Tilt blue told adoration, or the shadow told tilt blue, said Fang Muchuang gave the fruit pill.

The dark pupils of adoration are unfathomable, but they are shining with fine light.

Why would grandpa Jinrong call him and let him take care of the fruit?

He suddenly waved to Yunxuan.

Yun Xuan bowed his head, but heard his highness whispering in his ear: "ask the guards, coco can ask to leave the palace today."

Yunxuan has been following adoration for many years, but she can't feel what her highness thinks.

But he believed: Your Highness is wise.

As Zhuo ran, in any case, will firmly believe that his majesty is wise.

"Yes." Yunxuan answers and takes a step.

It doesn't take a moment for Yunxuan to come back and say something in her admiring ear.

Admiring the light of the eyes flickered a few times, not words, but nodded gently to show that he knew.

Outside the house.

Xiao Wen took the pregnancy test paper with her own jade spy. She thought, this is wonderful. She has such a thing in the medical records of the palace hospital!

However, she didn't ask the doctor to see a doctor or register something. She just went to the pharmacy and handed over the jade spy to take the things directly. Shouldn't it be recorded?

But she saw the druggist smile and gave it to her. She didn't see what the other side input into the computer, or asked her what.

Back to the bedroom, the breakfast for the masters has been used up.

His royal highness sits on the carpet, with your young master and princess Shengning building blocks. The whole palace is warm and warm without any difference.

She quickly turned over, playing back the room, still exclaimed: not bad, the trip was also a smooth one.

Seeing her coming back, Guoguo immediately sat up and looked at her: "bought it?"

"Well." Xiao Wen handed over one of the things: "try one first, see the situation, try another, I bought two!"

Guoguo grabs it and goes straight to the bathroom.

This is a long time.

Xiaowen looks at her cell phone and knocks on the door. "Sister, it's been 15 minutes. Have you measured it?"

In the bathroom, there was a low choking voice.

Little coco opened the door quickly. She saw Guoguo sitting on the edge of the bathtub, holding the pregnancy test stick in her hands, and her face was full of tears!

She rushed forward: "sister!"

Two pregnancy test sticks, all the same results, one deep one shallow two bars!

Xiao Wen asked incredulously, "sister, didn't you say that the man gave you the contraceptive?"? Elder sister? What's going on? "

Guoguo immediately stood up and covered her mouth: "I understand him! I really understand him! Don't say, don't say! "

Coco dare not say a word.

At this point, Guoguo seems to have changed into a person, standing happily in front of the washing table and starting to dress up.

She also asked from time to time, "do you know when the prince praying family came here?"

Xiaowen is worried that her sister won't let her talk. Naturally, she won't say anything. Although there are many questions in her mind, when she wants to say something, she becomes: "sister, did you wash your hands when you just covered my mouth?"

Guoguo looks at her, stunned.

A kind of silence spread, and then a burst of laughter exploded in the whole bathroom.

Well, for the sake of her sister's smile now, coco won't ask her sister to wash her hands.

She stood at the window and looked out.

Until 10:30 in the morning, I saw the car of Prince Qi's mansion coming and stopping at the lake.

Don't underestimate the road from the lakeside to the bedchamber. Since the last attack on the bedchamber, Yekang has set up a hidden line under the floor tiles by the lakeside for security inspection.

So later all the visiting vehicles will stop at this position. All the people who enter the palace, even his majesty himself, will walk along this road and back to the palace from the lake.

For others, it is natural to rule out weapons and insecurity.

For his majesty and other masters, it is natural to rule out whether they have been bugged or not.

These data are carefully analyzed by special personnel of the security bureau every day to ensure that the dormitory is safe.

Also because of this, when the awaking family and Fang Muchuang really arrived at the main hall of the dormitory, they all knew that they were safe.

Adoration has gone upstairs with Bella's endorsement.

He knew that this was brother luojiebu and brother luoxingfan. They wanted to be peacemakers while linglie was not at home, so that they could get rid of the misunderstanding between them.

However, in the past, adoration never felt that there was a misunderstanding between Fang Muchuang and himself.

Except for the news that coco picked up the pregnancy test paper.

He suddenly became very deep, eyes deep, as if looking at Bella's textbooks, but the precise brain seems to be thinking about other things.

Downstairs, coco smiled and said to her sister, "here he is. Are you going out to tell him the news? Or do I call him over and let him talk to you alone? "

Guoguo stands in front of the mirror and looks at himself.

Because she can sleep well in the past few days, with a lot of dark circles around her eyes, her sharp chin is a bit like an awl. She should eat more to nourish her baby.

Hearing what coco said, she seemed to be awakened by something!

For a moment, she took off her hair, washed off her face's light makeup, and even rushed back to the wardrobe to take the most simple and simple pajamas!

Coco looked at her puzzled: "sister!"

Before because of no children, even if.

Now that we have children, why not? Why not fight for it?

Guoguo opened his eyes and stared at her: "even if you die, you will rot in your stomach!

I'm not pregnant. I broke up with that scum!

If you are my sister, you should keep these two points in mind. If you dare to reveal a word to anyone, I will die in front of you immediately! Never break your promise! "

Close your eyes. Tears fall from the corners of the fruit.

She should take good care of her baby, but she can't go out to see him, let alone go out to see him happily and gracefully, and tell him: you are going to be a father!

Coco is anxious and helpless!

Mr. and Mrs. rojeb shook hands with the awaking party.

As soon as Su Yi came into the room, he called people cleverly. He said with a smile: "during the new year, Xiao Yi received the gift from brother Huang. Xiao Yi liked it very much. Brother Huang is not here today, so Xiaoyi would like to thank her. "

Mu Tianxing doesn't take a look at Mu orange. Even when Ni Xiyue introduced Fang Mu orange to her, she was sitting on a separate couch of the sofa and didn't have a look.

Looking at Su Yi, she smiled happily: "little Shizi is so lovely, no wonder your brother loves you so much, so many Shizi have sent you New Year's gifts alone."

"You you," Mu Tianxing called you and Shengning to say hello to their elders one by one, and then said to Su Yi, "this is my great grandson Luo you. Let's play together!"

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