room, and a soft voice came from the corridor: "Your Royal Highness, princess?"

Bella was worried. She looked back at her voice.

She immediately wiped her tears and smiled: "Auntie, you're up. I heard that you're comfortable, so I'll eat alone on it. I wanted to say hello, but I'm afraid it would disturb you to rest. Is the due date approaching? "

The whole Qiao family has central heating. Bella is wearing a soft pink long rabbit hair sweater. Her big eyes are crystal clear, black and white.

She was standing quietly on the porch. There was just a ceiling lamp hanging from it. It fell on her smoothly. Her eyes were bright and her hair was beautiful, which made her look like a little fairy.

Such a temperament, with the purity of not knowing the world, is totally inconsistent with the many sufferings she has experienced.

Maybe that's why the more people experience something, the more cold-blooded they are; and the more people experience something, the more they return to nature.

All, or the quality of the soul and character at work.

Bella said, and saw the night butterfly beckoning to her: "Your Majesty, you can't go on like this, your eyes are too swollen. Come and wash your face. Apply ice towel to your eyes before you go down! It's not that bad. "

Bella touched her cold face and knew that she admired cleverness and was afraid that he would see through.

She has full trust in the night butterfly, because the jolos, these four words are also the father and the grandfather, who often hang their mouths.

"Thank you." Bella walked towards the night butterfly. "Then I'll disturb my second aunt for a while."

Night butterfly leads Bella into the suite.

Bella borrowed the bathroom, and night butterfly stood with her belly on her side and smiled: "if the Crown Princess doesn't dislike it, all skin care products can be used. It's just that the crown princess has a noble status. She usually uses expensive cosmetics, right? Or customized? "

Bella, unprepared, picked up, a, women's facial cleanser, began to wash. When

kneaded bubbles on both sides of her cheeks, she laughed, "no, I am all using child cream. We like strawberry. "

Night butterfly seems to be surprised: "is it? How simple are princesses and princesses? "

Bella smiled.

Wash her face clean, she didn't use a towel, but used a face paper to dry the water. After all, the skin care products used others' towels belong to personal items, which are not good.

she was afraid of freezing on her face, so she found the simplest lotion and rubbed it.

Turn around and stare at nightbutterfly with a smile: "thank you, auntie. I'm ok now. I'll go down first. You have a good rest."

Night butterfly nodded and smiled, "well."

Bella is very strange. Why does night butterfly live in Chunge?

But she put it in her heart and didn't ask.

When she fell in love with her, yean was downstairs, so she instinctively thought yean was coming from Qiuge for dinner, but didn't want them to move in.

The ancestral system of the Qiao family was determined by Luo Tianxing, the first princess. She married general Qiao ou and became the mistress of the Qiao family, which made the Qiao family a real family.

Standing in the position of the mother in charge, she made rules that Qiao's blood, except for her heirs, would move out of Chunge when they reached adulthood, and Ding Cheng, a man, would move out of the palace when he got married.

Because the Qiao family has always been the only child, this rule has never been a routine opportunity, until cool night gave birth to three sons.

Although Bella is strange, she doesn't think much about it. After all, the ancestry is determined by human beings, which may not be suitable for future generations?

When she passed the suite this evening, she was still a little uneasy, afraid that her admiration would come up.

When I went downstairs, I saw that the three Qiao brothers were still drinking with admiration. The beer had been changed into rice wine, and there was a pile of fruit wine on the table.

Night Kang also said: "you always say you are a child, you see, we take care of children, so on these children's wine, if you don't drink, you can't say!"

Night Wei also said: "come, three uncles teach you wine order, very simple!"

The restaurant is very lively.

Adore has been drinking red, little fox want to get away, but three brothers like sticky rice cake stick to him!

Bella watched quietly, and her heart began to ache again.

On the one hand, I'm afraid that my adoration will damage my body. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to the three brothers filling him up.

These wines, which seem sweet, have a lot of potential.

I always miss looking for tonight.

He went straight to the table and said, "I can't drink! Three to one is not fair! Next time our three brothers are against your three brothers, we will have another competition! "

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