"Then, then, are you my cousin?" she said

Liuguang is shocked but silent.

Since the appearance of Fang Muchuang, many things have been made. Everyone was stunned. He always thought that he was looking at flowers in the fog and the moon in the water. When he was really about to catch them, he always had other ways to escape.

Last time, the health soup became Qiao's own problem. This time, the little ginseng fruit was left by the old ancestors.

Streamer confused: "how do you prove that it was given to you by your ancestors?

For so many days, Emperor Tianling and Queen Pearl fed me day and night and taught me how to be a man and how to do things. There is no secret for us to get along with each other day and night. We have never heard of any ginseng fruit trees!

However, as long as the person who can point to the skill of Qihuang, he can turn into a small tree!

I can, too! "

Liuguang said, urging his inner part to open his palm, and a small tree really grew in his palm, looking at lojeb proudly with one face: "look! Look! You see! Little tree, I will! Even think about it! "

Then he closed his hand and the tree was gone.

Think of standing awkwardly and saying, "yes, I will, too."

Fang Muchuang's expression is light: "no matter what, if you want to cure my crime, please show me the evidence! If there is no evidence, I will be punished. You can, when the ancestors come back to make the decision for me, weigh it yourself! "

Streamer: "..."

The room is surrounded by a strange atmosphere.

Tilt capacity turn around to turn off the heating and turn on the air conditioner.

It's a little cool, at least it can breathe.

Luo jiebu holds Fang Muchuang and comforts him: "I'm sorry, Muchuang, I'm really sorry. I told Xiao lie that you were the princess, but you didn't want to disclose your identity!"

"Why?" "Why don't you want to disclose your identity?" she said

At this time, I understand.

Because when he wanted to keep Fang Muchuang as the housekeeper, he knew that Ling lie intended to marry the princess of Ni's family to Fang Muchuang.

The first mother in charge of the Ni family's palace is Luo Tianjiao, the youngest daughter of general Ling Yu and the aunt of Fang Muchuang's mother!

How can we get married under this kind of kinship?

But when Ling lie had such a plan, Fang Muchuang never explained it.

Leaning to look at Fang Muchuang's eyes with air conditioner, brother Muchuang at this moment couldn't really see it under the light.

He took a step back fearfully: "brother Mu orange, you don't want to disclose your identity. You'd rather be matched with the princess of Ni's family by the misunderstanding of your father and the emperor. You'd better come to me as a steward, but you're my cousin! What do you mean by putting your body down like this? "

Is it because the steward's identity is more convenient and he can do some bad things to protect him? When there is a problem at last, all of them will be left to his Xiaoxian palace?

I want to say that I won't, brother Muchuang won't.

But brother Muchang is not brother Muchang, it's cousin! (Jeb wakes up the Xi generation, linglie bathes the orange generation)

qianrong associates with Ni Yajun!

It's also my cousin. Let Ni Yajun put down his body and run to be a steward for his younger generation. He didn't say a word. The whole family made a great sacrifice. He was the only one left. He didn't need to be appeased or compensated. He had to be a steward for his younger generation.

Is it possible?

Ni Yajun won't do it!

No cousin in the world will do it!

This is not everyone's choice because of their different personalities. It's a strange phenomenon!

Leaning to allow to step back again, looking at Fang Muchuang, thinking that Qiao's house was almost destroyed before, his hands and feet suddenly became cold!

If there was something really wrong with Qiao's family last time, a corpse was lying on the ground, would Fang Muchuang still help him talk and say that the health preserving soup was sent by cold night? At that time, cool night is dead, who will testify? At that time, linglie must have picked the skin of qianrong!

The reason why Fang Mucheng helps the royal family to talk is that Fang Mucheng thought of a way out early in the morning, so he would not be in a hurry or busy. Moreover, when the spear pointed at Fang Mucheng himself, he would stand up and talk!

But if it's the spear head pointing at tilt, what will happen to Fang Muchuang? Will you help me? Or help us to let death go further?

Incline to allow to think along this direction, surprised to feel oneself can also reason unexpectedly!

But the heart is not a little excited, but feel gloomy and horrible!

He doesn't want to stay here, he doesn't want to stay!

Turning to the outside, he strode out: "I'm looking for adoration!"

It seems that things are going to be over again.

After all, Fang Muchuang's amazing identity exposed is just his gold medal of death free!

Luo's family will never kill each other. What's more, he is the son of the princess and the child of man men who make contributions to Ningguo. Without any evidence, it's impossible to treat him!

Liuguang sips her lips: "I'll go back to accompany the girl doll. In the next few days, the mobile phone will be turned off. Don't look for me!"

Thinking about it, I was also sweating in my hands, looking at lojeb: "Grandpa Huang, we didn't know that Butler Fang was a cousin before, but now we know that it's impossible for him to stay as a housekeeper as before. It's too aggrieved for him.

My father said before that we are all clear about the knowledge and details of bringing a loyal generation of stewards from China. "

"Well, make your own arrangements!" Luojie preached, then took Fang Muchuang and left.

In the empty study, think of sweating all over!

There is a feeling of almost collapse. It seems that I didn't know when I was close to death. Looking back, I found that I was scared out of cold sweat.

Of course, she is not sure that Fang Muchuang has problems, after all, there is no evidence.

However, such a person, she and qianrong, are definitely afraid to use it again.

I fell in love with her and began to pack.

Go to his prince, he will not do it, who likes to do it!

* br >

when Qingrong chases Qiao's house and finds out that the adoration is not there. When she wants to ask Bella, she finds that Bella and sanning are missing.

And on the cruise ship, near noon, last night did not visit the lake of the Shen Di Chen couple, Ni Xiyue, and Qiao Xin Xian couple, are on the ship.

Liang Ye is very familiar with Shen Di Chen. He has dealt with big countries in the market several times. He thinks that the character and knowledge of each other are very good. But he didn't expect that the wheel of fate is so wonderful that they became relatives.

Qing Rong looks for a circle, and finally listens to Gu Baifeng: "just now, young master you came here and took the Crown Princess and princess Shengning away, saying that there is something wrong with going back to the dormitory."

So he rushed to the palace.

When he finally stopped his car at Yueya Lake and rushed back to the bedroom, he found that all four of his admirers were not in the bedroom!

He looked at it blankly and asked, "what about people? What about admiring people? "

Qu Shiwen didn't know why Qing Rong was so anxious. She said with a smile, "the helicopter that came to pick them up just now landed on the roof and said it was taking them to the snow mountain. Didn't your majesty just reward the prince a snow mountain?"

Tilt capacity: "..."

Adore's phone, Bella's phone, big head's phone, all can't get through!

Qingrong rushes upstairs to see if they have left their luggage. Qu Shiwen follows quickly and always feels that something has happened.

However, when they opened the baby room and found that there were no bottles or anything, even the villa on the fourth floor, they finally realized the seriousness of the matter!

God, your Royal Highness has left home with the princess and the princess!

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