Once again, Qingyu comes here with porridge.

She smilingly walked to the front of adoration, flattered: "Prince brother, I promise, this time will not be bitter!"

Admiration is ignored, only: "to withdraw the border, I promise not to go down, is to hold her."

"No way. She's full of water. You can't touch her any more.

Moreover, it can only come in once in a lifetime, the first time it goes through, and then it will be the same as any ordinary stream and river between heaven and earth.

So you can't touch the water in the pool. You can touch your sister after you leave the customs! "

Adore some to break ground to look at her: "incline feather, do you understand?

She's my wife!

No matter what happens, whether it's to prolong her life or to have children, we should all work together!

Instead of watching her suffer here, I can't help anything! "

Adoration is in a hurry.

He did make up his mind to accompany her, but Qing Yu was in the way now. He had to stop him!

"Prince brother, you drink this bowl of porridge, and I will withdraw the border."

Adoration took a deep look at her and seemed to ponder the credibility of her words.

Finally, I reached out and took the porridge.

He held the spoon and stirred it, relieved, and whispered, "it seems that it's not bad."

I just tasted the hot air.

The face of adoration suddenly changed, turn around and find the trash can to spit in!

Chui Yu spits out his tongue and catches up with him. "Prince, brother, no, I didn't put salt this time, and I didn't boil it.

I'm afraid you just drink porridge without nutrition, and add some lard, duck oil and seafood oil to you! "

Limu put the bowl on the table, took the bread from the backpack, wet it with mayonnaise and chewed it dry, and said: "tilt feather, you are good, I eat bread very well.

Your porridge, I have no luck in my life! "

When I was satisfied, my eyes fell on my wife's face.

Later, he took the time to lie back in bed and sleep under the covers.

I'm too tired. I'm really tired. I have to take good care of myself.

What everyone doesn't know is that at the top of the snow mountain, even if snow Hao is not smart enough, she can't see the boundary -

Suning's small body is suspended in the air in a large shape, her long hair is flying, her expression is ferocious, she looks up to the sky and roars!

The bleak cry went straight up to 90000 Li!

Linglie is working. Suddenly, he sees the light and shadow of the office changing. He naturally looks up and looks at the clear glass window.

But see outside the window, a sea of galloping golden clouds, like the Buddha light, shining!

He walked out of the office building in surprise, and went back to Chunlei's house.

Because a little later, you can see more sky that is not covered by buildings. Such a grand and magnificent spectacle is almost unheard of and almost unheard of.

Look at the boundless golden cloud sea and boundless Buddha light!

Zhuo ran was careful to accompany and let the weather bureau give the news.

The news that came over soon was that there was no sign of a sudden spectacle.

In addition, there is no golden sea of clouds in the air outside the territory of Ningguo. The air within the territory of Ningguo is almost completely covered by the golden sea of clouds.

People are talking about it, and photographers are recording and capturing it.

Linglie herself also took this picture.

Foreign media began to report such a picture.

Such a golden scene makes many Buddhists meditate on the spot.

There is also a voice among the people saying that this is the manifestation of Buddha and the protection of Ningguo.

Linglie finished shooting, turning around, just saw Fang Muchuang with a telescope, sticking his head out of the window on the second floor of Chunlei house!

He smiled and waved, "bathe in orange!"

Fang Mu orange put down the telescope, also said hello to Ling lie, and then held the telescope to watch the magnificent scene.

At the entrance of the cave.

Streamer no longer hovers.

It falls beside the silent Xuehao and enjoys the wonders.

Xuehao has been shocked by the grandeur in front of her: "it's so beautiful."

Liuguang also incarnates as a person, meditates quietly, reads the memorial scriptures by the light of Buddha, prays that all the people he loves are healthy.

When he opened his eyes again, he said to Xuehao with emotion: "this is someone who has accomplished great merit, and then there will be a golden sea of clouds.

When I was listening to Sanskrit in Tibet, I saw it once.

A few hours later, a message came from Lhasa that a female living Buddha had passed away to Rinpoche.

But today's battle is too big.

It is recorded in a secret school letter that hundreds of years ago, a prince of a foreign country jumped into the dense poisonous snake cave and sacrificed himself to save his mother.

Maybe it's the Dragon Girl and what filial piety she did.

It's immeasurable merit to be granted the golden cloud sea by heaven!

If you are a practitioner, the heavenly palace has a record of the golden cloud sea, which can be saved from thunder and ascend to the immortals. "

Xuehao is really envious.

But also curious: "Longzi Longnv?"

"Yes, ordinary people are filial. They don't have such magnificence. At most, it's what I saw in Lhasa before."

"Snow Hao's mouth angle Drew:" this is Ningguo's golden cloud sea, you say, who is Ningguo's dragon daughter

Streamer: "..."

The envious smile solidified in the corner of his mouth.

He was still thinking about when he could really rise to the immortal if he accumulated merits and virtues like this.

Unexpectedly, Xuehao woke him up with a word!

Yes, this is Ningguo!

This is Ningguo!

To have such boundless merits and virtues is to suffer greatly!

Xuehao has already sent a message to Qianyu in the cave: "how is your royal highness prince?"

Longzi, Longnv - I don't think it's because I adore my wife. I've done something that makes me cry for ghosts and gods. Has it moved the heaven?


They would rather admire this merit than suffer a little pain or sin.

Tilt Feather Voice relaxed very: "just now elder sister said, a little pain all can't feel, so Prince elder brother also relaxed, also was sleeping.".

They are all very good. You can rest assured. "

Xuehao immediately said to Liuguang, "it's not your royal highness! But tilt feather says, crown princess does not ache at all! "

Liuguang thought of it: "it seems that I can't hear the princess crying for a long time."

Panicked, he immediately said to Xuehao, "you are here, I'll go back to the palace!"

But do not be Luo you or Luo one or two little princes, what happened!

Xuehao panicked, but he took the sleeve of the streamer and said: "you should pay attention to safety back and forth.

And don't worry. Maybe today's gifted cloud is not what we think it is, but a coincidence of weather. "

Despite this, streamer felt that Xuehao's face was pale.

He nodded his head and immediately turned into an eagle and spread his wings.

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