Bella knew that admiration was wronged.

I also understand that she and adore the mission on her shoulders and do not allow them to be willful for too long.

But why go back like this? No way.

She wants linglie to ask them to come and pick you up. When you run away from home, you are asked to say good words to take you back and go back with yourself. These are two natures.

Bella herself doesn't care, but she won't let adoration be wronged again.

I watched adore's inability to sleep in such a small kitchen, and the fried oil sticks of the night, which spread in her heart; I watched adore take out a pistol and a throwing knife, and kill red eyes with the soldiers, which also spread in her heart.

Home is always a good medicine for the soul.

No matter the misunderstanding or the grievance, the Luo family can't be split or gossip, so Bella understands that they have to go back. They have to solve the misunderstanding, solve the problem, and keep a family warm and glowing.

Qu Shiwen calls Bella again. It's off there.

Mu Tianxing is not in a hurry: "snow mountain! All countries did not give us the warning and warning that the fighting aircraft of the muyingdui team violated their airspace, indicating that they are still in Ningguo!

A group of wolves besieged me. I can't think of any place other than snow mountain. That's where I admire myself!

Just think about it, a person has been wronged, he is like hiding in a completely their own place?

Snow mountain, it must be snow mountain! "

Linglie hugs her and sits on the sofa: "you don't need to hurry, you are so excited. It's not good for the junior five."

As soon as linglie's voice came down, he looked up at qushiwen and said, "notice ran, get ready for the plane. I'll go to snow mountain to pick them up!"

Qushiwen nodded: "yes!"

Linglie goes back to his room, ready to change clothes and go to Xueshan.

But as soon as he took off his clothes, he was blocked in front of the wardrobe by Mu Tianxing.

She looked up at her tall husband and held his arm anxiously: "what about Fang Muchuang?

The four children he admires are gone. They are the children he would rather sacrifice his love and soul to save if he was no longer complete! How can he come back with you if the problem is not solved? "

Linglie's face was a little embarrassed: "no evidence, darling, no evidence, no such law."

Mu Tianxing's tears revolved in his eyes: "I heard that Qing Yu told me later that all the rings of his admiration were bright. It was an induction! If it wasn't for the adoring kid, the ring wouldn't be bright! "

"That can't be evidence either!"

"Then let my son bear the pain of bereavement for nothing, and can't revenge for his own child? The four children died in vain? "

"Little darling, I pray that the prince will come back soon. I pray that the prince is our relative and the innocent father-in-law of ximajun! Fang Muchuang is the son of his twin sister. Do you think that at this time, without any evidence, Fang Muchuang can move? Reason! Darling, you need to show the Queen's sense! "

Linglie breaks away from the hand of Mu Tianxing and holds her gently in her arms: "you are lovely! A lot of things lead to the whole body! The emperor can't even think about himself, so the emperor has to sacrifice at this time! Some revenge, not be not to return, the future is long, always have a chance! "

Mu Tianxing pushes Ling lie away!

In the past, no matter how many sweet words and soul chicken soup linglie poured on her, she accepted them all.

But not now!

She looked at her husband, who was pushed away by herself, and said in a cold voice, "uncle! When I was a child, my only wish was to be happy! My only wish now is to make him happy!

If you always look forward, you can, you don't go to the snow mountain to pick up adoration, because you can't solve the problem this time, and you will make adoration suffer another grievance!

You want to tell him that you understand his difficulties, but can't help him solve what, then what are you going to do? Don't go! "

Mu Tianxing said, and rushed to the door of the suite with a big stomach, shouting to the downstairs: "Your Majesty is not going out! Don't prepare the plane! "

Linglie stands in place, hands on his hips, breathing deeply.

So repeatedly twice, he depressed his mood, went to the door and pulled Mu Tianxing's arm: "little darling, don't do this, it's not good to move the foetus."

Mu Tianxing looks at him with an expressionless face. "From now on, to what you just said, there will be a long time and a chance. When did you solve Fang Muchuang? When did you have an explanation for him and his children? Go back to collect him!

Otherwise, what does he come back for?

Is to tell him that he was bullied, but can't help him out, let him come back to continue to hold?

Uncle, you are a king. You need to have a comprehensive consideration. You need to take into account the feeling of your lineage, the law and evidence. Yes, I understand. I'm not in trouble!

So now, you don't want to go, you wait for the day when you say it will be a long time. Let's talk about it later! "


"You can't have both! If you want to take the overall situation into consideration, you need to admire the grievances and not pursue them. It's impossible to continue to work hard! Uncle, don't be greedy! "


"From now on, to sit on the moon, I want to live by myself, I need to be quiet! Sister Ashi, I want to live in the children's room of Shengning. Help me to prepare it! "


"Uncle, I understand you. Please understand me and admire me! That's it! "

Looking at his wife so into the children's room, but also closed the door, Ling lie stood on the corridor full of gloom!


How could the queen have separated from him? He has been used to the safe night that he buries his head in her chest every day. Does it make him lose sleep at night?

People in the dormitories dare not speak one by one. The prince's family runs away from home and his majesty and queen live separately. In such a time, when the atmosphere in the dormitories is the most depressed, they have jobs in their hands, and they all hide far away from work.

The pressure of the prince's departure and the separation of the queen made linglie gasp for breath.

He paced back and forth on the corridor and prepared the helicopter. However, he stood in the hall and looked at the lonely figure on the corridor on the second floor of the palace. He dared not say a word.

At this time, however, luoxingfan's phone call came.

He said on the phone: "Your Majesty, I have returned to China, and I have seen Mu orange. I implore your majesty to come over and have a dinner. I have something important to discuss with your majesty. "

Linglie directly asked: "Uncle wofan is welcome. If you have anything to explain directly, my nephew will try his best."

"Your Majesty has said a lot. In fact, there is nothing else.

The prince's house of prayer is hereditary. I'm old now, and I've already quit politics. Among my children, it's a great honor for Suqi to become the empress of XiMao. Therefore, I'd like to ask your majesty to give my nephew, Mu Cheng, a surname of Luo! "

"Wake up uncle fan, don't make trouble. Su Yi is the son of the world. He is still young and he will become a useful talent. Last time I went to XiMao, you Wuxie praised Su Yi several times in front of me."

"Your Majesty, I am serious, and Su Yi agrees. We came back to persuade Mu orange for a long time. He just agreed to be a son of the world. So, everything is ready, just for your majesty to order! "

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